ALAN WATT    BLURB (i.e. Educational Talk):




May 24, 2007


Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt – May 24, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)





Hi folks. I'm Alan Watt and this is  Today is May 24, 2007.


And I'm going to let you hear a conversation I had with Butch Chancellor from Missouri just a couple of days ago.  This is not atypical of the kind of calls I get, all through the week, with people who have the fallout of today's society, and the changes that have occurred, and are occurring actually, hitting them personally. 


Most people go through life, and when they’re in their earlier years they enjoy it to the full, for all the things that life has to offer. They chase the things they are suppose to have and do.  They don't realize they're categorized already, in that state they're in, from those beneath them (the younger ones) and those who are above them (the older ones).  Every generation has purposely been separated from the next.  There's no real interaction.  We have government experts now, and categories and associations and societies of experts, who deal with all the problems, which society itself used to deal with, and that families used to deal with. 


Families are pretty well broken now and the generation gap is more than a gap—it's a separation, where many young people think the elderly are useless.  They do really think that. They do.  Whereas, not too long ago, the elderly had the wisdom.  They had the memories. They'd gone through all the mistakes.  They'd seen the con-games that happen down through the years in politics.  They'd seen the consequences of the double-speak lies of politicians and agendas, and they could always advise the young.  Therefore, that had to be smashed a long time ago.  Books were written, in the early 1900’s, about the format and the necessity to separate the generations, so that wisdom couldn't be passed on.  Then when it comes the next generation’s turn to suffer the consequences, they have no data to go on, so they fall into the same traps.


Most people don't realize how bad it is, until it happens to them.  The media is incredibly good at stigmatizing people on behalf of the agencies that are taking over the lives of people.  Therefore, just simple accusations or statements that come out of, say, Children's Aids Societies or a police P.R. spokesman who gives statements, will be taken at face value and never questioned by the general public, or it wouldn't be in the paper.  That's how we analyze things.  We don't really analyze.  We simply get them downloaded into us, and we accept them without realizing there's much more to all this than meets the eye.  It's the same with the elderly. 


You have the children on one end, getting taken by the Children's Aid, and you have the elderly who have been rounded up, at times, by agencies, who make their living of taking the pensions of the elderly.  They also get grants and so on, tied in with the pharmaceutical agencies to drug patients, once they have them in under their clutches, where they put you in a little chair next to the wall. Stick a tray in there (a sliding tray) that locks and you're sitting there rocking, trying to get out of it, so they put you on Haladol or something else to keep you quiet.  That's a good patient, when you're drooling and quiet. That's literally how the system works; it’s inhumane.  But then, the elderly have lost all respect, purposely, through propaganda and movies. In the movies you always see the elderly as being dotery, silly, childlike.  That's how they're portrayed, by deliberation of course.


I don't sit here doing what I'm doing because there's nothing else I'd like to do. It's just that it's an imperative, at the moment, to say what I know to the public, while there's a chance to say anything at all, because this will stop one day, as the big steamroller of totalitarianism and the new scientific society hoists its flag even higher, until everyone sees it. 


Many of the calls I take are tragic—heartbreaking, from people in trouble, who've been your average person, generally, who didn't realize, very often, how bad it was until this system aimed at them and came after them.  This upcoming talk I had with Butch is rather typical, in fact, of what I deal with, often on a daily basis, but definitely on a weekly basis, from all different countries.


This is what happened to him, because of something which will happen to everyone eventually, when his wife who was already bedridden (had been for years), whom he'd taken care of since she was paralyzed, from an operation she received in the hospital. She'd probably be dead if they'd taken care of her since, but the fact is that she's been alive for years since, and Butch was taking care of her by himself.  That's says a lot right there.  However, you'll hear his story of when he thought he would take her for a checkup, because for a few days he noticed she wasn't quite herself.


This is what transpired, and this is his story, and this is where it stands now.  Listen and learn.



Butch:  This is an account of the occurrences on Monday the 21st of May.  My bed-fast wife, she's paralyzed and she has been bed-fast for 11 years, had become ill.  She's 78 years old, and we called for an ambulance to come pick her up and take her to the hospital for an examination.  A neighbor called 911 to obtain this ambulance.  In a few minutes I heard a siren coming round the corner and down the street, and I couldn't think this was for us, because this was not an emergency siren, but he stopped in front of the house, and there was a knock on the door.


I had left the door open and the screen unlocked, because I was expecting them.  So I called to them, since I was working with Martha, my wife, and told them come on in.  This guy came into the house saying, "Did you call the fire department?"  I said, "No, of course not. We don't have a fire here."  He says, "Did you call an ambulance?"  I said, "Yeah, I called an ambulance."  He says, "These days, if you call an ambulance, you get the fire department."  I didn't understand that, but no sooner had he said that then he rushed a position on my left. The second guy assumed a position on my right and the third guy was standing directly in front of me, in the classic military triangulation fire pattern.  Any of you guys that are in the military will recognize that, and there I was in the middle of a triangle.


These guys were dressed in black; from boot to their collar, they were all black.  They were not wearing a cap or any head gear, but they all had heavy pistol belts and a heavy pistol on the belt, and they were trying to figure out, I guess, who got to shoot me first.  This one guy appeared to be the spokesman for them.  These black uniforms they were wearing said “Fire Department” on the back, but there was no fireman's badge or anything like that.  He began asking routine questions about Martha's current condition and her immediate condition, before she became ill. All of them were reasonable enough questions. This one fellow, at one point, interrupted. He said he wanted to examine by smoke detector.  I told him "go ahead".  I guess this was a part of the act. I don’t' know.


Meantime, the little mean-looking guy, the one that was on the top point of this pyramid, or triangle rather, had quit fingering his gun butt and assumed the military position of parade arrest.  The fellow that was doing the talking continued to question me, about Martha and her condition.  The one fellow, the little military guy, stepped outside and apparently called on a cell phone, because another siren fired up, this time just a couple of doors away, and they just moved down a couple of doors and stopped at the house.  Then came the “real” ambulance crew, four guys with a gurney, and one guy with a clipboard.   The guy with the clipboard proceeded to ask me the identical questions the other fellow had asked.  They then loaded Martha onto the gurney and left, asking no further questions.


One of the most puzzling things for me, was they asked no questions about me or my ability to pay, or Martha's Medicare or Medicard, you know, the ordinary stuff, that I've been used to at hospital entrances, was, you've got to fill out reams of paper, they demand my social security number, as well as Martha's, and ID and so on.  They asked for none of that. So I got thinking about it, and I said I better get out there to the hospital and fill out that paperwork, because I don't know if they're going to do anything for her, unless they get their paperwork.  So I called over there.  My neighbor was here, and I was telling him what I was going to do, and he says "I'll run over and get that for you, but maybe you better call them and see if they'll give it to me."  And I said, "Okay, I'll call them."   I called them and they says "No, no, no. We've got all we need." I think that indicates something about the massive databases or spy bases we've heard of.


They didn't want my ID. My social security number. Usually, they want your spouse's social security number to check their credit, and make sure they have got enough money to pay the hospital bill, but I think they must already have that these days.


Alan:  They do.   How old was your wife?


Butch:  78.


Alan:  And you are?


Butch:  72.


Alan:  You're 72.  You should tell the listeners what happened to your wife initially, years ago, to cause all this.


Butch:  Okay.  In 1994, my wife and I, and a niece and her little daughter, were having dinner at a fish place. As we were leaving, my wife became ill and I took her outside, because it was hot in there, and I thought I would get her a fresh breath of air, because she was feeling dizzy, she said.  I took her outside, and the fresh air didn't seem to do much for her.  So a nice lady came along and steadied Martha on a rail, while I went and got the car and the niece paid our bill.   We took her home and she became violently ill, vomiting and diarrhea.  I thought she was going to be okay after clearing that up, but she continued to have the dry heaves. I didn't know what to do about that, so I told her, “I’ll take you to the hospital, whichever one you want to go to.”  She told me and it happened to be the nearest one, so I was happy with that. 


So we took her over there, and they looked her over for about three hours there, in the ER, and they brought her out on the gurney, and she was out like a light.  A guy says, "we fixed the nausea, but we need to keep her overnight to take care of the diarrhea."  This was on a Friday evening, and by that time it was about 10 or 11 o'clock.  He says, "You can come by in the morning, when the doctor's around, and pick her up."  And he says, "The doctor's rounds, since it's a Saturday, will be at 11.”  I said, "Okay, I'll be there at 11 to pick her up."


In the meantime, on Saturday morning her daughter said, "mom's still asleep."  I don't know it's 8 o'clock or 9, and I thought it was strange, because mom's an early riser.  She's never been in bed after 6 a.m.  So I went in there, and I found all kinds of strange things going on.  It appeared to me that somebody was trying to fool somebody or something, because Martha kept saying, "I want to go to the bathroom." They had the rails up on the bed, and they had an IV in her arm, and she said, "I want to go to the bathroom.” I said, "okay." 


I rang for the nurse, and the nurse was irritated about it. She says, "She doesn't need to go to the bathroom. She's dehydrated. That's why we've got the IV in her arm."  She said, "but I'm going to put her on the bed pan, just to show you."  I said, "Okay, go ahead."  And she did and Martha was happy, but there was no urination.  It's been that way, now for 11 eleven years.


Alan:  What did they do there with the surgeon?


Butch:  With the surgeon?


Alan:  Yeah.


Butch:  Okay.  Following that, you know it took me a while to figure out that something was bad wrong. For one thing, they were lying to me about Martha and her condition.  Whenever I figured it out, I told the nurses that I think she has brain damage, and I want a doctor in here now, and I want her examined for brain damage.  Well, there was a lot of fluttering, and they brought in a guy who was advertised as a “brain surgeon.” He says, "I want to put a shunt in Martha's head." 


In the meantime, they did take x-rays and they told me that there was a clot at the base of her skull that was shutting off the return line, so that her brain was under pressure.  He says, "what we'll do is, we'll put in a shunt. We'll drain off the pressure."  Well, I'd known a guy who had lived with a shunt for years, so I approved of it.  They did not do a shunt.  The guy drove a spike down through the top of her skull, down just to the right of midline of the brain, all the way down through the medulla, and into the spinal cord, and that wasn't necessary.   He did it a second time.  Of course that paralyzed her instantly, and damaged her vision and her coordination, and just a lot of things.  It paralyzed the entire left side of her body, and it's been paralyzed since.  That's kind of what happened to start this all off. 


Alan:  The other thing is: What was it the story they gave you this time, when you came in the other day there, and when they talked about the condition of the house?  How did that arise?


Butch:  I'm not sure what was going on, on that. Nobody said anything to me about a condition of the house, here. But what happened was my sister who had been—she had lived all through this earlier thing in the '90’s with us.  We of course filed a lawsuit, and that resulted in death threats and people killing our dogs, and that kind of thing. We had raids by the sheriff's office, and all kinds of things like that. But that settled down after a while, when the court cases quit, and nobody bothered us for several years.  Let's see, what was your question again, Alan?


Alan:  Are they actually trying to use that as an excuse?


Butch:  Oh yes, yes. My sister called the hospital, and the nurse read her the message notes, or chart, on the end of her bed.  The first entry was that the house was dirty and there was feces everywhere. So I think we were all set-up. That was what they maintained, and that somehow Martha's illness was related to that.


Alan:  The inference.


Butch:  Okay.  Since then, and it took them a while to do it, but they discovered that her illness was due to a stone lodged in the urinary tract, which gave her a urinary infection, which gave her a bladder infection--


Alan:  Which dehydrated her.


Butch:  --Which gave her a blood infection.  That was the second story, and today they revised it a little bit when my sister was over there.  They said, "Yeah, all that's true, but there was…" -- Let's see, what is the bacteria that--


Alan:  Is it E-coli?


Butch:  Pardon me.


Alan:  Is it E-coli they're going after?


Butch:  E-coli. There was E-coli in the blood. So they're trying to get their story organized, I think.


Alan:  You used to do shows, didn't you, on the situation of the government?


Butch:  Yes. I was on Crusade Radio, three days a week live, for two years. There was a show called "Hot Seat for Judges," and I interviewed people who had been damaged by the corrupt court system.


Alan:  So you're already popular. 


Butch:  Pardon me.


Alan:  You're already popular in the right places, right?


Butch:  Oh yeah, yeah.  And then for another year, I did the same three-hour stint with a show that was with a little different format, a wider range. It was called "These Orwellian Times."  It looked at the whole spectrum of what's going on out there, and there were people out there that don't like me much.


Alan:  Do you think that's something to do with the way these guys came in, with the guns and all the rest of it?


Butch:  Yes, I do.  I think when they told me that "we know all we need to know--"


Alan:  Then they did.


Butch:  --That included all of my sordid past.


Alan:  That's it. That's what they meant by that. That's it. So they're out to set you up here, I think, too.  Now you've got to go through the battles of trying to find out how they're treating your wife, and the prognosis, and what the future schedule is with it all.


Butch:  One of the things that we treated, one of the topics that we treated quite extensively on "These Orwellian Times," was the state ordered murder thing, like Terri Schiavo and the murder of old folks in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice.


Alan:  You're really, really popular now.


Butch:  You know they were waiting to get me.  We had people on our show, for instance, such as the Hospice Patient's Alliance. We had them on there a lot.  We brought on people to talk, and these people generally wanted assistance in springing somebody who was being held prisoner, in a hospital or a nursing home or hospice somewhere, and being held there and not given any food or water.  Once in a while, those folks—I did what I could to help them on my show, and generally there were a lot of people that did other shows that would listen to mine, and then they would invite those people on as guests from our show, so it was kind of a snowball effect.


Alan:  They certainly know your name, and they certainly know you've been digging up the dirt.  There's a lot of dirt there to dig up, and they don't like that, being disturbed.


Butch:  And the other topic that I must tell you, there were attempts to censor the show. There were attempts to hack the show, and quite successful attempts at hacking the show. Hacking my telephone number, on two occasions my telephone was totally disconnected.  Most of it seemed to center on people who were my guests, who were exposing CPS/DFF child kidnapping and state trafficking in children.  Some of it may be coming from that direction.


Alan:  You do know that the whole agenda now, is eventually to guide us all into accepting euthanasia as the norm.


Butch:  Yes.


Alan:  And that, once our function of serving the state and paying taxes is over.


Butch:  That's true. That's exactly the way that it is.  All of this is far more extensive than even I had realized, or some aspects of it anyway.  This “call an ambulance and get the hook and ladder truck.” I've never seen that before.


Alan:  What they'd have done years ago, is bring in the paramedic teams; and apparently they changed it.  I don't why its fire engines, you know. But again--


Butch:  I don't what they were. I just mention that because they claimed to be firemen, but they were nothing like it. I don't know what they were.


Alan:  Did you ever see firemen who carry pistols?


Butch:  Right. And wear black?


Alan:  And wear black and boots and combat boots.


Butch:  Yeah. That one, that little military twerp, had his combat boots glossed.  The other guys didn't.


Alan:  This is a team, coming in first, because you've been known in the area, too, by neighbors, as being someone who’s not too enthusiastic about governmental policies.


Butch:  Yes.  I guess maybe I made a mistake by bringing in local people, whose children had been seized. I did that. I did with several of the local people, and yes, their phones were tapped. Mine were tapped, and these guys they would break in on the conversation.


Alan:  Yes, I've had that in the past.


Butch:  They harass you by cutting you off, or making noises, or whatever.


Alan:  That's right.  This is in the freest country in the world, right?


Butch:  “Freedom of speech.” But you know we have that kind of stuff.   I've been off air for quite some time. I've been preparing to do a podcast, but I've had so many things to do, I've been kind of slow in getting going. But if anybody would like to have a look, they can see the kinds of things I've been doing at my blog.  It's Vetzine. That's like a contraction for "Veteran's Magazine".


Alan:  Have you put this information of this recent occurrence up on your blog yet?


Butch:  No, I haven't. I've been too busy fighting the local fires—fire department. But I will be putting something up on it.


Alan:  Now the thing is, you probably know, that the next step for them is to start to get the social work department in there, to come to your place and start weaning you away to the idea that she's now their property.


Butch:  I think you're right about that. I think that's kind of the way it's pointed. I have a message on my machine, from a socialist worker, saying that I should give her a call.


Alan:  That's to feel you out, to see how you feel about their idea.


Butch:  I mentioned that some of this stuff is overtaking me.  One of them is, yes, I heard about all the databases, spy bases and all of that stuff, but I didn't know that it was so extensive. They don't even have to ask you your name.


Alan:  It's been like that for quite some time, long before 9/11. When they phone even the police now, they have all your data there; and they have for the last 15, 20 years. But the thing that was interesting here though, is that you didn't call them. It was a neighbor that called them.


Butch:  That's right.


Alan:  You see, so they already knew your data, which tells me there was some sort of communication between the neighbor and them as to you, exactly.


Butch:  You're quite right.  Remember the good old TIPS Program (Turn in Parents & Siblings)?


Alan:  That's right.


Butch:  And everybody is a spy on everybody else.


Alan:  That’s the new Soviet.


Butch:  Yeah. You're pizza man turns you in.


Alan:  That's right. That's the new soviet--.


Butch:  I'm thinking that it's alive and well. They drop the advertising under that label, but I think it's turning right on.


Alan:  It is. It's right down to the local level. You have people watching television 24 hours a day almost, and they soak up all these dramas that are put out there with spies, cops and detectives and terrorism everywhere, watch everybody, and they're emulating what they see.


Butch:   I know you're just right on this, because everything that took me by surprise.  This, “oh yeah, you called the ambulance, you’re going to get the fire department.”


Alan:  What's got me, is now it’s not safe to phone anybody, because if your house goes on fire, maybe, or you need an ambulance, especially, let it go up in flames and just get outside, because you might live that way. This way that just happened to you, you don't know if you're going to live or not, when they come in, with the guns. 


Butch:  My sister was telling me that this has been going on for a couple of years.  She says, "Oh yeah, that's the way it's done now. They do it that way." 


Alan:  Oh really?


Butch:  I said, “What are you talking about?”  She had gone two years ago to stay with our other sister, who was dying with cancer, in St. Louis. She said, "you ought to see how"—she was still horrified. “You should’ve seen what's going on in St. Louis, if you think this is bad,” and of course, that was a couple of years ago.


Alan:  Fahrenheit--


Butch: 451.


Alan:  That's right. Even in the old movie they made, their job was to start fires and burn forbidden books. 


Butch:  That's right.


Alan:  All books were forbidden.


Butch:  Instead of having water in the hose, they had kerosene.


Alan:  And the captain and the top ones all had pistols.


Butch:  Really?


Alan:  Yeah. They had pistols with them.


Butch:  It's been ages since I read that, and I had forgotten the things about the top firemen having pistols. But yeah, I think I should re-read "Fahrenheit 451," in order to kind of come up to speed.  I read that, oh, I don't know, in the '50s, and that was Robert Henlein.


Alan:  They knew what was coming then.


Butch:  I have a little interesting story for you on that, if you have time for it.


Alan:  Yes.


Butch:  I had one of my daughters, was behaving strangely, her mother said. She said, “You've got to checkout Carlyle. Something is going on with her.”  I said, "What are you talking about?  What going on?”  She says, "she's got her nose in a book, all the time. She's reading books compulsively."  I said, "that's a good idea, don't you think?"  She said, "No, there's too much of it. She won't do anything but read books, and I think maybe you better have a talk with her.” So I talked with her about books and so on, and I told her that I was interested in her sudden interest in books.  She said "oh, one of the books I've found is called Fahrenheit 451, about them coming around to burn books, and I'm going to read them all before they get here."  I mean, she was like nine or something.


Alan:  The only ones that will be authorized, shortly, will be, “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child,” and all these [type of] books. The rest of them will be forbidden.  That's all coming down, but the problem is, the public round about you; they don't know. They just adopt what they see on television, and become what they see on television, and so it's not even safe to have neighbors now.


Butch:  I've concluded that.


Alan:  It's not safe.  It's the people who watch your everyday business and have little chats with you.  If you notice what's happening, in the system right now, remember, they don’t. They think it's all evolving naturally.  Then they will perceive you as strange, odd and a possible terrorist—a thought criminal.


Butch:  I think you're right, Alan.


Alan:  Yes. Then of course, now be careful about phoning for help from emergency departments, because phoning for help can be dangerous to your health.  All the perceptions have altered. The functions of all these agencies now are combined. That's what they mean by "Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces."  It was a blending of all uniformed employees into one combined unit; and that's what we're seeing, we have military guys.


Butch:  That's why it says fire department on the back of the shirt, but they're dressed in black, and they're not fighting fires.


Alan:  Yeah, and they've got pistols. I've never seen a fire fought with a pistol before. These are combined units.  It's interesting, that right after 9/11, part of the speech that Rumsfeld gave to the people was that he wanted to see everyone (I think Bush did it too), “Everyone in a uniform, stand up and put your uniform on.”   I thought, that's a weird thing.  He meant postmen, everybody, because this was part of the old, old agenda to bring all these forces together into the new Soviet.


Butch:  Yes.  There's another related phenomenon going on, and it's kind of a community-based thing.  We have those—I call them “your neighborhood Soviet.”  These people, they want to supply you with a job, and help you find a place to stay. Buy a house or rent one. Or entertain you and supply you with your entertainment. Supply you with medical; and all of this, in your own little community.  We're seeing that here.


Alan:  It's called "communitarianism." 


Butch:  Yeah.


Alan:  Papa Bush is the one who backed that initially, where it's all leading--


Butch:  The acronym is OCAC.  I don't know what that means. That's one, the umbrella organization for these things.  They have trash drives to help you out, and then they have a little entertainment over at the schoolhouse, and that kind of thing. It’s a small Soviet.


Alan:  Eventually, if you don't attend these communal little agendas that they have out there, they'll wonder why not. They'll want to know why you're not there.


Butch:  So I may have sinned and fallen short, right there.


Alan:   In the last (about) eight years, on everyone's local television station, across really the whole of the west, they have all these little things on your local news and television.  It's all little community events, community events, community events.  That was all planned, a long time ago, towards these habitat areas, community events, good citizens, everyone mixes with everyone else, and everyone's story is known by everyone else. That's what it's all about.   I used to think of the elderly homes they had there, where they put you in there, make you play dominoes and stuff like this, or bingo. I mean, “boy what a thrill!”  Then of course, they'll play Barry Manilow records, to show you that you really are in hell.


Butch:  [Laughs]   You described it perfectly. I should tell you, that when I met Martha, you know, what was it now, 24 years ago or something like that—'83, I don't know. She was the social director of a nursing home.  She'd been there for 10 years, and she continued to work for them for a year, after she married me.  So I got drafted to go to the nursing home, in the evening after work, and help straighten up bunting, arrange stuff for little parties and that kind of thing.  So I got a good look at the nursing homes from that.  You're right, dominoes is mandatory.


Alan:  Oh, it’s awful. It's awful.


Butch:  Martha was a little bit different, and so she may have a few enemies of her own, fewer than mine.  She would stack the deck in the card games, just to make the game livelier. You know, pass out a deck of cards that's nothing but kings, whatever I said.  She would hold little drawings, and if there was a little lady in there whose family was neglecting her, why, guess who won the free hairdo and makeover? Martha cheats a lot.


Alan:  That's their idea of the new improved method of dealing with the elderly, is just get them out the way. Take their pensions off them. Recycle the money.


Butch:  Oh yeah.


Alan:  And of course, functionally, they're classed as "useless eaters."  They're not producing; they're just consuming.


Butch:  That's right.


Alan:  Anybody who doesn’t think that's relevant, should look up the "Sustainable Development" for "Agenda 21" from the UN. That's all in there. They don't want the "useless eaters," and it's not a new idea. Bertrand Russell talked about it back in the '40’s and '50’s. So this is what it's all coming to. We’ll be managed into the new society by super powerful government agencies who are all networked together, and you've just experienced it again. 


Butch:  They're presenting a solid front against the citizen, these days. It's far more solid than even I had thought—and I thought I was paranoid.


Alan:  It's not just that. It's the gradualism, how it was introduced.  People forget so quickly, it just takes a generation, or even less than one, to introduce health services, law services, polices services.  Now police are now "enforcement agencies."  The health services are now "authorities," you see.  They've got their foot in the door and they become the masters.


Butch:  What do you bet the social worker has got a Derringer in her handbag?


Alan:  She'll have something.  She'll have something. She will.  That's it—they have a thousand ways to get you, and if they can't find something they'll fabricate something, which happens commonly, to have their way.  But everything, apart from all that, it’s also money, because every person they get inside is another pension into their pocket, you see.  It's just simply a method of getting their cash in.  It's a business.  It's a huge business. I've yet to see an honest high business working. Honestly, it doesn't happen, doesn't happen, not in the system. So that's your first hand experience, so far, and now you have to wait and see what the next move is.


Butch:  I'll try to keep you posted, Alan, as things move along here.


Alan:  You've been taking care of your wife for how many years now?


Butch:  Pardon me?


Alan:  Your wife has been bedridden for how many years now?


Butch:  Eleven.


Alan:  Eleven years. And you haven't had any help?


Butch:  I had help off and on. I found in the beginning, that you try to get help, you get harm.


Alan:  Okay.


Butch:  My first experience was when we brought her home from the hospital.  Of course I needed help, and the hospital gave me a referral.  I called up these home health people, and they sent out therapists and nurses and such to the house.  The first one to show up was the physical therapist, and she did not knock. She just opened the door and came in. She spotted Martha over there reclining on the couch. She ran over and grabbed Martha's left arm, and jerked it into the air. Martha screamed, and I ran her out of the house. She was Chinese, apparently. Okay. Three days passed, and the speech therapist was scheduled in for 10 o'clock in the morning. He didn't show up. Anyway, it was just as well, because Martha still had a lot of effects from this, and she had been vomiting all day.  Then about 4 o'clock, the vomiting ceased, and Martha got some sleep.  Around, I don't know, about 5:30, there was a knock on the door.  I opened the door, and there was a little short man there. I estimated him to be a Pakistani, and he says, "me ‘peech ‘perapist. Me ‘peech ‘perapist."  Yeah, well, I told him, "you’re a day late and a dollar short" and he says, "me ‘peech ‘perapist."  Well, I sent him packing.


Let's see, what happened to the other one?  I don't recall exactly.  We did have a very good nurse, who didn't approve of any of this stuff going on, and she came out.  We were talking about it, and she said, "There is your occupational therapist, and he ‘says’ he's from Jamaica, but he frightens people.  Do you want me to send him out?"  I said, "no, we don't need any frightening people, who are not sure where they're from."  So it turned out that all these people were in on a program from NAFTA.


Alan:  NAFTA, yeah.


Butch:  And that they could pay them Mexican wages.


Alan:  Okay, I’ve read about that.


Butch:  Yeah, and they were in here doing work, and the company that had them here was drawing top dollar--


Alan:  And paying them peanuts.


Butch:  And paying them nothing.


Alan:  Yes, that's right.


Butch:  They were paying them a handful of rice and beans, and that kind of thing. So, a little later on, there was a huge nurses strike and protest in Washington on that. Almost every nurse left their hospitals and marched on Washington.  You didn't hear about that.  The only place I heard about it was the Kansas City Star.  I only heard about it there because that was the headquarters of the huge nurses association, and if they hadn't printed it, those guys at the paper might have had to go without any nursing help.  But it wasn't on TV. It wasn't anywhere. Thousands and thousands marched (40,000 or something like that).  They marched all down Pennsylvania Avenue, and it all came to naught.


Alan:  Really?


Butch:  Yeah. They were doing that because these foreign imports, through NAFTA, were killing the patients.


Alan:  There's no training really.  People don't realize that the whole medical industry is one of the biggest businesses. It's a business, first and foremost, in the world.  It's all the propaganda, through fictional dramas and series on television, that's given the people a completely different impression.


Butch:  Yes. It's kind of like the lawyers.


Alan:  Yes.


Butch:  If you watched Matlock, you've got a big surprise coming.


Alan:  Exactly. You see, it's business. It's big, big business. There's no altruism there. It just isn't there at all. That's only in our minds, from all the fiction that they make us watch, because all fiction is propaganda, in some form or another.  The public don't realize—they think they're all out there to help, help, help because they want to help. Well, it's quite the wage packets the big boys take home, for all this helping.  Once your insurance runs out, they toss you off to the Salvation Army or somewhere.


Butch:  Yeah.


Alan:  There's your caring society.


Butch:  I heard a story the other day about a hospital. I think it was in California, but I'm not sure.  Some little old homeless lady was ill and she went to the hospital, and they put her out on the street barefooted. What they did is, they put her in a taxi and said, “Take her to skid row and throw her out.” This was the hospital.


Alan:  I heard a bunch of tapes from doctors that were recorded.  There was a show in Britain, a BBC show, and they were giving you some of the tapes (conversations) between doctors in a main hospital, I think in New York, and one of the Salvation Army (or one of the hospitals that was run by charity).  They were passing patients that run out of insurance money.  Of course, the guy at the charity thing said, "we're just overburdened and don't have staff.  We can't take these patients."  He says, "you'll have to hold on to them for a bit longer, until we get some beds."  And the guy from the paying hospital says, "no, we'll just put them on the street."  These are people who were dying. There was no altruism there. There were no regrets. It was just a business—pure business. It's disgusting.


Butch:  I know.


Alan:  We went to the moon, eh?


Butch:  Pardon me?


Alan:  They say we went to the moon.


Butch:  Oh, yeah, yeah.


Alan:  We're so civilized. We're so advanced, and here they are when your insurance runs out, they toss you on the street to die. What a civilization.


Butch:  Yeah. We went through that in the early stages, too.  Martha had Blue Cross Blue Shield, which was supposedly really good, but it doesn’t take them long to strip out the Blue Cross Blue Shield, I can tell you that, and as soon as that's done, you're out.


Alan:  They pick the bones of your insurance, and then that's it. They spit it out.  That's their civilized system that we're all taught is so beautiful and wonderful.


Butch:  Then of course, when your Blue Cross/Blue Shield that you've been paying through the nose for—along with your employer, perhaps, if you're lucky enough to have him kicking in something—when that is stripped out, then good luck on getting Medicare.


Alan:  Yeah.


Butch:  Because you ain't going to get it, if they can help it.


Alan:  It's profit, profit, profit, all the way to the bank.   I wonder what the next step will be, with you. I think it will be the social worker feeling you out, as to what happens if they want to keep Martha, or find her a place or an elderly home, because they'll try that now. They'll say you're incapable of taking care of her.  That's what they'll probably feel you out to do.


Butch:  Yeah, and then they'll probably try to find a place for me.


Alan:  That's what I'm thinking; because a person with a bit of a memory, that's lived long enough, can be a dangerous person, as they pass on knowledge of what they've seen in their own lifetime.


Butch:  Yes. I'll keep you posted on that, Alan. I will tell you that one of the things that we're doing, is we're asking friends to call the hospital and just check in, and say, “how's my old pal, Martha?  The idea is to let them know that she has a lot of friends, because my view of this, of the cases that I've seen in the past, was they really jump on the isolated person.


Alan:  Yes.


Butch:  If you're not isolated, they will try to isolate you.


Alan:  Easy prey. Easy prey, you see. They don't want you to stand up.


Butch:  So if your listeners would like to, I'll give you the telephone number for the hospital, and you might give them a call and ask about Martha, once a week or something like that. I'm not trying to flood them with calls, but to let them know that there are lots of callers. Would you like to do that?


Alan:  Yes, do that. What's the address?


Butch:  Okay. Martha is in St. Johns Hospital in Springfield, Missouri, and the main phone number there is 417-820-2000. Now when you get there, you can ask about Martha Chancellor.  That's C-H-A-N-C-E-L-L-O-R    I need to give you her location, because it's one of the things, this is a huge complex, the hospital.  I think I have it right here, if I can get it out from under the cap.  You can tell them that Martha is in Cardiac ICU 4E, bed 25. They’re not going to let you talk to her. They won't even let me talk to her, but you can always ask to talk to her. But you can talk to the Charge Nurse and ask them how Martha's doing.  I think if we can let them know that Martha is not isolated, then they might think a couple of times before getting off with her.


Alan:  Yes. We'll keep the people posted on this, and see what turns out.


Butch:  Okay. I'll stay in touch Alan.


Alan:  Sure. 


[End of Telephone Conversation]




So that is where it rests, at the moment.


I don't think people really know what the elderly feel, when the authorities start coming in. The authorities have always gone for the very young, easy targets, and the elderly—and because you're elderly, it doesn't mean you're stupid or senile. That's a common misconception, which has been promulgated again, by mass media, to dehumanize, because you always dehumanize your target and get the public to believe you. 


The elderly are well aware that they are targets, and that when one or the other of a couple go into a hospital, they're not just going in to get treated, they're now under a system, a form of authority that began as a service, which now can dictate their lives.  They can also decide where to put a person from the hospital to an elderly home, for their own good of course, you understand, according to themselves.  We all know, once they go into these long-term facilities, these "exit homes," as I call them, they go down hill pretty fast.


Ms. Effie, that I've talked to before also, many times, in fact, scalded herself a few months ago with a pot of boiling water. She was so lucky to have a nephew, who took her to a clinic every day, and back again, to have the dressings changed. Otherwise, as Effie was well aware, she knows the routine. She knows how they get you in. They know how they classify you. Before you know it, you'll be in an old folks home, an exit home, being drugged into oblivion, as you passed away your last days or weeks.


This is a sad state that this “great civilization,” as they call, it has brought us to, on purpose, where everyone is divided. No one takes care, or very few take care of their own anymore.  Now it's getting to the stage where the authorities won't let you take care of your own anymore. That's what ultimate authority always pushes towards. It's also a sad fact, there are up and coming younger people today, who, once they get into their 40’s or 50’s, start planning to get themselves taken care of, nursed, in old age homes. They plan ahead for this as though it’s the normal thing. Good luck to them, if that's what they really want. 


I think, personally, the old way was much better, where your own people took care of their own. It isn't just someone taking a person away from a couple—taking one of the partners away. It's the whole right of the couple to be together, that’s been violated here. That's part of it. Emotions do count. Rights do count. Our humanity does count; not the system’s rights, and its greed, and its agenda, and its dollar signs, as they grab people’s pensions and destroy lives.  Drug victims into oblivion, until they’re drooling quietly in a corner, until they eventually die. This is inhumane.


As I say, I get lots of these kinds of calls, sometimes daily, sometimes weekly; but I don't just sit here and dream up talks. The talks are always spontaneous, because I don't have time to plan anything.


From Hamish and myself, it's good night, and may your god or your gods, and let's hope some humanity and humanitarian feelings, go with you.



"You and Me"

By Charles Aznavour


You and me,

Two hearts that melt and flow into infinity

We leave the world we know to voyage breathlessly

Our bed the sea, and in its waves are you and me.


You and me, free of wrong and right

Of old time taboos and lies, and in our endless night,

Come dreams and whispered sighs caressively to you and me.


For these are the hopes that we must all endure

Love has filled our emptiness and waiting

The unprotected children that we were before

Turned into you and me, we wanted love once more.


Carry me beyond all doubt and fears

On passion’s fantasy to God created spheres

Desires destiny made heavenly for you and me.


When I had no faith, you taught me how to care,

Giving me a second chance at living

Most words are only words, but yours become my prayer,

My body and my soul, you echo everywhere.


Pleasure me, until the early morning light

Make love to me, I hear you every dawn

So all my days can be drawn in a sea of you and me.