September 30th, 2011 (#931)
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt September 30th, 2011:

Financial Time-Lords, Methods Archival,
Plan Each Future for Own Survival:

"Speaking Truth Today is Not Very Fashionable,
Especially Touching Holy Grail of Things International
And How Socialism is the Control-Freak Master,
Backed by Banksters Moving Us to Disaster
By Design, So the Time Lords Can Go On,
Managing Emerging Nations, Another New Dawn,
Destroyed Societies Expect Miracles, Await Arrival
Of a Supergod Who'll Ensure Their Survival,
But the Financial Time Lords Plan the Phases,
Riding Over Emerging and Vanishing Races"
© Alan Watt September 30th, 2011


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt – September 30th, 2011  (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments

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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt, and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on September the 30th, 2011.  For newcomers, as always, I suggest you help yourself to the audios for free download at  And eventually, if you can wade through them, you’ll understand that this system, this massive, incredible system, way, so much bigger than just your general governments that run you, this superstructure of interlocking corporations and foundations and nongovernmental organizations that are funded by the foundations, all working together to bring in a particular future, which was often seen as Communistic, Socialistic, but really Communistic.  Communism is Socialism in a hurry as they say.  I think Lenin said that, and Stalin did too.  So it is.  However, it’s to be the planned society, organized society, and you can see the mess we’re in today, with the control freak departments.  Just layers and layers of bureaucracies running our lives.  And they all belong, all these members and bureaucrats belong to side organizations, like the Council on Foreign Relations, that really tells them what to do.  So, hopefully, if you help yourself to the audios, you’ll understand how they plan the future for the wealthiest people on the planet, and to keep the same economic structure in place, basically, of usury, and the same families lending to nations at compound interest that gets us in this mess.  And literally how they plan the whole future, including the rise of China.  They helped China to, actually, they kicked them up and got them up on their feet to rise and be the economic power it is today, as we all went down.  This is all done through legislation, treaties, and laws, through the World Trade Organization and the United Nations, the World Bank, and the IMF, and God knows how many other private corporations.  And people still go out and vote.  I don’t know why.  I really don’t know why.  Anyway, hopefully you’ll get an understanding of how the future is always planned by those who presently rule it. 


And remember too, you’re the audience that bring me to you.  I don’t bring on advertisers to scare you and tell you to buy things at the end of it.  So, you have to keep me going, by purchasing the books and discs I’ve got at  From the US to Canada, remember, a personal check can still be used here.  An international postal money order can be used.  Some people send cash.  And you can also use PayPal.  You’ll find out how to do it on the website.  Remember too, there’s transcripts on all those sites you’ll see listed there in English.  And you get transcripts in other languages of a lot of the talks I’ve given over the years, if you go into and help yourself to the ones offered there.  Across the world, you’ve got Western Union, Money Gram, and again, PayPal. 


And donations are really, really, really welcome right now, because it isn’t just that things are shooting up in price, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.  In Canada we’re ahead of you, because we’re more evolved that way into Socialism.  And no one complains in Canada at all really. So, they really jump ahead with rising prices and taxes on everything and so on.  The way of the future for everyone else, as we all decline.  We’ll be the first civilization to die off because of taxes.  If aliens ever come down and see the factories and businesses, and everything is there, but there’s just no people, and that was the cause of death: excessive taxation.  That will be a first one in history, maybe.  But that’s the way it’s going.  And people think it’s all quite normal.  Quite normal. 


Most people are utterly ignorant of the fact that China did not bring itself up to its present standards.  It was brought up by treaties, and by the funding of you in the West and your tax money, again, as I say, through treaties, the World Trade Organization, another private company under the guise of a world authority and the United Nations.  And we trained all their engineers before they even had factories in places like Canada, and the States, and elsewhere.  For twenty-five years we trained them.  They had no factories to go back home to at the time.  And they knew it was coming up when we signed the final GATT Treaty, the G-A-T-T Treaty, to build them up to a super-status as we fell on our faces.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, I’m back, Cutting Through the Matrix.  It’s an odd existence, isn’t it, when you grow up in this system, and your parents don’t know that it’s not really what it appears to be.  And you’re indoctrinated from school.  That’s why you do have state-run schools, to make sure you all get the same fictitious history of your past and the government’s past, and really what they’re there for and all the rest of it.  And we grow up thinking it’s all quite natural.  And no one really cares much about it, as long as there’s pennies dropping from heaven into your pocket to play yourselves, etc.  But once it starts running short and dry, we start having a closer look at what they’re all about.  And you find out they’ve been making treaties for years across the world and through this superstructure of the United Nations that was supposed to be eventually blossoming into a form of World Government.  It actually coordinates World Government really with its NGOs and its departments of thousands of bureaucracies. 


And in reality too, as I say, well, if it’s not working for the people, why should we go along with it?  Is there really something sacred about keeping a system going that’s not working for the people?  When you ask that sometimes, people, because of their indoctrination, they’ll get steely eyed, or glazed over or even hostile, because the indoctrination into saving a system that is utterly corrupt, and it’s not yours, and it’s never really served the people at all.  It’s in conflict with your indoctrination and so they tend to attack the person who’s saying it, basically.  And at the same time, they’ll go along with all the changes that the government will do to take away more sovereignty from them, and it will tax them heavier to give away to other countries, again.  And it’s not really other countries.  It’s not charity to help people anywhere.  It’s to help the corporations that are set up in Third World Countries. 


So, really, we live in a fiction, all the time, a fiction that’s always superimposed upon our brains through indoctrination in the media, and even through fiction as well.  It takes a long time for a lot of people to break through all of that, to ask the right questions.  And when they do, and I say waking up is just like coming out of a tunnel, into a field.  I’ve used this analogy often, where you see a forest across the field, and that’s where you want to get, from the mouth of the tunnel across that field, into the forest.  And there’s all these flags up saying, “I’ve got the truth.  Come over here, join us.”  And it’s usually left/right, left/right paradigm all the way.  And it’s all minefields. 


Another one too is a third one, which is, they’ve got the spiritual truth.  Join this one and it doesn’t matter what happens in the world, you’ll be okay.  You’ll pop off into another dimension or something.  And that’s really what’s laid out for you to choose.  And they will all soak up your time, your energy, even the New Agey ones.  They’ll soak up your lifetime.  Sacred geometry, all this stuff, as you scribble away, drawing circles and finding nice little geometrical patterns.  They’re all meant to just drain your neurons in your brain. 


However, in reality, you always get back to the same thing at the end.  You can’t wish this away, this system.  And this system has nothing to do pretty well with what you think government is about or how you’ve been trained to perceive government.  And it’s also go nothing to do with what they actually say in government, because the ones who run the world run your governments, and they hold most of their meetings in secrecy, the really high meetings.  The semi-secret ones are published for the public, like the Council on Foreign Relations or Foreign Affairs Magazine.  That’s the external stuff, but the high stuff for global governance, the planned society, the eugenical society, where they slim down the population, and create new types of humans down the road, getting all the imperfections out of the ones that exist, and deciding what they want to go on with as a labor force or a genetic force you might say.  That’s all done at a much higher level.  A very old system.  You can read the books by many of the players, who were writing about it up until the twenties and thirties.  And then, because of Adolf Hitler, it became rather a negative thing to talk about eugenics, because he was actually using it openly, and he was obviously the bad guy, you see, in that war.  You always make sure that the other guy is obviously the bad guy.  And they went undercover for a while and changed their names of the associations, but the same associations still exist today, even the ones to do with Darwin and all the other characters to do with eugenics.  They’re still here today. 


So, we’re living through the transition phase as they call it.  A time, you know, World in Transitions.  You’ll see that kind of title incorporated into long-winded titles elsewhere.  So, we’re going through transitions.  They’ve already destroyed most of what society was about.  And what it was about, even though it was in poverty, generally, in a lot of Western countries, the fact is, the people themselves could survive with each other and because of each other.  It started with the family unit.  However dysfunctional they became down the road with the media, the education, and the liberal agenda, regardless, they were still able to hold together.  That had to be destroyed according to Karl Marx.  So, they did that.  It’s gone now, finished.  And once that happened, people like HG Wells said, the government can talk right down to you as an individual, and there’s no members of the family left to stand up for you.  You have no children, nothing.  You’re on your own.  And that’s what government wants, you see.  Because, you see, you’re there to serve your government, not the other way around. 


That’s the trick of this doublethink world that we live in.  And gradually, over many, many years, especially in the US, they were the last to go down with the idea, at least, that the government was there to serve the people.  Government has actually taught you you’re there to serve it, and you’re there to serve an economic system.  That’s your function, is to compete with other countries, whether you’re stoking a boiler room somewhere, or you’re manufacturing stuff, that’s your job, apparently, is to compete with those guys over, whoever they happen to be at the time.  And is that really what life is all about?


We don’t get a chance to say in any of this.  We have no, there’s no vote there.  What do you think of this idea?  No, no.  It’s just there, and all the big media, the Council on Foreign Relations, all the big globalist agencies will tell you the same thing: that’s your function.  To grow up, to work hard, pay all your taxes to make sure your government can lord over you very strongly, and do what you’re told, and compete with those guys over there.  Now, this is really a strange, it’s an economic system, you understand, but it’s a commercialized economic system.  It’s not just basic working for food, clothes and things you need.  It’s, you must compete by overproducing things which you actually need.  And that’s why you do destroy forests here and there, and you do destroy different things, because that’s what they’re doing in the Third World now, because the IMF came in with their awful loans and compound interest.  Now they have to use the intensive chemicalized farming.  It’s part of the conditioning of getting a loan.  And in no time at all, they destroy the soil, and they pollute their land, they pollute their wells, with all the chemicals that drift into it. 


So, this is a disgusting system.  It’s a devastating system.  It’s the same system, this economic system with overproduction that are the cause for wars.  We’re told to go compete with other people, including warfare when required for resources, so as we can take those resources back home, overproduce again, and sell it again somewhere else.  It’s nuts.  It’s nuts, but again, it’s very cleverly nuts.  It’s not so nuts for the ones at the top who have been doing this for thousands of years.  And these are the boys, these magicians that manage the money system.  Because every country has its ability to create its own cash, without debt, but they don’t do it.  In fact, there’s big, big wars that went on to make sure they got in these private central banks.  And lots of folk got assassinated on the way.  And now they’re in charge.  They pay all their top members very, very well.  They pay all the top people in the Council on Foreign Relations very well.  They bring them up to high status, in fact.  You can’t get up there yourself.  The door has to be opened to pull you up.  And you must serve them.  And again, you’re well compensated too, for doing so. 


At the moment, they’ve got us all almost in a form of stasis in the world, where we have this inevitable, impending crash, supposedly.  This ongoing crash.  This is worse than the movies in slow motion, isn’t it, where you used to get crashes coming, and then they go back again.  You see the windshield flying out in little sparkling bits in the night sky.  This is worse than that.  This crash has been going on for years now.  All because of the same banks that we’re supposed to get up on their feet again, so as they can screw us all again.  This is incredible that this is taught as a science.  Can you really believe this is taught as a science?  And that there’s no other way we can do it?  And plunder every few years and you just reward them with trillions of dollars, so as they can plunder you again.  And look at the lifestyle these guys have.  Look at the level of lifestyle they’re living at, while you at the bottom, well, all you get is to be taxed more, and more debt put on you, because your government on behalf of you is borrowing cash from these same podgy-fingered characters that handle the cash.  And yet we’re told we must save this system. 


Now, it’s the same in the EU too, the European Union.  They want to put up about 1.3 trillion, another, just throwing borrowed money into this black hole in space, hoping to plug the hole then Greece will float, you know, like a ship sinking.  Utter rubbish.  Utter rubbish.  And then they want to merge Europe even closer together with a gigantic central bank made up of all the same characters who sunk them all in the first place with the same system.  It’s kind of like having a beautiful car, but the engine keeps falling apart.  But it’s so nice looking a car, and pretty new looking, you want to get a new engine, so you keep putting new engines in it, and it doesn’t last long.  So, you can’t create anything new, unless you create a new engine for it.  A brand-new engine, different design.  No, but they want to put the same engine into this European monstrosity that’s plundered the taxpayer at least twice a century.  That’s their standard.  And we’re taught from experts, from the top down that this is normal, that we have to.  There’s no other way.  There’s no other way to do it. 


You understand, it was intended to go this route.  And people were at least getting by when they were not part of the EU.  When it’s such a massive conglomeration of greedy folks at the top, working together to bring about this empire, where they and their offspring will rule it.  And that really is what it’s about.  Then, everyone else is going to suffer and pay for this monolith, this giant that’s teetering on its toes until we inject our whole lives into it.  It’s time to pack it in and toss it in the sea.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi, folks, we’re back.  This is Cutting Through the Matrix.  Just mouthing off about the mess, really on behalf of the people, because I know it’s planned this way.  It’s all planned this way.  You don’t give all your manufacturing to another country and then say afterwards, “oh dear, there’s no work for the public.  We just noticed.”  It doesn’t happen like that.  Nothing happens like that.  It’s all long-term projection.  Every possibility on every move that government makes through treaties, etc, is carefully figured out beforehand.  So, we’re living through, as I say, a decline, but a planned decline as another empire comes up to full force.  They even talked about this at their meetings, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in the 1930s, that China would eventually take over from America, after America had taken over from Britain – this is the thirties, remember – as the policeman of the world.  So, it was all planned that way. 


And what we’ve got left with is this incredible nanny state society where so many can’t do this and you can’t do that, and bureaucrats looking over your shoulder for everything.  And they want to get in.  Look at Britain.  You cannot believe it.  It’s worse, it’s worse than anything that Huxley talked about in Brave New World.  Literally, you’re getting watched for everything, and bicycle marshals, and garbage bin inspectors, and lots and lots of this kind of stuff, and spies all throughout society.  Nothing to do with terrorism.  It’s to see if you’ve dropped a piece of paper on the ground and things like, this is big news stuff.  No kidding.  And you want a population to be patriotic in a society like that?  It’s destroyed.  It’s finished.  That’s Socialism to the extreme.


But they’re not stopping.  They’re going all, they’re getting worse.  And this whole super-structure of this economic union, with a Super-Parliament they’ve created with its secret meetings at the top by secret people.  We don’t even know who they are.  This is the model for America and Canada to copy.  Oh, we have to do the same, you see, to survive.  We’ll all collapse financially on our own.  This is what they tell you.  This is what they told them before they joined the EU.  Look at them now.  And we have to copy that, though.  And they want to be socialized until there’s government departments in every part of your life, telling you how to eat.  I said it years ago, eventually they’ll be in your home weighing you with a weigh machine and giving you a fine on this.  Everything is punishable by a fine.  You notice that?  It doesn’t matter what your income level is or isn’t at all.  It’s all fines.  This is Socialism, and training the public from birth to death.  Economics they say.  You exist for the state of economics. 


And that’s what they also said too.  We can’t afford to treat you with cancers anymore.  It’s too expensive.  We’ve got a few trillion to toss over to Africa right now, but we can’t treat you at home.  We’ve got a war too to fight as well for the people who own the country, for oil fields.  And we go along with this.  Why?  Because most folk don’t care.  Plain and simple.  Most folk are so happy with their weekend binges and going partying, and their cheap entertainment, there’s so much of it.  It’s unlike what they’ve had in previous times when even with the Communist sides, they got the recruits when folk had nothing, not even a radio or access to one, never mind the money to buy it.  See, we’re beyond that.  People are getting poorer and poorer, but they’ve got cheap entertainment and lots and lots of booze.  Just like the Soviet Union had at the end.  Same thing.  If it works there, why wouldn’t it work anywhere else? 


Here they are too.  Denmark is the first in the EU, and they’re all going to copy Denmark now, to put down more taxes.  You see, that’s all government does, is make laws and levy taxes.  That’s all.  That’s all they do.  They don’t make anything else.  Just misery.  Anyway:


Denmark taxes fatty products


Denmark is to impose the world's first "fat tax" in a drive to slim its population


(Alan: Is that the job of government?  Is it?  Is that what they’re in there for, to decide how you’ll look, what size you’ll be, how much you’ll weigh, and all the rest of it?  What you’re going to eat?  Is that what government is all about?  If government was concerned about healthy eating, they would never have, number one, put all the small farmers out of business that kept food pretty cheap and plentiful and fresh, because it was all done locally.  They wouldn’t have done that would they?  No.  And but no, it’s a different thing all together, different agenda altogether that government has.  They break the legs of the cow, and then they kick the cow because it can’t get up.  You see?  So anyway, they’re the first one to start this.  And it says:)


The move may increase pressure for a similar tax in the UK,


(A: Well, you know it’s going to come.)


which suffers from the highest levels of obesity in Europe.


(A: Well, look at the junk they’re left to eat.  And it’s all cheap junk.  Lots of sugar in it, but cheap junk.  Because it costs a lot for real, and they want to cut you from eating meat, for instance.  And that’s about the only proteins folk were getting.  The rest of it’s just sugars and junk.  So:)


Starting from this Saturday, Danes will pay an extra 30p on each pack of butter, 8p....


So that’s going to cure it?  A fine on everything is going to stop folk from eating something.  That’s how they do it.  That’s how they see law.  Law is about fining you and penalizing you, so as you can’t afford something, that some might actually need.  Because they’re not all fat, for goodness sake.  But this is the collectivist punishment they give you in the Sovietized system.  If one person does it in a million, the punishment goes on all, oh, you all might end up like that, so we’re punishing you anyway.  And where does all the cash go?  Is that going to stop obesity?  The government is going to rake cash off you from every lung-full of CO2 you breathe out.  As long as it’s cash, they don’t care what they call it or why it’s there, as long as they can soak you, and give themselves massive paychecks, because we live in a time of absolutely blatant, incredible corruption.  That’s what government is today: utter self-centered, out-for-myself corruption.  Back with more, after this break. 


Hi folks, I’m back, Cutting Through the Matrix.  Now, there’s a caller hanging on there.  I better take him before the half hour here.  And it’s Dave from Arizona, I think it is, if he’s there.


Dave: Hey, how’s it going, Alan.


Alan: Not too bad.  How are you?


Dave: I thought we’d just talk a little bit about the illusion of ownership in these countries.  And what I mean is, if you own your house, and your property tax might only be 1% of what your house costs, they’ll take you house.


Alan: I know.


Dave: And, if you own a car, and you don’t put the proper tags or if you don’t have the proper insurance, you could own your car and they’ll take your car.  So, my point is, is there really any ownership at all in reality?


Alan: No.  In fact, you have to go into the Council on Foreign Relations’ own archives, and you will find there that they happily, they boast about the fact, they were the ones who brought forth to Congress the bills for income tax and property tax.  They brought it forth.  And their sister company in Britain, the Royal Institute for International Affairs on their website at Chatham House, they were the ones who started it off there.  So, this private, very rich people, once again, brought forth the taxation on us to do away with property all together.  Anything which you register to the government is no longer yours.


Dave: Including your kids?


Alan: Yes. 


Dave: I just wanted to ask you, because I heard this.  I don’t know if this is true or not.  But supposedly in ’33 the United States was broke, and if you actually look on your birth certificates here in the States, they actually have, it’s a Bank Note.  It actually has a Bank Note company.  I don’t know if it’s a kind of paper, but it also has a number which supposedly is a mutual fund.  If you look up a mutual fund, it’s actually a Treasury Bond.  Is there any truth to any of this stuff?


Alan: I don’t know about the Treasury Bond, but I do know that the whole idea of registering children to the state is a legality that they force everyone through.  And when you do go to court, that’s your given name.  Everything you get from the government will say what is your given name.  And if you use some other name and say I’m called whatever, then they have to drop that and find another way to get at you.  That is a fact.  You register the child there, because that child technically now, and more so you’ll see in other countries that are further ahead, and the US is catching up, mind you, with Children’s Aid and all the rest of it, and all the social workers, they can come in and snatch your child, because now the state is in charge.  That child is a potential economic earner and an economic taxpayer for the government.  It’s their property.  And if they say it’s been abused or you’re holding back its potential to learn, or whatever, they’ll take it from you.  Sweden is way ahead, even than the other countries.  They’re flagship for this area.  And they make no bones about it.  The slightest thing and they’ll grab the child, because it’s an economic unit and basically an earner which can be taxed for the government.  That is a fact.


Dave: That’s where they come up with the phrase human resource, right?


Alan: Yes.


Dave: Okay, because, I mean, yeah.  I mean, if you think about it, it kind of makes sense that basically we’re just energy for the machine.  I mean, we’re just fuel for the fire. 


Alan: And they actually have an organization, it’s been there since the thirties or twenties in fact, about technics and so on, and they actually classify this new coming system as energy units, and people themselves are energy units.  And they work it out on your lifespan or potential lifespan, all to do with eugenics.  Oh, your parents lived this long.  You might live the same, etc.  And you’ll actually produce so much in your lifetime, and you’ll give so much to government in your lifetime.  That’s how they manage their books on projected incomes in the future, is deciding how long you’re going to live and how much tax you’re going to pay. 


Dave: I got a feeling though like here in the States, they’re kind of, they don’t want kids now.  Now they want it all slowed down.  Because there’s no jobs, and because they don’t know what to do with the people already.


Alan: Oh, they know, all right.  We have to die off quietly.  Actually, the occasional riot here or there, unorganized, but we are supposed to come down.  I have no doubt about it at all.  I knew at the time when they did the Free Trade negotiations, and at the same time they were building China up to be this monster of commerce, they had put nothing in place to replace the manufacturing jobs.  That was a whole segment of society excluded to unemployment forever, and that told me all I needed to know, that we have to go down the tubes now.  Plus, they make it economically unviable to have children.  It’s expensive to have them. 


Dave: I mean, it’s hard to live anyway.


Alan: It’s hard to live.  Exactly.  And this is all a disincentive to have children.  This was all discussed again at eugenics meetings back before even Hitler came in in World War II.


Dave: It’s kind of like one thing that I see, I don’t know if you see this, but there’s only so many ways to make money.  One of the ways was real estate.  They killed that.  Now, the only way to make money in real estate really is to rent out properties.  I mean, you can make money that way.  But, you know, as far as sitting on a house and waiting for it to go up in value, good luck.


Alan: Good luck.  See, I keep telling folk, this system is designed by people who have been at this for an awful long time, including handling whole populations with potential income.  That’s where all this stuff came from.  It’s an old, old art, actually, taught from father to son, down through banking generations, international bankers and population sizes, potential income and taxation, and how loans would get paid back to them.  This is an old, old technique.  And they’ve written off societies in the past, and let them sink into oblivion.  But they never fail themselves, the ones who run it.  You’re quite right.  The whole idea with property, it’s not meant that you win.  Even if you do all the right things in your era, and the folk who are living born in the twenties and thirties were taught to save up their pennies and don’t be spendthrift, and save it up and get a nice home, and one day you’ll have this.  No, no, no.  They keep devaluing and changing the currency.  So you can’t win, even if you’re doing all the supposed right things.  The ones at the top, however, get access to super-trusts, things like that.  You can’t even afford to get into a super-trust without a few million dollars, quite a few million.


Dave: It’s basically, it’s a parasitic system that feeds off of the people, and, you know, your kids get sent off to war to die for corporations.  And you know, all of the jobs and everything get sent overseas.  And all of your tax dollars are already spent.  And so on, and so on, and so on.


Alan: And your pension money, everything else is gone.  All the cash you paid into it is gone already.  At least in other countries like Canada and Britain and elsewhere, they actually admitted every year that they’ve already spent all your pension money and your healthcare cash is gone as well.  And they can’t get enough cash.  And of course this is why they’re going into the absurd now, of taxing the air that you breathe and all the rest of it, and taxing you for being fat, and taxing you, for all the things which they have caused, because the people today can’t get, people at the bottom can’t get access to good food.  It’s too expensive. 


Dave: You know, one other thing too is, I mean, aren’t they really just making it so people are just, I mean even the West is going to be totally Third World.


Alan: Yes, you’re right.


Dave: I mean, that’s what I see.  It’s just because, like you were talking about, every single thing is taxed, there’s no jobs and they’re just setting it up.  Well, you know they’re setting it up to the point where there’s nothing you can do.  I mean, if there’s no work and there’s no money, you’re just going to go, you know, most people are just going to go, they’re not going to figure anything out.  I mean, they’re just going to go along to get along and end up wherever they end up.


Alan: Well, like the sci-fi movies that work with the Pentagon, of course, they all get funded for predictive programming, so we get used to the ideas.  They always give you this bleak future. 


Dave: Blade Runner.


Alan: And rubble towns with massive police structures, who have got all the massive equipment to kill you all.


Dave: Escape from New York.


Alan: Children of Men, that kind of stuff.  All this stuff.  Same scenario, over and over again, because the boys in Hollywood work with the Pentagon.  They know what’s coming down.  The Pentagon, we have to understand, and this is what they don’t understand in the US, and the militaries that you have are mobile.  They can be moved anywhere permanently.  And that’s why they’ve been building for thirty years permanent bases across the world.  And they will go with the elite and this is what they said too, a long time ago, just like Plato’s Republic, they’ll have a Super-Class of military personnel, who will be mobile, who will move with the elite, wherever they go.  And if they want to go over and live in Iraq for a hundred years, they’ll do so.  They’ve already built up their cities there for that particular purpose, and elsewhere.  They built up hundreds across the world, for this purpose.  And they’ll leave you the dregs at home, or private companies like Serco or whatever they call it, to stay at home and just bash you over the head, tazer you and kill you.  I mean, that’s what I see coming down the pike to be honest.


Dave: Yeah, I mean, me and you have actually talked about this before, about predictive programming.  But it’s kind of interesting, if you look at it, you can actually see what’s happening now. Yeah, it’s pretty wild.  Well, thanks for your time, Alan.  Always great to talk to you. 


Alan: Thanks for calling.  Yeah, it’s amazing.  We’re living through it.  People will not get it, because it’s unthinkable that their fantasy will collapse on them.  And they don’t realize it’s coming down now.  It really is coming down.  They’re talking about setting up this super-structure, for Infrastructure Bank of America, which is going to really again have to start off with more borrowing from the foreign bankers, again, and then they’ll be paid back by again the citizenry, the US taxpayer, another massive bank on top of that, in this strange public/private partnership deal, where the public get screwed and pay for everything and the private part gets all the profits.  I mean, this is the best that they can do, as we go down the tubes?  And the roads are a mess everywhere, in Canada too.  They’ve been leaving them alone for so long, except these superhighways, where they can whiz along the military to quell down uprisings in the future.  Read the archives section of  Look at the think-tank for Britain and NATO, because they have a 90-page report on what they see for the future.  It’s all in there.  Nothing but riots, food riots even, in the Western countries, and people out of work. 


And you also get the same things too, because it becomes down to survival of the fittest and the fittest really who survive in a civilization falling down are the crooks and the petty crooks and the guys who stick knives in your back and rob you for personal survival.  That will all come.  And meanwhile, you’ve got police states building up under this phony baloney nonsense of terrorism everywhere.  They knew what was coming down, when they signed the GATT treaty to finance China up to superstar performance status to take over, and nothing left back home to replace the work.  They knew what would happen and that’s why they’ve been preparing for years with internal super-armies to take care of it all.  That’s what it is.  We’re living in nanny states now. 


And all the stuff in Britain, and the average US citizen is going to have a hard time of it, no kidding you.  You step out your door, there’s a bike marshal wanting to see if you’re going to put that plastic bag in the right bin or he’ll fine you a thousand dollars on the spot, sort of stuff.  No kidding.  Or they want to put cameras right outside your home that look in your windows, which they’ve been doing in Britain.  And meanwhile they’ll still sing all their national anthems and land of the free and all that stuff. 




China's Bold New Plan for Economic Domination


(A: This is from the Council on Foreign Relations.  This is their spin on it.  And it says:)


Over the past few months, Beijing has released several plans laying out its vision for the country's economic future. China's twelfth Five-Year Plan,


(A: Remember all these Five-Year Plan, ten, twenty, I’ve always mentioned.  The UN does the same thing.  And we sign it through the Kyoto conferences too, all these plans.  We’ll do a Five-Year Plan for this, ten, fifty year plan for that.  It’s all the same organization, you understand.  It’s been here for a long time.  Communism, capitalism, it’s all the same thing, because the capitalists created the communists.  Anyway:)


approved in March, and a follow-up plan released late last month by the National Development and Reform Commission, reveal a national strategy with several worrying developments for multinational corporations.


(A: By the way, tie everything in with Agenda 21.  I’ve got an article from China here, where they actually mention they’re still calling it Agenda 21, because their citizenry hasn’t caught on to the meaning of it yet, where they changed the name here because we’re all pretty well up on what it means.  Tie it in with Agenda 21, you won’t need your cars shortly, or even good roads, because you won’t be traveling anywhere.  Essential vehicles only it said, remember.)


The economic blueprints focus on seven "Strategic Emerging Industries" that Beijing aims to dominate on a global level: alternative energy, biotechnology, new-generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, advanced materials, alternative-fuel cars, and new energy technologies. Global firms that compete in everything from hydropower to flat panel display technology will have to account for stronger Chinese competition.


(A: So we’re all competing in this race, this human race.  Now we know what the race is all about.  They get us all competing with each other, right?)


And for countries, such as Japan and Korea, with hopes of having their domestic firms lead these industries, these new Chinese plans may necessitate revamping their policies of state assistance for corporations.


(A: So, once again, you’ve got China into the public/private partnership deal of financing corporations, so that they can win this big, you know, human race.  You know, we’re all on the starting line, and bang, off we go.)


To support its strategic industries, Beijing is set to provide accommodating fiscal, tax, and financial policies as well as to "reasonably guide mergers and acquisitions to increase manufacturing industry concentration," according to the published plans.


(A: By the way, the same people who owned all the big corporations and who lend to countries of the West are the same boys who own the factories over there, and who run the Chinese banking institutions as well.  They’re not stupid, you know.)


This includes roughly $1.5 trillion in government spending (almost 5 percent of GDP) annually, the goal of which is to grow the strategic industries' contribution to China's growth from less than 5 percent today to 15 percent by 2020. In other words, China plans to triple the role that these high tech industries play in its economy. By 2020, Standard Chartered estimates that China's economy will reach $25 trillion. At these levels, China intends that $3.75 trillion, or roughly the equivalent of Germany's annual GDP, will come from its seven strategic industries.


The only one hope you lay out for China, it’s kind of like Mexico, is that corruption is not quite so taboo there.  They don’t have the old hangovers from the Ten Commandments or anything like that to go by.  And they believe in luck, a lot of luck, you see.  So, corruption is pretty rife in China.  And they might even break down over the years in the future with their big city-state areas being private gang-run and fighting with each other, down the road.  It could very well happen, because they’re all corrupt, you know.  And would you be a politician or even a public servant as they still call them in China, even though they’re technically all Communist and belong to the Politburo, and you can’t open a business in China unless you go into business with the local Politburo and pay them their fees, much like the Western governments too.  We just call it fees here, you know.  You can’t get one started.  But it will be interesting to see how it all pans out over there because corruption is inherent.  Would you get a politician’s or even a public servant’s salary when you know that your pal at school is now in private business and he’s going to be a multi-billionaire in another four or five years time?  So payola, and exchanging payola, is quite a normal thing in China.  It will be interesting to see how that stands up.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, I’m back, Cutting Through the Matrix.  I’ll also put up the other article from China itself on what they call the New World Order, now that they’re actually taking their rightful place, you see.  And that’s what the West has been telling them for years, now take your rightful place, meaning take over from the world as the policeman.  Now, we’ll go to Frank from North Carolina, if he’s still there.  Hello?


Frank: Yes, Alan.  Thank you for taking my call.  You know, the ripple effect is a very interesting phenomenon.  I find it more and more fascinating each day.  I’ve been calling in for about five or six years to the local talk radio stations, mostly “conservative, neo-con”.  And I’ve always been the lone voice in the wilderness, particularly around 9/11, etc, etc.  What I’m finding is, and I had a question for you, I’m no longer the lone voice.  All of a sudden I’m starting to hear other voices coming in, black, white, conservatives, calling in questioning the official story of things.  I’ve just turned one radio station upside-down today, the local 50,000-watt station, thanks to your help from many years ago.  But I was wondering, have you, on your end, is there any indication that there’s any type of increase or exponentially, ideally increase, in awareness in people willing to speak out. 


Alan: There’s definitely more people, especially young folk aware of it.  The problem is, they have no direction as to where to take it, what to do with it.  I mean you’re waking up not just to one big fraudulent act being imposed upon a whole nation, and a world in fact, but also, you’re waking up to what do we do about it.  Obviously if the system, the corrupt system that brought this about, is still in power, the same system.  And then they crashed the banks too, and then say it’s all your fault for not competing hard enough, etc.  Do you really want that same system?  People just don’t know what to do.  And that’s part of it too, is there’s no real structure.  There’s no organizational structure.  The ones who are organized are the ones who have been organized for a hundred years, and that’s the Communist side.  And I get lots of articles sent to me that circulate the Patriot circuit, and I know that they’re Communist, but the other people don’t know.  Because they have a lot of good articles there, professionally written articles about the system.  So, who wants one or the other?  They’re both two sides of the same coin.  We need something different for the people, for the first time perhaps in well over a hundred years, because we don’t know where to take this.  This is the whole thing.  The government itself is not about to change its system at all to accommodate the public.  The government itself is a secret society, as far as I’m concerned, to cover all of their misdeeds up from the general population, and, you know, so what do we do really?  It truly is a secret society, government is.


Frank:  Yeah, I made that point today on one of the shows and they started playing the Twilight Zone music and I said, hey, don’t forget the tinfoil hat and the little green men and all that.  And some of them are actually, some of these neo-cons are actually starting to admit there is an elite globalist group of criminals that are running things.  But at the same time they clap and you know, want to hold parades when we kill Anwar Al-awlaki, who I, I kept saying, well, you know, he’s probably a creepy guy, but why was he hanging out according to Fox News at the Pentagon, after 9/11.  I mean, the calls are going crazy.  I mean, they don’t know what to do.  But I called in three different times to three different radio shows on the same station today.  And there are more people calling in.


Alan: Well, that’s the start of it.  And obviously things have to change and there’s got to be more.  You’re not going to get transparency from a corrupt system that’s held up on its foundation of corruption.  It’s got to be altered, obviously.  And if there’s an organization that has the ability to alter it, unfortunately it will be the wrong one.  Probably the other side of the banking elite, the underworld, they run that too.  We’ve got to really work on that and find out how.  Thanks for calling.  From Hamish and myself, from Ontario, Canada, remember too, buy the books and discs.  Keep me going, donate, because otherwise, you know.  It’s good night, and may your god or your gods go with you.



Topics of show covered in following links:

Denmark Imposes Fat Tax

National Infrastructure Bank

China and Economic Dominion

Rules for a New World Order


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