Jan. 4, 2015 (#1482)
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt
(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)
"Allay the Fear for This New Year"
© Alan Watt Jan. 4, 2015
Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 4, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)
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Hi folks, I'm Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on January 4, 2015. I hope you all are recovering from your celebrations and you're get over the rush of buying presents and receiving presents and all of that commercial stuff which everyone goes through and you're getting back to the fact that you’re into the new year. The New Year, as always, is full of predictions from all the gurus out there who follow memes and themes and so on, which is quite easy for them to do nowadays, especially the psychic ones that get on certain shows. Because the memes and the themes put it all out there for you, over the last few things that have happened over the last few years and what's likely to happen, all comes from understanding and correlating them and so on so it gets awfully easy to be a sort of foreteller of the future today.
What I do of course is different. I go into the big boys agendas themselves from their own websites, etc. and it's so easy to find the information of where the world is to go because it's planned that way. All the big changes which will affect you are planned that way by big committees, big think tanks, the global meetings and they have, hundreds of meetings every year, all different sections of the United Nations and so on, along with the think tanks, the Brookings Institute and all the other ones. They help plan the future for society, for the big global society as they call it, eventually calling it the Great Society, etc.
But those who have been listening to the show for a long time are well aware of what's really going on, why things happen the way they do. I often try to fill in any news articles I read by putting in the bits that are omitted. They love to omit things in the media and that's when you're lead up the garden path. If you only get part of a story you’ll never understand why it's happening, or perhaps even how urgent it happens to be or important it happens to be, because they soften it by omission and so on and they guide you to your conclusions and all that kind of thing.
Well, I can tell you here in Canada where I live in northern Ontario it's been awfully, awfully cold and down to about, in the centigrades, down to about 30 below quite a few different nights in the past week alone, and the next week is going to be much the same. It doesn't really go above the freezing mark all day, so it's certainly here all right. I'm quite happy with it because it's supposed to be that way. All this nonsense and talk about global warming, it really tends to tick you off because it's a big, big social agenda for controlling the world and the way that you live, right down to what you even eat.
Because it's all down to carbon taxes and the amount of carbon taxes, and energy taxes they call it as well, and how much energy was used to make that particular milk chocolate with the wrapper, how much did the wrapper cost in energy to make it and so on, and that gets all tacked onto the price of product which you purchase. So the boys who traditionally make money on it, and even manage the money system, that's how they make money out of nothing and basically are in control of this, the really big, big boys at the top. And this is a beauty, this one, because now you're getting taxed, really, on your very existence, just for existing and needing to eat and so on or warm yourself. You're going to get taxed on it, taxed, taxed, taxed, taxed, taxed, which all leads to control. So we're well underway to all of this of course as you well know.
As I say, I must thank a lot of folk who have been in touch with me too, to keep me updated on how they're doing with their health and their families and all the rest of it because it's good to have an idea. People aren't just nameless faces to me, they're people and it's important to hear how they're getting on and what life is dealing out to them and if they're getting by or having good little moments and so on along with the bad little moments. Because that's what life is all about really isn't it. So it's good to hear how people are doing, I thank people who are getting in touch and so on.
Now, the carbon taxes are awfully important because they keep playing up this whole agenda, every scientist is on board, on the panel on climate change at the United Nations, and is on an awfully, awfully high salary. The United Nations already gave them blanket immunity if they're caught lying, because they have been caught before, you see. And why should scientists be lying, for instance? A lie is different from a mistake or a false assumption. A lie is when you know you're putting out a false, and contrived, assumption, a big difference there, to get a political end to it, and maybe an increase in their salary as well. Because they’re paid awfully good money for sitting on boards, and they've got nice clean hands, there's no calluses on them because they don't do any work, they do computer modeling all the time and so on. They're on board with all the socialistic agendas for supposedly the redistribution of wealth, which is nothing to do about giving wealth to the poor folk. It's about putting your tax money of your country into Third World countries, to put the international factories into their countries for them to get cheap labor, we built the factories, and that's what they mean by foreign aid. Lots of things like this are going on all the time.
Most of life, in fact, to do from government today, via its big arm the media, the regular media, is to con you. It's a con job to get you to go along with things. They give you kind of idea that the world is being run by great people, awfully honest people, who are better than you in their honesty and decency and so on, and they have your best interests at heart. And nothing is further from the truth. There's no litmus test to get into these positions of power, except by observation from outside and that is to do with science, the science of studying the personalities for psychopathy. If there was a litmus test for that I guarantee you every government would have lots of vacant seats, probably all of them, in fact all of the seats as well. Because the psychopaths gravitate towards powerful positions. And there are degrees of psychopathy, remember. Don't forget that scientists depend on grants getting dished out to them to keep them going in a nice lifestyle, and again, the clean hands with no calluses. All they have to do is turn out a paper maybe once or twice a year, they can even repeat it over and over, the same one, and the money keeps rolling into them. So they are all on board with this great moneymaker of climate change, as they call it now rather than just global warming. It's much better to call climate change since it covers everything and the warming hasn't been really going along with their agenda. They actually wish in fact that they had actually picked their original one that they had which was global cooling and an Ice Age coming. But they picked the wrong one, the wrong horse, and now we're back on to global warming. But that doesn't matter if you are under 10 feet of snow, they'll still say it's global warming that's causing the 10 feet of snow. It's quite an amazing world we live in.
And that's how the world is really run, folks. Everyone is taught to be free, that you are free, etc. But you really aren't free at all. There's always been slavery in some form or another, as Charles Galton Darwin said and he was part of the big global society of scientists who helped work on creating a new more sophisticated form of slavery, as he called it. Well, that means that you're going into austerity. You won't know you're going into austerity by force, you'll think it's all for the good of the planet, or the good of this or the good of that. But really it's just to tax everything off of you, as I say, your very existence is taxed so that they can force you to do everything, including what you eat and wear and everything else and so on and so on.
Now, here's an article from RT News and it says:
‘Winter hell’: Snowstorm paralyzes major Russian highway (PHOTOS)
rt.com / December 28, 2014
Russia has seen many harsh winters – but even here, drivers don't welcome wintry roads. Heavy snow and hail turned part of a highway running from Moscow to Rostov into a parking lot. Cars were reportedly buried under snow upon stopping for just a minute.
And it goes on about what happened there. Then you go further on and they say that, in Britain, you have other things happening too, about motorways getting close down and so on. It's quite, this is… I guess it's like an Ice Age we're going into, isn't it, especially an Ice Age we're heading into, there's no doubt about it. Then we go into this one:
Britain unprepared for severe blackouts,
secret Government report reveals
telegraph.co.uk / Emily Gosden / 28 Dec 2014
Britain is unprepared for prolonged blackouts, with increased death rates, rising public disorder and high-risk criminals on the loose among the likely consequences if major energy networks are seriously damaged, a secret (Alan: I love how they always say ‘a secret’.) Government security assessment has found. (A: Secret. It's in the newspaper, the Telegraph here. Now, they're always doing contingency plans for everything. See, government's first order of the day is its own survival, that's number one. They're always doing assessments on what could go wrong and them losing their power, that's standard, that's always been that way. But this says:)
The UK's contingency plans for severe power cuts are based on numerous flawed or untested assumptions and need to be revised, according to documents obtained by the Telegraph.
The assessment, codenamed Exercise Hopkinson, examined what would happen if a severe storm knocked out crucial energy infrastructure in southwest England, plunging two million homes into darkness for up to two weeks.
Transport networks would be paralysed and emergency services would struggle to cope, fuel to run backup generators may be inaccessible and the dead may not be buried, it found.
The assessment, which involved officials from all key departments and major industries, took place this summer following 12 months of preparation.
As I say, they do this all the time, this kind of thing. Back in the 80s when they did it when Thatcher was in, to do with even a nuclear war, what would happen, and out of that came the documentary and a movie called Threads and so on. But they do look upon break down in society, panic, gangs arising and going out on the pillage for food and so on, and all of the things that could happen, all the disaster things that could happen. This article here's from the Independent and it says:
UK weather: 'Coldest night of the year' tonight as freezing temperatures plummet to -10C
independent.co.uk / Lamiat Sabin / 28 December 2014
Temperatures are set to plunge over the next 24 hours with tonight forecast to be the coldest of the year so far with lows down to -10C and the likelihood of ice.
The freezing climate caused by high-pressure sweeping over from Iceland will hold the country in a bitterly-cold snap until at least Wednesday with clear and crisp nights expected.
(A: Then they warn drivers for dangerous icy roads and so on.)
Drivers are warned of icy dangerous travel conditions for the whole country with nighttime lows of -3C expected in the south, -8C in the northern parts and -10C in the Scottish valleys.
Tonight is expected to beat the record of the current coldest night of the year, which was two days ago on 26 December in Braemar, Scotland, where the mercury hit -8.5C. The rest of the UK is also likely to experience the lowest temperatures on record for 2014.
(A: It's balmy to me, that, when I look at that kind of weather over there because I can get to -30°C to -40°C, and worse.)
Met Office forecaster Simon Partridge said: “The very low temperatures in Scotland indicate that it will definitely be the coldest night of the year so far.”
So, it's global warming, you see. Then we have this article here to talking about what I was mentioning earlier, carbon credits. It's also important to follow this carbon credits thing because it's to bring all your spending money, all your spending money is eventually to go to taxes and fees and so on for energy taxes and carbon taxes and so on. You won't see big bags of carbon getting collected or anything like that, it's all to be in your imagination and computer models. It goes to the guys who own the right to take this carbon in, at least they are allowed to take all the money in from you, like the Rothschilds' private bank in Switzerland and the guys that are associated with Al Gore and other ones too, who helped push all this thing because they want of the loot for, really, doing nothing. Isn't that wonderful, it will all come into you. It says here that:
Carbon credit exchange program final plan
announced before Jan. 12 opening
hani.co.kr / Dec.10,2014 / Bang Jun-ho
The final plan for running the carbon credit exchange that will open in Jan. 2015 has been announced. The credit market will be open from 10 am until noon, with bids limited to a range of 10% more to 10% less of the price at the close of trading the previous day.
(A: So the big corporations can trade their credits too. It's wonderful for corporations, eh, isn't it?)
On Dec. 9, Korea Exchange announced that it had finalized operating regulations and other aspects of the system for the carbon credit exchange. The market will officially open on Jan. 12, 2015.
525 companies that are being allocated carbon credits will participate in the credit exchange market, along with the Korea Development Bank, the Industrial Bank of Korea, and Korea EximBank.
From 9 am, one hour before the market opens, until it closes at 12 pm, participants in the market will use a bid input program, which is similar to a home trading system (HTS), to submit bids that are -10% to +10% of the base price.
(A: Isn't it amazing. It's just like all the other derivatives and so on getting gambled on this big pie-in-the-sky, this big abstract thing that just gets juggled in the sky, and we pay up and pay up and pay up as the big corporations can buy and sell their credits. Not the carbon, mind you, after all, they can't collect carbon so you've got money credits that represent carbon. Isn't that beautiful. I mean, it's better having on the dollar In God We Trust, at least you can trust in something, you can imagine a God, even when you're not supposed to you can try and picture God, they say it's supposed to be prohibited. But you can't imagine a bag of nothing, carbon, I mean, you just can't do it, can you. But you're supposed to. Because these are, you know, professional people who dreamed all this chicanery up. It's quite something.)
A carbon credit exchange is a method of allowing companies to buy and sell credits corresponding to the total amount of a country’s carbon emissions. Currently, such exchanges are believed to be the most effective way to achieve goals for reducing carbon emissions. (A: What a lie that is! What a lie that is, isn't it?)
The goal of the South Korean government is to reduce emissions to 70% of predicted greenhouse gas emissions levels for 2020, with market operations divided into three phases.
The system of credit allocation and penalties (A: See, you get penalties as well.) has already been adjusted after industrial interests drew attention to problems with the carbon credit market. Allocations and penalties are the key to creating an active credit market since these provide an incentive for companies to participate in the market, but these rules were relaxed under pressure from big business.
And remember too, all these corporations who are gambling with the carbon credits, were given the credits for free from all the governments, millions and millions of dollars worth to get it started. You won't be getting that for you, because you see, they're going to bring in personal carbon credits now, that's where it's all to go, get you used to this idea, then it's your turn, you see. That's how train animals, bit by bit by bit by bit, you see, then you put the harness on. Now, how do these carbon credits work? At least, how is it put across as actually working? And this is from Carbon Planet. It says here, this article is all about, all about it, you see.
Types of Carbon Credits (A: You know, for dummies.)
Essentially, the types of carbon credits can be split into two forms, those within the voluntary market and those within the compliance market. Each type of carbon credit adheres to a particular standard or certification. (A: How can gas adhere to anything, eh?)
Compliance Carbon Credits
More information on the compliance market can be found here. (A: It gives you a link on where to find that; it's probably written by lawyers, to totally bamboozle you.)
Certified Emission Reduction (CER) units
The most common type of compliance credit is a CER (Certified Emission Reduction unit) which originates from projects in developing counties. Certification and overall approval of these abatement projects and their credits is known as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). (A: So, the developing countries are the dirtiest countries, but you in another country can pay for the clean country, even though it's not clean it all, but you paid for the carbon that they're putting out. Isn't that nice, you can share the pain.)
Emission Reduction Unit (ERU)
Like CER in developing nations, within developed nations, a mechanism known as Joint Implementation or JI, produces compliance credits referred to as Emission Reduction Units or ERUs.
New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Abatement Certificate (NGAC) (A: For Australia.)
The New South Wales Greenhouse Abatement Certificate (NGAC) certification process is comprehensive. It includes Kyoto Protocol measures (A: Again, all these… You never get an invitation to go to the Kyoto protocols, or any of these protocols, where they go and sign deeper into, and deeper and deeper into the mire.), but goes beyond these. In summary the NGAC certification process ensures the following:
*That each NGAC represents one tonne of carbon dioxide stored for at least 100 years. (A: But where are they storing it? Or, who's grabbing it? Eh? It isn't, you see.)
*That the trees have been planted since 1990.
*That the trees weren't planted on old growth forest cleared land (the land must have been clear prior to 1990).
*That should the tree from which your carbon credit came come to any harm within 100 years of your purchase e.g. fire, disease, logging; that carbon credit will be replaced immediately from another source. (A: So, if you have to wait for 100 years for it and so on, for any returns on this thing, good luck to you, folks, eh, they've got you coming and going.)
Voluntary Carbon Credits
More information on the voluntary market can be found here. (A: And they give you the link.) The credit types below are just a sample of the most commonly used products in Australia and globally. Many more types exist overseas and if you want more information on these, please contact us.
Voluntary Carbon Unit (VCU) or Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) credit
The VCS Programme provides a robust (A: love these words.), global standard for approval of credible voluntary carbon credits.
VCS credits or Voluntary Carbon Units (VCU) must be real (A: Unlike the other stuff, which isn’t real I suppose, eh.), the abatement must have occurred, they must be additional by going beyond business-as-usual activities (A: I guess everything’s dead.), be measurable, permanent, not temporarily displace emissions, the findings need to be independently verified
(A: Oh big government bureaucracies are just expanding like cancers across the planet here, and lawyers, eh.) and unique so they cannot be used more than once to offset emissions. The VCS is the most widely known and chosen standards in the voluntary market due to its Kyoto compatibility as well as its ability to manage a wide range of project types and methodologies. (A: What a lot of gobbledygook, eh. Now, what's the next one?)
Verified (or Voluntary) Emissions Reduction (VER) and Gold Standard VER (A: I guess we’ve got bronze and all the rest of it, maybe down to tin at the bottom, the personal ones, you’ll have tin standards.)
The most popular type of carbon credit used to offset emissions around the world voluntarily is a VER, a Verified or Voluntary Emission Reduction unit and there are many different types. Before CDM or JI projects deliver credits used for Compliance purposes such as CERs and ERUs (A: [Alan laughing.] I can't even keep a straight face with this rubbish, eh.) they can produce VERs. These credits can be verified to a number of specific standards, including the Gold Standard. Not all projects go on to register within the CDM or JI, often due to the size of the project and the inhibitive costs associated with compliance registration (A: That’s just to register the thing, they bankrupt you.), so their choice of one or more of these voluntary standards is made based on its overall viability and compatibility to them.
Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)
A REC is not a carbon credit that represents one tonne of CO2 emissions but rather a unit that relates to how much CO2e is saved by the adoption of renewable energy (A: I guess you can adopt it now, eh, and give it names maybe.) and how efficiently one mega watt hour (MWh) of electricity can be produced. This can vary from as little as a 500 kilos of CO2e, to as much as almost two tonnes from older, less efficient power stations. Like carbon credits, in an attempt to faze out and replace traditional, emission intensive activities, RECs provide financial subsidies for the power sector to help renewable energy projects become more viable around the world.
Isn't this wonderful, eh. You get a bunch of dictionary… See, every department and everything we hear now, you need a whole dictionary for itself, and a set of them maybe. Because it's all, you know. I can remember the movie The Devil's Advocate, and Al Pacino played the devil. He says to this guy he is apprenticing, how do you think we're taking this world over? He says, every year the universities across the world are churning out lawyers, thousands, millions of lawyers, he says, that's how we're taking the planet over, armies of them. And this is the rubbish they put out there, the way that they word everything, you see. Wonderful, isn't it. Jobs for the boys, the little devils. In fact you know, I think there's a little devil born every minute. I really do. There's never been such gainful employment for them. Because they can put their imaginations to work dreaming up this kind of stuff all the time, and how to scam you, and get rich and powerful over you by doing all the scamming. Not bad, eh. Not bad at all.
Then you have this one here:
UN Carbon Credit Supply to Drop on Climate Vows: GDF Suez
businessweek.com / Mathew Carr / December 19, 2014
Emission-cutting projects overseen by the United Nations will probably reduce supply of credits into international markets as developing nations set up alternative programs at home, according to GDF Suez SA. (A: South Australia.)
China’s preliminary plan for a national greenhouse-gas market published last week means projects will now be more inclined to use programs within their own country, said Philipp Hauser, vice president, carbon markets at GDF Suez Energy Latin America, a unit of the world’s biggest utility. China’s move may be followed by others and credits changing hands this week for 50 euro cents ($0.61) a metric ton (A: A metric ton [Alan laughing.]) may rise to a “few euros” by 2020, he said yesterday from Rio de Janeiro.
An increased tendency to hold rather than sell carbon credits is underpinned by developing nations joining richer countries in accepting emission limits from 2020, under the UN process of tabling climate contributions through July next year.
This is the scam at the United Nations, you know, it's not a country, remember, it's a Corporation, and a private one at that. And no citizen in the world, outside the political leaders that all committed treason by signing on to it, no citizen in the world has a chance to vote on anything, and it's supposed to run your lives, for all the scam artists that really run it all, together, above the United Nations. It's quite something, isn't it? Quite something.
And here's the next topic. See, everything is coming down to units. See, you're a unit, you're a production unit. Remember that. You’re certified at birth that you actually are, you know, you're there, and that gives you the given name, etc. that you need in the law to start taxing you and everything else, and taking you off to school and brainwash you, things like that. But you are a unit, a production unit. The idea is that you end up going through the system, working for as many years as you possibly can, paying taxes for government for all their big scam projects and things, and huge paychecks, servants love to live better than their masters, always, and then hopefully, they hope at the end you'll die quietly and quickly. Rather than the money that you've put into all the different medical insurances, getting used on you, therefore… See, your productive life is over, they want you to simply die. Your purpose, see, you’re a productive unit, that's what your job is, not to be happy and enjoy yourself by getting married or whatever. No, you're supposed to be a productive unit, that's coming down to the brass tacks now, you see.
For years and years... The socialists began in the early 1900s, that went into the system such as George Bernard Shaw who said, when we rule, meaning the socialists system, the real socialist system of what they think of as elite intelligentsia running the world, then you'll have to come to us, he said, and tell us why we should allow you to live. Because your whole purpose is to serve the system, contribute to the system, right up to your last breath. And it's all here. They always blame Hitler for it all. No, no, no, Hitler copied it from Britain and elsewhere, the eugenics program, you see. And I say Britain but I should really say London. London is the capital where everything, all the cancers start in Britain, all down through history, and the international bankers and everything else. Everything from the money system and the bankers is corrupt, which means the whole system is, which is your whole reality, folks.
And as you start to get ill of course they're prattling on about the cost of, oh keeping you in the hospital and my God, you know. Because you see, emotions go out the window in this age of moral relativity, etc., and it's down to brass tacks, the cost per unit, the cost, that's you, per unit. What's your status in the community? What your status in society? Why should they keep you alive? You, little old you, you see.
When they started off euthanasia it was in Holland, never mind Switzerland where you can go and get bumped off, but you can go to Holland, you see, and Holland is starting to introduce it for people there. And they always come out with things, you can say, well I guess maybe you know, somebody who is really bad with cancer or whatever… And that's how they get all these things on the books, it doesn't matter what it is, and once it's on the books they expand it and expand it. And I said at the time years ago, on the air literally, that eventually if you get a bit depressed they'll be bumping you off for that. Or just, oh I'm getting fed up, I'm going through a blues phase… oh don't be afraid, we'll kill you, how is that. It's cheaper than treating you.
Number of mentally ill patients killed by euthanasia in Holland trebles in a year as doctors warn assisted suicide is 'out of control'
dailymail.co.uk / Simon Caldwell /3 October 2014
(A: Now, under the racial hygiene bill, and the mental hygiene bill, it's true, the Nazis did go in and start killing everyone off who had a mental illness, like a long-term mental illness, in the hospitals, and those who were considered to be mentally subnormal as they put it, and they got that term from Britain as well. But anyway, here is Holland moved into there now of mentally ill patients getting bumped off now.)
-42 people with mental illnesses killed by lethal injection in Holland last year
-This is three times more than the number who were euthanized in 2012 (A: See, everything expands.)
-Overall figures for assisted deaths show a 15 per cent surge in a year
-Doctors warn that the Dutch euthanasia experiment is 'out of control'
-UK Assisted Dying Bill (A: Which they keep pushing in Britain.) to be discussed again in Parliament next month
The latest official figures also revealed a 15 per cent surge in the number of euthanasia deaths from 4,188 cases in 2012 to 4,829 cases last year. (A: And it gives you a little video and so on.)
The incremental rise is consistent with a 13 per cent increase in 2012, an 18 per cent rise in 2011, 19 per cent in 2010 and 13 per cent in 2009.
The rise is also likely to confirm the fears of Dutch regulator Theo Boer who told the Daily Mail that he expected to see euthanasia cases smash the 6,000 barrier in 2014.
Overall, deaths by euthanasia, which officially account for three per cent of all deaths in the Netherlands, have increased by 151 per cent in just seven years. (A: I wonder how much the doctors get paid for doing that too.)
Most cases - some 3,600 people – involved cancer sufferers but there were also 97 people who died at the hands of their doctors because they were suffering from dementia, the figures show. (A: Now, once you get into dementia and mental illness, that's just, it will go across the board, oh, you've got schizophrenia, we can bump you off now, and so on.)
The figures, however, do not include cases of so-called terminal sedation, where patients are given a cocktail of sedatives and narcotics before food and fluids are withdrawn.
Studies suggest that if such deaths were added to the figure then euthanasia would account for one in eight – about 12.3 per cent – of all deaths in the Netherlands.
Dr Peter Saunders of the Christian Medical Fellowship said the Dutch experiment proved that doctor-assisted death was impossible to effectively regulate.
‘Euthanasia in the Netherlands is way out of control,’ he said.
‘The House of Lords calculated in 2005 that with a Dutch-type law in Britain we would be seeing over 13,000 cases of euthanasia per year,’ he continued. (A: Mind you, they never continue, they never mention how many thousands of families and old folk are dying in their homes in Britain every winter, I could go into that as well.)
‘On the basis of how Dutch euthanasia deaths have risen since this may prove to be a gross underestimate.
‘What we are seeing in the Netherlands is “incremental extension”, the steady intentional escalation of numbers with a gradual widening of the categories of patients to be included.’
He said there was a similar pattern of increasing numbers of assisted suicide and euthanasia in the US state of Oregon, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Dr Saunders said: ‘The lessons are clear. Once you relax the law on euthanasia or assisted suicide steady extension will follow as night follows day.’ (A: So there ya go.)
Now, a lot of the other NGOs that are pushing for it all, again, they did nice little stories and so on. But remember too, they also get the grants, some from different governmental departments, and big Pharma too, and some of the big medical insurance industries, if you really dig into things, folks. Nothing out there is what it claims it is or what it appears to be, especially when it's there to help you, you see. Then this one from the mail as well and it says:
The country where death is now just a lifestyle choice:
A mum with ringing ears.
Babies whose parents don't want them to suffer.
They've all been allowed to die by assisted suicide in Holland
dailymail.co.uk / Sue Reid / 1 January 2015
-Andre Verhoeven planned to retire at 65 to travel the world with wife Dora
-He was diagnosed with acute leukemia and was told there was no cure
-He chose to end his life at 64 and died in January last year
-Gaby Olthuis suffered ‘24-hour noise’ in her head, ‘like a train screeching'
-To end her suffering, she was given a lethal potion to drink at her home
-She left behind two teenage children, a boy of 13 and a girl aged 15 (A: By the way, they just came out with new medication for that too, it's supposed to really change it dramatically. That's what happens, eh.)
No one would have predicted that such a devoted husband and family man would one day choose to die by a lethal injection administered by his own GP.
(A: Now, when your doctors are in the business of killing you, folks, you'd better get your hackles in your hair standing up. You'd really better. I mean, already… It's like Ontario here, if you go into hospital in Ontario you’re automatically put down as a donor, whether you know it or not. And there are people making such money off of organ transplants, and I know some surgeons by the way who do this stuff, they are sizing you up when you go into those hospitals for how much money you are worth, dead. And your GP is in the business now, getting paid by the state or whatever, to bump you off as well. Then what do they do with your body? A lot of them, again, will whisk it off to, you know, bits and pieces, massive money involved in that.)
Andre Verhoeven had planned to retire at 65 to travel the world with his wife, Dora. Instead, he was diagnosed with acute leukemia, a cancer of the blood, for which he was told there was no cure. (A: And so on and so on, and they say:)
‘His end was so peaceful,’ recalls his daughter Bregje, 37, a writer. ‘Once my father had decided on euthanasia, he was relieved. He was looking forward to the date he would die. In the last few days he was able to say goodbye to his family, his friends, to talk about old times.’
(A: And this is the sort of thing they give you, to get you, well, well, you know, oh well. Do you understand, with the medications they have, which they freely distributed amongst all the people on the streets for street drugs, they can give you it in the hospitals. And all this nonsense about they are afraid they'll get the patient addicted, if you've got a week to live, folks, who cares if they get addicted in the last week as they are dying? At least they'll be pain-free. But that's the excuse they give. But as I say, the government is making sure, you know, that all the heroine, which is processed, and the different stuff that ends up on the street in your country, that's why we protect the poppy fields in Afghanistan, by our militaries. Anyway it goes on to say:)
You might be entitled to think that what people do in Holland is their business and nothing to do with us in Britain. But you could not be more wrong.
If campaigners have their way, the law will be changed here, too, to allow those who wish to end their life to do so at a time of their choosing. For opponents of euthanasia, this raises grave moral questions, as well as concerns that unscrupulous relatives might take advantage of elderly family members — whose estates (A: …the cash part of course…) they might covet — by encouraging them to end their lives.
One of the most vociferous and courageous voices in the campaign to legalise assisted dying was Debbie Purdy, who passed away last week at the age of 51 after refusing food for a year. She had said her hunger strike was painful and difficult, but that her life with progressive multiple sclerosis was ‘unacceptable’. (A: …and they go on and on and on.)
So they always get massive emotion into these things when there's much bigger, bigger things behind it all. Believe you me, there's big things behind this all. And believe you me, the UN too would love to see the amount of people, not just not getting born but also dying earlier, they've already said that. They've even had sci-fi movies out that when your time came up for your productive life then you just walked into a little booth and got zapped, that was you, gone. And it was put across as being very practical, you know, it was very logical and practical and…
Mobile death squads to kill sick and elderly in their own homes leads to surge in suicide rates in the Netherlands - dailymail.co.uk / 24 September 2013
You are all dollars and cents, folks, that's what you are. I can also remember too, that in Holland they’ve already had mistakes made. Don't forget, hospitals are notorious for mistakes, you know, you go in to get one arm operated on, they cut the left one off or something and things like that. It does happen, folks. And there was a nun in Holland, nuns couldn't put themselves down to be terminated, it's against their religion, their vows and all the rest of it, but they've done it in Holland.
Now, I've always said government would be into every facet of your life. All you're doing your whole life long is being retrained and upgraded and retrained, you see. For those who own you and master you, you see. But this says:
New diet guidelines might reflect environment cost
wral.com / January 2, 2015 / MARY CLARE JALONICK
WASHINGTON — For years, the government has been issuing guidelines about healthy eating choices. Now, a panel that advises the Agriculture Department is ready to recommend that you be told not only what foods are better for your own health, but for the environment as well. (A: See how they start tying it all in together.)
That means that when the latest version of the government's dietary guidelines comes out, it may push even harder than it has in recent years for people to choose more fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and other plant-based foods — at the expense of meat. (A: Now, they've already come out on radio, I've heard it on the radio, which means they're obviously on TV doing the same thing.)
The beef and agriculture industries are crying foul, saying an environmental agenda has no place in what has always been a practical blueprint for a healthy lifestyle.
(A: This article goes on to talk about what's good to eat and what isn't good to eat and so on, for you, you see, the big agenda, the social/environmental agenda is all part of it too. It says here…)
Once the recommendations are made, the Agriculture and Health and Human Services departments will craft the final dietary guidelines, expected about a year from now. Published every five years, the guidelines are the basis for USDA's "My Plate" (A: Well, eventually with ‘my plate’ it will have nothing on it when they're finished, eh.) icon that replaced the well-known food pyramid in 2010 and is designed to help Americans with healthy eating. Guidelines will also be integrated into school lunch meal patterns and other federal eating programs.
But that's not what the feds themselves will be eating, as always, you know. That's how it goes. Then of course the meat industry is hammering back at them, etc. etc. etc. So it's a big social agenda underway, and it encompasses everything you can touch, environment, pollution, you name it, every excuse they've got, climate change, yada yada yada, sustainability, sustainability and so on, all one big agenda, you see, and every part of it IS part of it as far as they are concerned. Anything they haven't thought of yet they will shortly, I'm sure.
This article here about raw milk and it says:
Raw milk producers to be forced to make their product unpalatable under new Victorian regulations
abc.net.au / 27 Dec 2014
Raw milk producers will be subject to tough new restrictions, making it harder to sell the product for human consumption, the Victorian Government has said. (A: In Australia.)
Under the new regulations, dairy farmers producing milk must either make it safe for human consumption or make it unpalatable by adding a bittering agent.
"Raw milk producers will have to either treat the milk with a pasteurization process to make sure that any harmful bacteria are killed before there is a risk that consumers will drink it," Victorian Minister for Consumer Affairs Jane Garrett said.
"If they don't wish to go through this pasteurization process, they will be required to add a very small drop of an agent that makes the milk entirely unpalatable. (A: Entirely. In other words, you'd better just pour it in the sewer.)
"This means that the smallest amount will make the individual recoil in horror, which will prevent absolutely the deliberate or accidental consumption." (A: Isn't that just disgusting! We’re hear from the government and we're here to help you… Argh. So there it goes and so on and so on. So even the ways that folk got around it before to try and get good healthy, you know, whole milk will be, they can't use it. They were getting around by saying it was for bath milk. It says:)
Raw milk is sold in Victoria as bath milk and labelled "not safe for human consumption".
But on December 11, Victoria's Chief Health Officer Dr Rosemary Lester said she was concerned that cosmetic milk was being sold next to drinking milk, and had written to Victorian Consumer Affairs about the issue.
Oh, these busybodies with nothing to do, eh. Maybe, I do know, she's married, maybe she should get, who knows. And here's another one:
School teachers forced to wear scarlet letter flu masks,
gloves when they refuse flu shots that don't even work
naturalnews.com / December 29, 2014 / Ethan A. Huff
(A: Do you understand, this is all behavior modification, folks, where you train the animals step-by-step, what you eat and all the rest of it, how you're going to live, by your public servants. And they'll say, well lots of the public want this. No, they're talking about the NGOs that work for the big corporations that run the foundations that pay these NGOs. It says here that: )
The vaccine mafia is upping the stakes in its endless war against freethinking and personal choice. A shocking new report indicates that some daycare workers in Texas are now being forced to wear face masks and gloves throughout the duration of "flu season" if they refuse to be injected with live viruses and mercury. (A: Why not put a star on their tunic or something like they did in the concentration camps? Why not do that? It's the same thing, folks, the same techniques.)
Citing a letter received from a concerned daycare worker in the College Station area of central Texas, VacTruth.com reports that at least one daycare center in the region, Covenant Presbyterian Children's Center (CPCC), has implemented the egregious policy, which is akin to forcibly labeling all resisters with a giant scarlet letter in order to coerce compliance.
The board of directors at the CPCC reportedly voted recently to require that all unvaccinated teachers and staff members wear facemasks and gloves through the end of February, supposedly to prevent the spread of flu. But such a requirement is both unscientific and discriminatory, eliminating any option for dignified free choice.
"Employers should promote a stigma-free workplace, and making employees wear a mask and gloves while teaching is discriminatory," maintains VacTruth.com.
CDC: Flu masks don't prevent influenza spread.
Many hospitals across the nation have instituted similar unconstitutional policies, including hospitals in nearby Houston. And the funny thing about this is the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that flu masks don't even work to prevent the spread of flu. (A: It's nothing to do with that. See, it's not even to do with the topic. It's conditioning you to do what you're told, prodding the animals, prodding the animals, you see, coerce, coerce, coerce.)
"No recommendation can be made at this time for mask use in the community by asymptomatic persons, including those at high risk for complications, to prevent exposure to influenza," states the CDC on its website.
"No studies have definitively shown that mask use by either infectious patients or health-care personnel prevents influenza transmission."
So again, why are the animals taking it like this? Isn't it like Animals Farm, you should all kind of rebel? Huh? George Orwell's Animal Farm, shouldn't you start rebelling, folks, and say that's it, get off our backs. Of this pseudo-psychology socialism, it's way past the point of no return. And again, they admitted this year that the three primary flues that they picked for the shots were the wrong ones. But you'd better get it anyway, you should get it anyway. Why? If it's not going to work what's the point? Well, they actually have stated, they want you to get it anyway to keep you in training to keep getting it, that's why. [Alan chuckles.]
And then this article too, which is awfully interesting, about the chip, you know, the chip in the skin, implants and so on. We know they started with the usual thing, oh it's to help Parkinson's patients or folk with Alzheimer's that may wander off and so on, to track them and trace them and so on. But again, here's the other thing, the pill, the contraceptive pill. It says:
Skin implant replaces the Pill: New chip lasts for 16 years and can be turned off by remote control when you want to conceive
dailymail.co.uk / Fiona Macrae / 30 December 2014
But scientists have invented an electronic chip that when slipped under the skin releases daily doses of contraceptive, freeing a woman from the need to remember to take the pill.
Once in place, the postage stamp-sized device works for up to 16 years – roughly half a woman’s reproductive life.
In contrast, the various contraceptive implants that are already on the market only last for up to five years.
Finally, in a development that sounds like science fiction, the chip comes with a remote control that allows the woman to simply turn it off if she decides to try for a family.
(A: Well, guess who else will have the remote control who can turn it on or off? If they want to do it across the whole region just turn them on and no one conceives. Thinks about the power of all of this, folks. We're here to help you, eh.)
In contrast, existing devices such as coils cannot be deactivated. Instead, they have to be removed – a process that can be painful and is only done at a clinic.
The device, which could be on the market by 2018, consists of a case contains the chip, a battery and electronics for drug release and for wireless communication to the remote control.
(A: So, there you go, folks eh. What else could they put in that if they wanted to, eh? Think about it. Look at the power you're handing over. But it's so convenient. You give up all freedoms for convenience, don't you, you've already done a lot of it. It goes on to talk about all the scientific things of it to do with, you know, how it's made and so on, the technology, which we’re supposed to be amazed by that. Personally it bores me to death, technology these days, you get so fed up with it all, to be honest with you, you know, where it's all going. It says:)
The chip contains a series of tiny wells, each packed with a daily dose of levonorgestrel, a hormone widely used in existing contraceptives.
Each well is covered with an ultra-thin titanium and platinum seal that prevents the drug from being released until needed.
At a pre-programmed release time, a small electrical current melts the metal cap on a single well, releasing the contraceptive into the bloodstream.
The remote control can be used to over-ride the programme when needed.
(A: And here's an interesting little thing right here, right.)
The system’s co-inventor is Robert Langer, one of the world’s top scientists. His other achievements range from growing an ear on the back of a mouse (A: …that's awfully helpful, that.) to creating a spray that keeps frizzy hair at bay. (A: There you go. I wonder what this chip is going to do to you, eh.)
The chip can be adapted to dispense other medicines (A: See, there ya go.) and has already been trialled in osteoporosis patients. (A: They can trial it, it doesn't mean it works.)
In trials on elderly women, it worked just as well as regular injections of the bone-building drug teriparatide.
Crucially, many said the device was so comfortable that they often forgot it was there. (A: I wonder if they often forget where the remote is.)
However, much work remains to be done. It will have to be shown to be an effective contraceptive and, crucially, the company must find a way of stopping hackers from taking control of the chip.
(A: [Alan laughing.] Everything used to be so easy, wasn't it? It really was, which is common sense, and it was also incredibly easy. And I'll tell you another thing too you see, these chips were initially developed for, were to inject into people who are convicts. Now, in today's society anyone can be labeled a convict for 1000 different reasons with all the new laws they are always throwing out there, or even antisocial behavior which can just mean talking back and just things like that. This is how they're going to create the whole section of the future. I say section because after that section they'll just simply clone the populations that they need, for the workers they actually will need, this is just a step-by-step process as we go along.)
The chip is designed implanted just below the skin of the buttocks, upper arm or stomach.
This could be done in a 30-minute operation at a GP’s surgery.
Existing contraceptive implants are quicker to insert but don’t last as long.
It isn’t know how much the chip will cost but the implants already in use cost £80 to £90 (A: That’s Britain.) and last three to five years.
So, there's progress for you, folks, there's progress, with the remote control and everything, that can get hacked, and so of course the authorities can hack it too. Quite interesting isn't it. Quite interesting what they're really up to. It just goes on and on, and you get so fed up with it, don't you? You get fed up with all the gizmos and technologies. And we've been trained to really go, wow, oooooh, aaaaah, you know, and just be in such awe of the state with all of its technology. And unfortunately a lot of folk are, it's rather sad, it's rather sad indeed. It makes you wonder, eh.
And just to finish off a couple of stories, this article, they always put these things out at the New Year, you see, the memes for the year. It says:
Stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer...
It's the best way to die, says top doctor
dailymail.co.uk / Jenny Hope / 1 January 2015
A former editor of the British Medical Journal has claimed that we should ‘stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer’ – because it is the best way to die. (A: For all of you, I guess, you know.)
Dr Richard Smith says it may be a ‘romantic view’, but cancer gives people a chance to say goodbye to their loved ones, which is denied to many who die from other conditions.
Indeed, he argues that the country is wasting billions (A: Again, down to economics and economic units.) trying to cure cancer because curing people of the disease means they are likely to die of worse things, such as dementia.
But cancer specialists and charities disputed his incendiary comments. They said many cancer patients suffered terribly and would not agree that it was ‘the best way to die’.
(A: So he prattles on and on. But again, the media does just put this out, right in there, like handouts, to get the thought into your head, you see. Remember, the depopulation agenda and how we're economic units, and they want to take everything that you earn basically, eventually everything you earn and used for the big projects for themselves at the top.)
They also accused the doctor of being ‘nihilistic’ about a disease which ‘takes far too many people far too young’. Dr Smith, 62, who was editor of the BMJ (A: British Medical Journal.) for 13 years until 2004 and is now chairman of the board of directors of medical smartphone app Patients Know Best, airs his views on the nature of dying in a BMJ blog.
Leaving aside suicide, he says there are four ways to die: sudden death; the long, slow death of dementia; the up and down death of organ failure and death from cancer where you ‘go down usually in weeks’.
He says most people tell him they would prefer a sudden death, but he thinks that is very hard on the families of the deceased. (A: So he's only got the thoughts of those who are going to survive in mind here, you see, he's concerned about them.)
‘The long, slow death from dementia may be the most awful as you are slowly erased, but then again when death comes it may be just a light kiss,’ he says.
Then he goes through the death by other reasons and so on and so on. But it's all to do with economics, you see, economic units, again, according to your status and your social standing in the new society, that's really what it's all about. We're already there.
Tonight I'll also put up a PDF and it's quite an interesting little PDF in fact. They've done studies on you. See, they're always studying you and this one here is to do with attitudes, attitudes on guess what?
Influences on attitudes to a personal carbon trading system
(A: Down to you the individual, that's the whole idea of it eventually. It’s to completely alter the way that you live, why you live in fact, because they keep even saying why you must live and so on. This is them from North Southwest Australia. But it goes into all the different studies they've done.)
There are mixed attitudes to the affect Personal Carbon Trading (PCT) can have on global warming and carbon emissions. The NICHE (Norfolk Island Carbon Health Evaluation) (A: See, they test it in a small areas first, everything is always done in a small area, for all of you, to get done later on.) project has been developed to explore attitudes towards PCT. The researchers have designed the project to investigate links between health, obesity and an individual’s carbon footprint. The first stages of the project undertaken in 2012 involve development of point-of-sale applications, personal carbon consumption web site and collection of data to establish a baseline measuring key health indicators and attitudes to climate change and PCT. (A: See how they are wrapping it all up into one, you see, obesity, climate change, sustainability, carbon.) This paper reports the findings from the correlation analysis of the key variables from the baseline survey. Correlation analysis was used to examine relationships among the variables. The significant relationships identified from the baseline survey will be reexamined in the latter stages of the project during 2014.
And they give you a rundown on the survey of these residents that they're using on this particular Norfolk Island. They will also find out what they object to and that will go to think tanks to find the ways to get around the objections and how to con you in a better way to go along with it all. That's what it's all about, all this stuff, a whole new way of living but nothing to do with the reasons they're giving you, folks. Nothing. And the last thing they think of is your health, believe you me.
Well, that's the start of the New Year. It doesn't bother me because nothing surprises me since you expect at all, if you follow them, and you know how they have to put it across to you, step by step by step and through gradual brainwashing and so on. So you always know it's coming because you understand what they're really getting at from the very get-go.
And that's it, from Hamish and myself in Ontario, Canada, it’s good night and may your God or your gods go with you.
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Mobile death squads to kill sick and elderly in their
own homes leads to surge in suicide rates in the Netherlands
New diet guidelines might reflect environment cost
Raw milk producers to be forced to make their product
unpalatable under new Victorian regulations
School teachers forced to wear scarlet letter flu
masks, gloves when they refuse flu shots that don't even work
Skin implant replaces the Pill - New chip lasts for 16
years and can be turned off by remote control when you want to conceive
Stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer... It's
the best way to die, says top doctor
Influences on attitudes to a personal carbon trading
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