Apr. 12, 2020 (#1769)
"Cutting Through the Matrix"
with Alan Watt
(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)
"Making Hay from the Dead, A
Shameless Sacrifice,
Old Agenda, Presented New, Freshly
Painted Lies."
© Alan Watt Apr. 12, 2020
*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan
Watt - Apr. 12, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)
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[emphasis added to articles with underscore and bold]
folks I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on April 12,
2020. I'm kind of hesitant to say I hope
you're all doing well… because we’re living through science fiction, aren't we?
was good for the Sci-Fi’s, the very cheap types. So cheap in a sense and so
ludicrous, in the old ones that is, even though you watch them, there was a
quaintness about them, but because it seems so far-fetched that you'd kind of
laugh at them and their little cardboard sets and things like that. But they
did show you scenarios that were really constructed by psychologists and
behaviorists of course. Because they're
famous for that in Britain. Even the
long-running Coronation Street, it lasted generations, I think. They had lists of psychiatrists and
psychologists and the behaviorists, and sociologists and all kinds of
professionals that would deal with the different facets of life and bring them
into writing the scripts, the real-life situations into the scripts.
also, for things to come, that was the beauty of it. Very successful that,
because they programed the generations before the big changes happen. So
each big change planned every 20, 30 years was put in carefully, incrementally,
in drama form, and when the things really happened the people, they'd adapt to
it the same way as they had been trained to by the fiction basically. Very successful and they boasted about that
too. But it wasn't just coronation Street. Britain had been doing it for so
long with pretty good Sci-Fi’s as I say, the ideas seem to be far-fetched but
now they're pretty well realistic when you see things happening today.
was generally about bending your reality, all completely bending your
reality. And Britain had a lot of
practice in doing that with wartime scenarios. You've got to remember that
George Orwell, for instance, during World War II was employed at the BBC. He
gave different programs out. One of his specialties was working with the group
that broadcast news for the propaganda during the war to India, and to
different British colonies by that time outside of India too in the Far East.
Very successful at that as well.
he also did talks on how to, this is interesting because it's back in the news
again, on how to make food out of very little.
Because we're going into austerity, this is the big austere plan we're
into now, austerity times and training the public in a very drastic, fast
way. And in a war scenario, this WAR
terminology, against a virus, you see.
It's all out there, and for martial law techniques too being used on the
public under different terminology.
the same thing as martial law, of course it is. When they can fine you or even
taser you as they're calling for now, or in some countries they're shooting
you, I think the Philippines shot some people who broke their quarantine, even
though they weren't infected they just refused to stay indoors. This is what you're seeing today, you're
seeing wartime scenarios.
Britain had lots of experience with World War I and then World War II. And all the other wars before that too. Because since the Bank of England was created,
they've had nothing but wars. [Alan
chuckles.] That's really what the Bank
of England was for, to lend to the governments for the wars, and the government
had the right then to have an income tax bureau basically set up to get the
money off the public to pay back the loans.
A great scam. Then America
followed suit, as I've said before.
the thing is, here we are in the science fiction, right, and it's almost
cardboard sets though, isn't it? Where
every day if you watch… I watch the stuff on the Internet, if it's working all
right, even though they've slowed my speed now to, for the good of all, you
see, we're sharing our bandwidth apparently with so many folk at home, but with
the same amount of folk at home in the evening as before so how come it's
slower now? But again, we're living in
conology, isn't it?
this is the time for big corporations across the board to just plunder us all
in a free-for-all frenzy of looting basically that we have to all pay back down
the road. But even at that we're told, you're not going to ever pay it off
because now you're into the new system permanently. The new normal. This is what
they're pushing for now and it's right in the open of course.
was the intention before the thing broke out, obviously. And I mean
obviously. And it was all done in the
planning phases with the big exercises before this supposed Covid 19 broke
out. Yeah, it was all done, the kind of world
they'd want post-Covid basically and how they'd bring us into it. There's no
doubt it all about it, this is the full agenda into the new planned society,
the socially controlled, scientific socialism where experts now guide and rule
your lives. It doesn't matter if they’re phony or if their doctrines are phony
or anything else, as long as they're appointed there and they talk with
authority, then we’re supposed to obey them.
all kinds of areas, economic areas and police, military, you name it, and
medical, you're just supposed to obey them, you see. How to live properly according to your
betters. You know, like Bill Gates, people like that. People who came out of special wombs and who
are elevated into stardom through the big money that they have. Because you pay
to be made a star, you see, and there's a big club at the top that has all
these different stars. In fact, they even create them to be what you think is
very, very clever, etc. They're not at all.
front people for a bigger club above them, actually, even though they seem to
represent billions of dollars. That's how the world is really run, the
so-called Gods, the hidden masters as they call themselves, and they decide in
their little clubs at the top how we are going to live. Every 20, 30 years, and where they want to
take the world in every 10, 20, 30 years, all these long-range plans.
living through it right now.
once again I've got to remember this will be a long talk and I should, I should
really remember to request that you send me a few bucks once in a while. And
preferably now because you forget later on, naturally. Go into cuttingthroughthematrix.com website
and you'll see how to do it, how to donate something towards me, PayPal or send
cash, or check or whatever it happens to be, and how to do it and where to send
it to, etc.
as I say, times are getting tough for all of us, and I know that too, for all
of us. Some people would reap fortunes, they're the sharks that make money while blood is running in the street,
as Mr. Rothschild said a long time ago.
And there's going to be a lot of money to be made off the bankruptcies
across the country and the world through this planned system. Unfortunately.
lot of folk, an awful lot of people, this is disgusting actually, how big plans
are made, and they really are made this way, for war type strategies, and
millions of people can be sacrificed to get big agendas through. They call them
‘noble lies’ and they work hard at it and so on. We could see how so much is going to be
fulfilled through this incredible sacrifice of the elderly and the weak and the
infirmed and all the rest of it – it's just really sickening – to get a big
agenda a completed.
done talks for so long on this. [Alan
chuckles.] I have literally gone blind reading all their stuff. And here we are living through this phase
that the Green Party in Britain literally cried to have happen years ago, a few
years back. If they could just get a wartime scenario and
people would obey authority, and they would live under hardship conditions and
accept it, and they'd all sing together cheerily, in the underground as they
were getting bombed and so on in London.
She thought that was fantastic. And you'd accept the deprivations and
austerity and rationing at all that.
we are, folks, 'eh. Bingo. Bingo.
did she have in common with all the rest of them? Well, she was put in place by
the same folk that put Bill Gates in place with his organizations, that are trying to use, you know, the Club of Rome. All these groups are all ONE big bunch, a
cabal, you see, one, all different faces of the same cabal, slightly different
functions some of them, to fool mainly the public. Because the agenda, they're all on board with
the complete agenda of depopulation.
Bill Gates: How the coronavirus pandemic can help the
world solve climate change - cnbc.com / 31 March 2020
tried to use global warming. Before that
it was global cooling and the coming Ice Age.
And a lot of them who really pushed that out there, like Ehrlich with
his population timebomb and all that, did the ice thing, and then they turned
to the global warming thing when that didn't quite work out. And Ehrlich's
wife, remember, was on the board of the Club of Rome. They're all connected.
It's just coincidence, though, really.
came out with the big agenda, and oh, how they had to bring the world into a proper
way of living where their betters would manage you. Exactly what HG Wells
talked about. He was quite open about
it. Anticipations, and so on, and
A Modern Utopia, things like that.
He was quite, completely, out in front with it
really. You'll do what you're told.
You'll obey your betters. And
they’d eventually sterilize the inferior types, as he called it, HG Wells. He said it was more humane. He said initially
we thought we would have to kill them. But we thought, no, it would be more
humane to sterilize them and they'll die off in that generation and they won't
be breeding any more of their own kind basically. You know, the inferior
been on the go... this is the second century of this thing, you
understand, we're into now. HG Wells was
involved in this in the late 1800s, the latter part of that. He was picked up
early, you see, and he proved to his masters then that he'd be an awfully good
propagandist, and they made him a star.
With a lot of help because lots of them out there really have an awful
lot of help to make them a star. Some of
them today they're parading around in front of you didn't invent anything at
all, they're just businessmen, or they're fronts for huge businesses. But they're made stars through the machinery.
I can't believe how many people have got in touch with me, so sick of seeing
Bill Gates face every day on the news. Well, they're quite right, you see,
because he's playing the part of the technocrat now, the unelected but
appointed by the better group as a technocrat to rule over us.
what? I didn't vote for him, and I never will.
And whatever he's telling us we've got to do; I'm not going to do
it. And I hope you're all going to be
the same.
guy has been at this for years. Once you
hit that strange ding-ding-ding number of billions and billions of dollars,
you're supposed to think they just suddenly become philanthropists? with the same agenda?... oh, well, there's
too many people, they all have to get vaccinated, but depopulated at the same
time, y'know, etc. etc., and live sustainability, y'know, with the sustainability thing, the sustainable
goals and all that, SDGs. And... they
just know how to do it, how to make you all do it. But they need a crisis. And it's just re-familiarity, you start to
believe they are an authority over you.
they're not.
they're not.
Gates with all the usual suspects, you know, Friends of the Earth and all these
big paid organizations, with literally CEOs with big, big paychecks, annual
paychecks given to them by the big foundations. These front people with their
armies of NGOs, it began with the top, it's almost like a military, the ones at
the top are all paid lots of money. The
ones, the bulk down below think they're actually doing it for the good of the
planet and so on, for the right thing to do. Because they haven't grown up yet,
you see, and they're easily used. Every youngster is the same, in every
today it's an art, and they've been trained since school for what's happening
today. Literally. Radical little lefties who are quite willing to push for
something they really don't understand at all. They've swallowed the
indoctrination without a thought because they haven't been given anything opposing
it, in, during the indoctrination. If
you're getting one side of everything as you’re growing up, that's all you're
going to believe, you see. And that's what they do believe.
Bill Gates is funding lots of different groups of course with the usual
characters who fund big, big groups of youngsters. It's fascinating to see the Club of Rome
involved in it too. They all know each other. They all work together, you
see, with the same goals, for climate, using the climate as an excuse to
take all your rights and freedoms away. And eventually get you to stop even
breeding, at least all the wrong people breeding, so's the right people like
themselves can breed.
Bertrand Russell says, y'know, he had it all worked
out, that they could only have a few females as breeders, they called them,
selected, and the ones at the top would simply pass on the genes. Well, now
they can do it all in the lab. Brave
New World was ahead of it all, a long time ago with that kind of idea.
they're going to breed out all the wrong kinds, as they say. They'll keep a few
peasants at the bottom for really basic work just in case anything goes
wrong. But for most folk of course, most
folk literally in the West that grew up through the 60s and 70s and 80s were
trained not to even have children.
And they were trained that marriage was more than just a downer. Of course, they had the pill thrown at them,
the so-called birth [control] pill thrown at them, literally like bags of them,
I think, because they didn't want girls to have children.
come the 80s and 90s, the governments that told them not to have children, y’know, just do your own thing and be happy, then
the government said, well, there's not enough people there to take over and
so on, so we've got to import them.
In comes mass migration as everybody else is getting phased out. It was
all worked out in advance, for those who think it's all happening happenstance.
happens by happenstance.
Bill Gates generation isn't the first of these super so-called gods, you know,
the hidden masters we've had. We've had them going way back. If you look at, as
I've said before, the members of the societies that Rothschild was involved
with, including the scientific elite of his day, mind you, in the 1700s for
instance. It's amazing how they were even then planning the kind of world they
wanted to bring in for the next century.
set up the left-wing groups and the right-wing groups. For everything you might
think of, you might like to join, they've got a party made up for you. And if
you want to rebel, and somewhere or another or just be rotten as a child, you
see, as you’re growing up, they've got the uniform for you, whatever it happens
to be at the time. Spiked hair. Before
that it's just the blue jeans. And
before what that it was bell bottom jeans and beads and everything else.
Whatever it is, they've got a uniform made for you. It's so perfected.
happens by itself in this system, I hope you understand.
here we are. They couldn't get it all rammed through to get us living austerely,
you see, stop driving altogether is what they really wanted. Agenda 21 has it plainly stated there, which
all your governments agreed and signed onto.
It says in it, no private
vehicles eventually, it will be simply essential
vehicles only. That's police and military and ambulances, government
inspectors and things like that. So, in
the meantime they're getting phased out with temporary electric cars. In the
meantime. Until you're locked down. And
think about getting locked down into your community. Well, you won't need the
car now, won't you, if you're in the city, will you?
understand how this is the big windfall they were looking for? They couldn't
MAKE you do it voluntarily and give up eating this and eating that or even
eating meat. So, you're going full steam ahead into authority, martial law type
authority, to save us all you understand but take all your rights away. The oldest trick in the book, to save us all
you've got to allow others to make your decisions, every decision, really, for
you. Like Bertrand Russell said, a world of experts. And of course, they're all
politicized experts as front people who get paid awfully well to tell you a lot
of lies. With an authoritative attitude though.
As long as it's convincing, you'll follow it. And here we go into it.
that amazing to live through these times?
Where, if you've read a couple of hundred years of their books and their
different surveys and all their wishes and agreements, and the agreements they
have signed on through the United Nations, y'know,
all them come into fruition suddenly... when as I say, they couldn't do it
through voluntary means.
what Carroll Quigley said, awfully important, Professor Quigley. Because he was a historian for one of the
private groups that still runs the world today – there's different levels of
them, and the bureaucratic kind that work really as journalists, a lot of
journalists who travel the world and so on, and they're often appointed within
governments – the CFR. He was the
historian for them, and he said, he said that they, we've changed the world so much through what we've done, this group,
this private group from England initially, running the world now, and the CFR
branch in America, it's all the same group, then you understand it's quite
said that they changed history so much
that he thought it was time that they announced it to the world, and the world
would simply accept it. He believed, you see, that he and his own class
and his own type had the right to rule the rest in a technocratic fashion.
Being specialists, you see. And they already, that's what he, his job was, was
to train diplomats and different people in the American government in
diplomatic capacities basically on how to negotiate things with other people
across the world, superseding the forms of government or democratic
governments as you think fit. Because
they have a different way of doing things in reality. It's not like what you
think it is. Those who are appointed really don't see themselves as serving
you, the people down below at all. It doesn't enter their head actually. They
think they are superior, like benevolent dictators, that whole idea.
himself said, the thing is, you've got to understand, you got to constantly
basically shape the minds of the public, the herd, the great herd, for what you
want them to do, for you, without them knowing about it really. And he said that you can do more in five years of war, because you've got, you
can take the reins of power over completely and people will obey you to save
themselves. So, five years of war can do
a lot more than 50 years of propagandizing in peace trying to convince the
public, you see.
what they've been doing for the last, oh, 20 years with, oh, the world's
going to fall apart with global warming, it's just going to fry, yada,
yada, ya, and we're all going to die, die, die.
And, it's all your fault, all you people, it's all your fault. And the ones who tell you that, like Al
Gore, have you seen all the houses they have and all the electricity they use
and so on? It doesn't matter. And the jets that they fly across the planet and
stuff like that? It doesn't… Reality
doesn't matter, you see.
got to be trained to be guilty and feel bad about it.
it works awfully well, especially if the ones, the parents have been trained
the same way before, you see. They'll, oh
I guess it's true, oh yeah, we've got to save the world for our children
because it's been all disrupted by our existence and… Things like that, you
see. And it's all a big ploy by those at the top who want to rule the world
completely by themselves. You see.
here you go, you've got five years, if they can get five years out of this, the
world will change.
getting back to the science fiction of Britain, when you saw the different
movies they made, like Fahrenheit 451.
It seems kind of quaint looking back at them at the time, in the socialistic
fashion, where you have the firemen who go around the houses… much like today, y'know, only it's the Internet they use and try to just
scrub things off the net, or even fine you for looking at things. Back then it was 451, the temperature they
claimed where paper would just ignite, go on fire. And the firemen, weren't to
put fires out. They went around like a
Gestapo looking for people who were covert readers, actually read stuff, you
see, and their minds were contaminated about the beauty of things. It was all forbidden in a socialistic
autocratic system basically. So, that
was their job, to find people who are secret readers who are therefore subversives,
and you'd get their book collections that they had got hidden away inside the
walls and things, you get the books out and put them on fire and destroy
them. And you had to label them all, you couldn't take any home, or then you
are a subversive, you see.
idea eventually was incorporated into a much later movie, I can't remember the
year it came out, 2000 and something [2002], to do with something similar,
subversion, people reading books and all the rest of it. I guess that's where
they got the idea from. It was called Equilibrium
I believe, and everybody in the system, every citizen too and every cop had
to be, take daily drugs to flatten their responses, emotional responses.
Because emotion was a bad thing, you see.
With emotion you might get angry about things or disagree vehemently
about something, and it makes you much harder to control. So, it's much better
when you're all agreed on the same things and nothing really bothered you
really too much.
back to Fahrenheit 451. Yeah,
they'd burn your books there in that one too. In one scene they show you
they're looking for the renegade, the guy who breaks free and realizes that he
likes to read books and things and it's awfully interesting and important, and
they're after him because he is one of their own, you see. They go around these
housing schemes, typical little British housing schemes, all socialistic in
little boxes, little boxes, one after the other. The people are ordered, or,
they're ordered from the van going around with a big Tannoy
system on it, to get out of their homes and assemble with their families in
the front garden so's they could all be seen. And they dutifully all complied, you see.
then in Fahrenheit 451 drugs were profuse, especially for people staying
at home, for home people because they're bored stiff. They had interactive television where you
could take part in shows yourself from your own home and get drugged when
you're doing it. In the other movie, the
Equilibrium movie, the people injected the drug into themselves.
the same too, you find the same thing with Brave New World. Huxley knew,
and he held hope out, actually, Huxley, that a drug would come out that would
make people very compliant and happy, regardless of the circumstance, without
too much side effects basically. He looked
forward to that time because otherwise, if people had their own minds, you see,
it takes a lot of... very careful management to keep them in line without
taking all their rights away, because then they'll really rebel. But if you have them drugged, they're
compliant, they're happy. People have been waiting and waiting for the drugs to
come along and be forced upon the public. But they didn't do it that way, they
simply made it legal when government financed it and subsidized it, [Alan
chuckles.] until you by your own drugs, you see.
not coincidental, folks. It all happened
just in time for this, 'eh? Where folks
can stay at home and get lots of drink or take drugs. And lots and lots and lots of entertainment.
It's interesting too that sex has always been used for control, as we all know. Anybody broke that went through the 60s and
70s, within the 80s, through it, with the sexual revolution, it was incessant.
All promoted from the top. The BBC, the
posh, [Alan mimics a posh accent.] the posh accents, you see, at the BBC… and
they used to only bring people on who worked there at one time from Eaton, that
was their favorite place to recruit all their employees from. So, they all
talked with the posh accents, you see, very… kind of… sneeringly, you know,
condescending to anybody else that was brought on.
here's the BBC, the posh ones, you see, promoting for the people at the bottom
to have sex and rock 'n' roll, and
aren't we naughty, we're all on drugs.
And they literally would bring on people, I think Benny Hill had a good
impersonation of one of them who he [Unintelligible] [Alan chuckles.] And he was a drug star, I mean… same thing
actually, he was drugged and a star, and he kept falling off the chair. Because
they actually had people doing that at the BBC during these interviews.
youngsters were seeing this, and they thought it was great that this
renegade... And in reality, the real ones were falling off the chairs because
they didn't even know where they were half the time. And that was promoted from
the top!
you understand now? Are you starting to get it? Promoted from the top.
did talks years ago about that when at colleges and universities the drugs were
being thrown over, in bags over the walls by the secret services, y'know. In the States you had the CIA groups doing the
thing too. To make sure that it took
off, make them free and [Alan chuckles.] plentiful. That's how they really promoted it all.
yeah, aren't we naughty, to the children.
And the children hadn't the brains at that time and the common sense to
say, wait a minute, why are the posh ones pushing this on the people? It
didn't dawn on them.
you had sex and initially it was pop, they called it, for the music. Then it
was rock 'n' roll. So quite fascinating
to live through it all and see it being pushed, pushed, pushed. Because sex is
a tremendous thing for disrupting all of the way things were. You wouldn't have a partner that you marry
and have children with. The idea was to have multiple partners.
HG Wells said way before that, he said, if
we encourage them to have promiscuous sex, by almost forcing the women,
he looked forward to the, before World War II, looking forward to it he
said. He said, if we can get the women into the factories to replace the men who
are off fighting, they'll have more affairs in the workforce with the men who
were still there, and they're less likely to stay with one man once it's over.
That was the idea. Quite plain about it
all, it was no real secrecy. They boasted about what their plans were. And they
were awfully successful.
they know if they could stop the bonding process that happens naturally during
sexual activity with a partner, if they could prevent that from happening, then
they'd conquered the society. They
generally wouldn't have children. Especially if you give them free abortions
and things too for any mishaps, even though they had the pill and that kind of
sex is a tremendous weapon because you can disrupt the family unit with
here you go, it's right, it's there again too.
As you're going through this crisis today, hm, you've got booze at
home. You've got all these articles
about how the police are to manage the public because they know there will
be a lot of domestic violence. Not
just the men but women too. If they've
got enough booze and they're stuck at home and just and get cabin fever at
home. Then they're on drugs as well,
which they can purchase or have it delivered and all the rest of it. And the
police are told to look out on how to manage it, but more likely under
the circumstances, you know.
it's all... it's all... And then they're getting all this cheap porn, you see,
pornography. Oh, they give you the big
porn hub, it’s given free ones away in some countries in sort of free
memberships. You can see it all in
action at the same time. In the Daily
Mail a few days ago they had, some of the best businesses are still working
during all the supposedly lockdown and so on, and it was sex shops, y'know, what they're selling. I guess the folk are so bored with whatever
astonishing to see all the techniques, that we’re laughed at when they were
first announced by people who were... conspiracy theorists, y'know,
who were simply quoting from the books by the people who were planning it, who
were all from Oxford and Eaton and Cambridge and so on. But it's astonishing, isn't it, to live
through it all and see it all happening.
everything was thought out in advance.
The drugs. Keeping you at home.
And lots of entertainment, cheap and pretty well free at times too. Then
suspension, a temporary suspension of rents or mortgages for a lot of people as
well. They'll probably lose their shirt
eventually of course along with their homes, but at the moment they can just
have a sort of fun, as they look for more ways to amuse themselves as they're
stuck in their homes.
yeah, all the old Sci-Fi’s are here. The ones people used to laugh at and say, oh,
isn't that ridiculous. Really? Is it
really ridiculous? Who would have thought a policeman would be telling you to
get home. You, if you are 70 years old,
hm, what you doin' out? Y'know.
you a child?
allowed you’re one short walk, 'eh? Or
someone even 80 or 90 even, what you doin' out? Some young punk, y’know,
with his little policeman's hat on, it could be a woman too, and that's how
they're talking to the people.
arrogance of authority. From idiots. There's
no, you know, you can look at their examinations, they actually have, those
used to be put out and published at one time. They actually have, if you have a
certain IQ above, they won't accept you. I'm not kidding you. That's the
facts. You can look it up
yourselves. They want folk who will just
get… stick like a little bulldog and annoy somebody, and just like a gnat going
around your head until they… they upset you enough you will retaliate in some
way and then they can charge you. That's the kind of characters unfortunately
they've been hiring for a long, long time, especially in places like Britain.
you would think there would be some kind of embarrassment or shame from the police
in acting in such a way. But nope, not
at all. They're all competing with each
other and telling people, talking to people like they're children. Hm?
Just amazing. That's why you
can't give police that kind of authority.
the military for that matter, because when they get going, then the blood
starts flying... That's what militaries are meant to do. They can't use them for anything else.
They've tried that in many countries as policeman, and they slaughter people.
Everywhere. That's what the military is trained to do. Under the new police
type systems, it's not far off it either.
forget, a lot of them now who are donning the uniforms and have the uniforms on
as police were maybe 5 or even at the most 10 years old, say, when 9/11
happened. They are the policemen, men and women now, who think it's quite natural that you
shouldn't be photographing buildings in cities, and you have no rights under
this not quite stated martial law of 9/11, what followed 9/11. But they've been raised thinking, yeah, you
just don't have those rights anymore. They think it's right the police have
whole departments scanning folks’ computers, in police hubs they call them,
intercepting information going back and forth. They think it's quite natural to
be the overlords of the general public, the people they're supposed to serve
but seem to have forgotten long ago.
the world we're in today. And what's happening in Britain is the same in
Australia. Australia is astonishing,
really, at the openness and the arrogance of those in power steamrolling ahead
as though, and loving it, y’know, just chomping at
the bit to get going with the next phase. And the money that they're getting
thrown at them in taxpayers’ money, you know it's going to end up in a lot of
pockets. We live in such an incredibly
corrupt system today. Incredibly corrupt.
It's hard to believe how corrupt it is and how greed, greed, greed…
Carroll Quigley who was a member of the group pushing for this whole world
order, this managed socialistic type world order. Socialism is not for the
good of the public. It's for the ease of those who control you. [Alan chuckles.] That's what it's for, that's
why they designed it this way. He thought
it would be great. But he said eventually the greed factor of rising middle
classes, as they come up to the middle class, and the competition and the
market for greed, in medicine and everything, would be so corrupt, he
says, that eventually the system would
fall apart. That's one thing he was right about is, absolutely, it's
hospitals are short of money but when you see what's getting spent, not just…
Forget the staff, the staff take a massive amount of it, especially doctors and
specialists and so on. But the
hospitals, remember, they're businesses. And they have big boards. And they
have investors in them. And most of them belong to chains, they’re like chain
stores, you don't realize that, and they've got a get more and more profit in,
and in every possible way they can.
the thing too, every generation is trained, especially the ones who are brought
up in austerity. I mean in Britain, when I grew up,
literally, you had ration cards at birth. The ration cards literally kept going
for years after World War II. Then after that, folk couldn't afford meat
anyway, if they could get it at all.
And if you did it was very, very scarce, and maybe once a week, y'know. Maybe
less. And that was normal.
you had two world wars and in between you had a Great Depression. Then there
was a constant Great Depression from before World War I [Alan chuckles.] all
the way through and then after it through the Great Depression into World War
II, the rationing, and right up into the 1950s and almost into the 60s. It was
about the 1960s they started to get a bit more pocket money, for a little
while, for some of the people, not all of them.
you had wages, prices and wages freezes, y'know, or wage
and price, or price and wage freezes they call them,
by government decree. Folks just
couldn't get ahead if they were at the bottom.
Prices still went up even though it was supposed to be frozen. But the
paychecks didn't go up. Taxes kept
increasing. They even had brownouts,
which they're going to bring back again, which they've been chomping at the bit
to bring in, before this happened, this present Covid thing. And here they'll start to do it under
austerity programs.
gave talks on this for years and years at this whole agenda. Because I read what they publish, you see. And there's no conspiracy involved in it
unless it's what they are doing is a conspiracy. It's a conspiracy of
keeping the people in the dark, that part is true. You often hear about governments meeting
behind closed doors. Well, what do you think THAT is?!? if they're your
public servants. Why would you be
meeting behind closed doors, with supposedly, supposedly no journalists
present. There's always select ones get in if they belong to the right
organization. But behind closed doors? Well, it's so the public don't know what
they're up to.
you might be after them if you knew what they were up to.
can't… Where's the openness, 'eh? and
the honesty? when they connive together, hm?
It's all connivance, that's how we're really ruled.
understand, if you're ruled, you're not governed. There's a difference. And we
are now ruled. And when they bring
the technocrats forward, the so-called, the big billionaires that are made into
stars and suddenly they're philanthropists that pretend they're specialists in
certain areas, and they're given all this airtime by other folks who own the
media, and who also belong to the same big club, you understand, you don't have
democracy and you're living through an agenda, their agenda.
been quite open about their agenda at their annual meetings and at the World
Economic Forum, and they all belong to that too. All the same groups belong to each other's
groups, you understand, and they're quite open about it. And the thrill of using this one too, this
big crisis to get all the global warming agendas through and the climate change
agendas through, and the carbon taxes increased across the board until we're
all paying hefty fees in carbon for everything, just for existing, hm, to bring
you into total austerity.
giving you new things to eat, like crickets and bugs
as opposed to meat, etc.
With economic crisis looming EU overlords legalize
food made from worms and baby crickets. Are they going to serve that in
Brussels? - rt.com
/ 5 April 2020
understand where this is all supposed to go? Because
you're going to go back into the 1800s, where life was HELL for most folk. And
the lower you are down the totem pole, the more hellish it was. Into the 1700s
even, in squalor and disease, etc. and ill health with lack of good proteins.
That's where you start going down. Where
all the...
remember, was the actual group that called themselves Technocracy Inc. back in
the 1930s. Some of the well-known
folks today are the grandsons of them by the way, these, again,
promoted stars that you're supposed to all follow and do what you're told
by. That was the idea, that there would
be a price of energy. Everything was an energy price and money would be energy
units. Whatever you bought or used would be all energy units. You yourself were
an energy unit, you see. That's what it
was all based on, energy units.
credit system, like Bertrand Russell called it, a different name, the same
thing. This is what it's all about. They
bring into it with the cashless system. And maybe universal. Meaning world
credit systems, you see, universal credit system with the new unit and all
that. But anyway, it will be dished out
by your big masters. Because you're going to save the whole world, you
understand, it's all for the greater good.
have your credits put into your bank account, your electronic bank account
every month like Bertrand Russell said.
And you'd better be good and do what you're told, or you'll be punished. They'll take, they'll forbid you from
withdrawing money to pay your rent. Because you won't own much in the future,
you'll be paying rents. You'll be on
your knees because you couldn't even afford food then, until you behave
yourself and you promise, you get penalized until you obey them. And you stop being so antisocial, you see; these
are the terms they use too. You start,
if you disagree with any of the rules and regulations, you're antisocial. And that's now a crime, you're
antisocial disorder they call it in Britain.
it's all here. You're living in the Sci-Fi’s that they put out in the 50s and
60s and 70s. It's all here. And even further back to the 1930s with Brave
New World. You haven't got to the utopic Brave New World bit. Utopic for the ruling class, that is, and the
alphas and betas. You haven't got there
yet. But that will come for the elite, because they
are the alphas and betas, according to them.
It's all their joke, you see. Or
like Prince Charles, that says, well,
I'm a member of the Olympians, he said, y'know. He's one of the gods, you understand. And you
hear these things being said by these characters, and folk don't quite get it,
do they? They really don't get it at all.
yeah, the people you're meant to follow today are, they're technocrats.
They're not… they're not specialists, by the way. Bill Gates is
not. He's not. He's a businessman, a
massive businessman with fingers in lots of pies. He doesn't give away anything
for free that he doesn't get back a thousand times over through different
companies that make things and so on. Including the things for the charitable
companies that he does across the world. And he has big plans for the world,
big plans.
don't, I can't trust the man at all. I
look at his face even and it's so, he looks so deceptive in his facial
expressions, there's nothing I would trust about that man whatsoever, believe
you me. Nevermind
some of the statements he's made in the past in talks he's given. No, you can't
trust a man like that. You can't do it.
that's what we are in today. We're given these characters. One of them, some of
them will know how we're to live, or not drive, or what to drive, or maybe
their vehicles to drive. But all the
rest of it is Technocracy basically. And
here you are in it now, 'eh, where the government’s going to give you your
universal credits. They're talking about making it all permanent. Oh, just stay at home and don't go
anywhere and...
wonder if it will become like the troglodytes that lived in the caves in
ancient times? We'll be so pale, y'know, like... like…
like anemic vampires that need a good drink.
We'll kind of come out once in a while, to get yelled at by someone in a
police outfit who will taser you if you don't obey them and get back in your
cave. Hm? Maybe that's how it will be.
look how fast they've got everybody doing... And that was part, that's part of
retraining people by the way. You make them do incredibly ridiculous things, [Alan
chuckles.] which ties into... Thoughts always tie into thoughts, you
understand, which are all connected, in little groupings of connections and
clusters of thoughts and thinking. Because topics are the same way. Look how you've been trained for the last
umpteen years, but again from the top down, as to what you see, what you see
with certain things, right? You all know
what I'm talking about, you can't say what you see anymore. You might even get fined because you say
what's obvious, self-evident. That term, self-evident, like the Americans have
it in their constitution, you know, when they're talking about things, like
natural laws, self-evident. There's
nothing to be disputed when it's self-evident, you see.
your brain is being scared, you've been frozen into denying your own abilities
to discern things now. You're told, well
maybe I am wrong, I thought that was… But you see, you're trained, and then
you're bad, you're bad if you, if something is self-evident to you, something’s
wrong with you if it's self-evident. And you know where I'm going here.
then you take that, you see, you've been trained already into this aberration
of not, of doubting yourself, doubting your discernment. That's imperative to
change, you see. Then the next thing is,
hey, you're not 6 feet apart, you lot there. And so, you're all walking down the road and
kind of signing to each other because you're, the further away you get you
can't hear each other talking. If you yell, a cop will stop you and ask you why
you're yelling. So, here you are going
into this new trained system of something that's utterly ridiculous. Utterly
you know that if you're outside, give or take… And you
get fined if you do it, mind you, so you can't win in this system. If you have little bits of paper, take little
bits of paper with you, just little bits, y'know. And if you're outside and a cop yells at you,
right, drop a little bit of paper. And
if he's down wind, if he's literally, if you're downwind from him, or her, you
yell at them to get out the way, because their breath, even if it was 20 feet
away is coming in your direction with a little breeze, right. You'll know where
it's... You understand what I'm saying
here? But then they'll get you for
littering though. But you can say, I'm just trying to save my life, officer,
y'know, because you're in danger by breathing and
shouting in my direction, and that breeze is carrying it way past me as well. I
mean, if those folks down there, way down yonder, you might have killed them...
by your breath. That's real bad breath,
isn't it?
is how ridiculous it all starts to get.
But when you get into the stores, it’s not so bad, you see. It's okay to
go into a store, which is an enclosed environment, you're all breathing the
same air, that's somehow okay. If you're
allowed in for your rations, you know.
how they've trained folk too, to follow, it's like… Do you ever see, Oh What
a Lovely War? It's a good satire on
how war is and how the government gets you all riled up and use the young
characters to join up. They're all called Smith in a satirical way in the movie
as they join up and things like that.
But towards the end you see a line of them in a ghostly kind of line
going across the hill. They're following this tape. It was a yellow tape, I think it was, white
or yellow. And that's all they could do,
because they are blind now, they were all gassed you see in the trenches. Well, here you are going along to the Walmart
places now, you're following the yellow tape.
And just the same way, here, don't stand there, stand here, y'know. And here's all these adults doing what they're
told. And there's no sense to it at all.
There's no sense whatsoever.
realize anything you touch, it doesn't matter how far apart you are, anything
you touch on their shelves, someone stocked them. Hands stock them, those
shelves. Are the items you're buying 6
feet apart? No. They've all been contaminated in some way by someone touching
them. It's farcical what we are going through right now. But you see, the intent is not what they're
telling you. The intent is to get you to accept the absurd, because we got a
lot more training to do to you.
really mean this. I honestly mean what
I'm saying here. They've got a lot more
training. They don't... They can't let
this... A lot of planning went into this whole thing. A lot of planning. Never
mind the Johns Hopkins big experiment with the Gates Foundation and so on in
2019, you know, two or three weeks before it actually supposedly broke
out. Or the Rockefeller one in
2010. [Scenarios for the Future of
Technology and International Development] Or the military one by the way for
the Navy even just before, at the same time actually as the one that Johns
Hopkins had. It was a massive exercise, y'know, all planned in advance.
here you are living through it.
was just coincidence that this all just kind of perfected what they would
introduce, including the social distancing and all that stuff too. Just
coincidence, 'eh? That was all in the
Rockefeller one in 2010, the social distancing, and how the people would have
to stay at home and get paid by government and stuff like that. Just coincidence again, you understand. They're good sci-fi writers, or whoever did
it for them.
that's the world we're living in, folks.
And they've got a lot more to do. There's no way... They're almost
pleading for folk to start keeling over with Covid 19. They really are.
Canada's been bringing lots in, still coming, bringing them in from India and
Africa and all over the place. Saying
that these are folk who would get a pension and can't go over there, back home
to live again, you see, and it's cheaper. So, trying to get them to come in, to
get the numbers up with folk who've got it. That's the only thing I can think
of, that's the only reason I can think of.
they've never followed any, ANY of the quarantine rules to defend the
country. You don't, you never risk a
healthy population, that's the first law. You don't, you stop all aircraft,
literally all aircraft, to defend a healthy country. If you bring the infection
in, then you've just defeated the whole purpose of it. You see?
So, you know there's more at work when they don't follow any of the
basic rules, as you well know.
the kits they've got, all the test kits are just a joke. Absolute joke. Even
the labs are admitting that now. And so many of the tests are getting
contaminated inside the labs now, y'know, that
happens as well. There's even studies
come out by the top virologist organizations admitting that even vaccinations
for flu can influence these Covid results as well.
False-positive PCR results linked to administration of
seasonal influenza vaccine - microbiologyresearch.org / 1 March 2012
all kinds of things going on here. But look at the incredible push that you've
had to terrify the whole planet, absolute terrify it. And they made sure
they were churning out these pretty awful pandemic and plague movies for years
now to make sure you all got the message. Oh, there's that kind of tent they
put up there with that white tent and there's that bit you walk up there, and
you know the folk that will get in there just get wheeled out the other side of
it, oh my God, you know. You've all been trained, you see. So, they go into action and they start
putting all these tents up. The military
put 120 of them up in the States in different cities, and they haven't used
any of them. They're dismantling
some of them now. They didn't have one
it really scared the people, didn't it? Because you, oh my God, the tents,
oh, we better obey what they're saying because we are all going to die. I'm
not kidding you; this is how things are really, really managed. It's astounding
really. Astounding. I've got the old Socialist International plans for the League
of Nations that morphed eventually into the United Nations. Again, they needed
a... Again, HG Wells was very prominent in that. He had a big party, he was
overjoyed, he wrote a book about the League of Nations.
said now, he said, we can use the bureaucrats in the technocrats
to bypass governments. Because bureaucrats in high levels, you see, they
really are technocrats in a sense. They don't serve the public. They don't
pretend to serve the public. They probably don't know most of them even
exists. You'll never get their names or anything,
but they're heads of all the departments that run the country. He said, now
we CAN, THE bureaucrats in different departments in Britain can converse with
bureaucrats with people in Germany and France and across the world, he
says, and literally bypass all the
politicians. Because you see, the
politicians, no matter how they are all roguish and crooks and all the rest of
it and terrible psychopaths, they have to put up a pretense on serving the
public. Whereas now of course they could
just bypass all of that and converse with each other and get things done, and
even make their own laws and rules. That's what he wanted.
better than that, though, they had it broken down into departments. I've got
the old books from the League of Nations, you see. They had different
departments already setup for running the world. And the regions too that
eventually morphed into the 10 regions eventually for the United Nations. The
Club of Rome even uses the same 10 regions today. All connected, there's no
coincidence, not coincidental.
League of Nations also had a Department of Health, you see, that would deal,
again, with mass vaccinations and inoculations.
They were so enthusiastic about the power they would give the scientists
now, you see, in the early days. Back
then they hardly knew what a virus was.
They had all these plans and vaccinations from the very young, and how
they would keep pumping things into your body your whole life long for every
citizen in the world. They really had all these great big plans, you see.
didn't really let it go. They're still
at it today with their big, big plans, regardless of the rights of the public.
understand, you've got to be trained that you have no rights, that public
safety overrides rights, you see. And since you get a big pandemic or scares of
pandemics, or even bogus pandemics in the past… And the things in the past with
the H1N1 and so on that happened, came, and went, and the ones in 2009/2010 for
instance, the WHO tried to get to scare things going but the numbers didn’t
out. Some of the countries had more folks dying of the flu then, than you're
having dying of Covid today. And even the flu. Have you found the numbers of the flus right
now that are killing people? You'd be
hard-pressed to find them because they're all getting lumped in with the other
got the reports here, I'll put some of them up tonight because it's been
admitted now they're lumping in suspected with confirmed, and then they’re
admitting too, all the confirmed are not really confirmed because they break it
into pneumonias, we'll add them in too, etc. etc. So, the actual cause of death is to be put
down, they're telling them now to put them down as Covid.
Change to death certificates could boost COVID-19
counts - mprnews.org
/ 3 April 2020
FROM THE NUMBERS: Only 150 Americans to Date With No Pre-Existing Conditions Have Died From the Coronavirus or 0.9% - thegatewaypundit.com
/ 10 April 2020
happened again with the previous flus actually. I remember them well, where in
Canada, and I kept all the articles by the way, and I gave them over the air at
the time as that was going on. They
actually told all the doctors, and the clinics and so on too that were dealing
with it and the hospitals, to put them all down as that particular flu that
year, it was a few years ago. Under the
guise too, well I couldn't test them all, just put them all down for it.
So, anybody, even phoning in back then with a sniffle or for advice or
whatever, was put down as having a particular flu, even when they didn't.
everything's always fudged, y'know, for the big
agenda. And we are living through a massive agenda. Because the whole austerity
program, the new way of living where rulers, or maybe experts, and every area
would have experts, you'd all be monitored, maybe even chipped, you see. It's all right open, wide open, right on the
cards, right in front of you now because it's in the open. And being hailed by
again, from guys like Bill Gates that's got a finger in every pie when it comes
to making money in business. All for the good of the planet you
understand. There's nothing to guess at
fascinating to live right through all this and watch it happening. And watch
the people being trained, so quickly.
And yes, they will stop thinking for themselves. Bertrand Russell went through it again, you
understand, there's nothing new with this happening. The behaviorists had their
big experiments for the last 100 odd years on us all, to make sure the
different techniques would work. And they DO work on us. When you deny your
own sensibilities, you're wide open to be reprogrammed completely. Into
even walking backwards if they tell you to do it. They'll give you some
ridiculous, oh well, I'm walking backwards, and they say it's safer for
society, you know. Yep.
really how it is. Russell said too, we
can train children to believe that snow could be black. And if we keep them
away from other children until they've grown up, they'll always think it's
black. You can bring a whole
generation up thinking it's normal to walk 6, never get close within 6 feet.
Yep. And stay in your homes is much as possible. It's so farcical.
the police again too, they're stopping people, I'll put one up tonight too, a
little clip from a YouTube where a woman in England was on her way to a store
for, probably for a little grocery bag or whatever, and had a stop at the park
bench and had a seat. Along come the two cops, y'know,
like, what's she doing there, why are you sitting there? She told them, she says, oh I'm having a
seat, y'know.
whole point is, a short time. Like, the longer you're going to be out
you're going to pollute the atmosphere? Do you really
believe this rubbish? Huh? Do you really? Do you understand how ridiculous... You could put this in a movie and folk would
laugh at it, a few years ago, it would be so ludicrous. There's even a church in the States where to
get around the gathering together thing, they're going to drive around in a
circle in some field somewhere and have a kind of a service in their cars, like
a drive-in movie.
see, you've got all these behaviorists behind the scenes working, trying to,
and playing with you, trying to get you involved and make you think it's all
exciting. That's what they do in
wartime, the same kind of nonsense. Then they'll have the shows of healthcare
workers outside, they're all getting applauded by the public. Meanwhile some of
the hospitals are empty! Except for the
ones outside clapping their hands. I'm
not kidding you. And when some of the
big stations were using clips, showing you how bad it was in New York, they
were actually using the videos from Italy. That was the height of disgust and how low
can you stoop to. There's no…
a big agenda here, folks to convince you of something. Because everything now,
EVERYTHING is riding, everything is riding on this being prolonged as long as
possible. If they can get it stretched into next year, it's permanently here.
And they've already said that too.
the money, again, when we bailed out the banks the last time, and all the
crooks last time, it was a planned bailout, you see, before it all
happened. The same thing again,
'eh. D'you
really think you're going to go back to some kind of normal after this? I know the dollar in Canada lost a good 40%,
almost 50% buying power. You need twice
as many of the money to buy the same things, maybe even more at times for
different things.
guess what you're going to have left after this one? Look at the shark frenzy
as billions and trillions have been tossed around, 'eh. And you'll never recover that lot. There's not even a check into where it's even
going, you know that don't you?
like Halliburton, I remember giving the talks on Halliburton when they went
into Iraq. Under the guise of really
building roads and that for the military and restructuring the peasants’ places
that they bombed into the Stone Age and stuff like that. A big joke. Halliburton's got a big massive holding
company, a massive conglomerate of all different subcontractors galore. Of
course, the money was all scammed and creamed off the top level by level until
guys at the bottom don't get as much of it.
it was so incredibly bad, you actually saw them, there was a video made of
these big transports coming in and landing, every day for about a week or two
weeks. CRATES of freshly printed dollars from the US treasury. Astonishing, 'eh. Then they even showed you the guys who
managed it. They took it into a dugout underground. Not too big either. I think it was about 12 x
12 or something like that, no, maybe 20 x 20.
That's where they kept the cash. Folk just came in with bags and they
would stuff it in. There was no receipts, nothing.
was the biggest free-for-all ever. You can't believe it. I mean, government…
You see, don't forget the biggest crooks, folks, are governments. When you really find what they've got
investments in, and they put their own children into big positions across the
world, and they're scamming millions from other countries through grants and
stuff and yada, yada, ya. So, when they pass laws during emergencies,
oh, the billions just fly into black holes, y'know. Yep.
Never to be seen again.
chuckles.] It's just amazing really,
'eh? And all the big hands are out now
for the loot. This is the looting time. And
you’re left with what? The bill. And the chaos.
d’you know how many people probably died because they
can't get into hospitals now for other things?
They can't get treatments for their cancers and their operations,
it takes. Whatever it takes.
before I go any further, yeah, there's something out there. There's no doubt about it, there's something
out there. And it's killing people. No
doubt about it. And it's being used for
a big, big agenda, no doubt about that at all.
But it's nowhere near as lethal in the numbers as it was predicted, like
millions and millions are going to die.
Remember? Fauci was saying the
same thing. If you don't follow his, because he's part of the same group that Bill Gates
is. I hope you understand they have some
business arrangements as well. [Alan
chuckles.] Everybody's connected, aren't
they? Hm?
if you look at the hype and the hype and the hype of where they said it could
happen, it all could happen... according to computer models, you
understand. It's such a farce. Millions and millions Fauci said and other
ones said they we're going to DIE, millions will DIE. And they terrified the public with weeks of
this stuff, you're all going to DIE, you're all going to DIE.
they don't give you a God to pray to, they give you white coats to pray to.
You see, that's the substitute today. As
I said last week, you can take people out of religion, you can't take religion
out of the people, they're still looking for it somewhere else, so they supplied
it to you. Here's these experts, look,
this guy is obviously an expert, he's a multibillionaire don't you know. Hm.
Wow. You do what he tells you.
He waves his hands a lot and has a little smirk on his face each time he talks
so believe him, do what he tells you.
Fauci, another one with a deadpan face, he also has little smirk once in a
while. He said in an article, I'll put
it up too by the way. He said
offhandedly, and it was in a medical magazine, a virology magazine. He says, well
it might be no more than, you know, than just the same, he was talking
about the casualties, like a seasonal
flu. Then about a half an hour
later he goes on the television and tells you, they say, oh, thousands and
thousands and thousands, and maybe even bigger than that is going to die. Y'know. There's a huge drama getting played out right
now, I hope you understand it.
Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted - Anthony S.
Fauci, M.D. - nejm.org
/ 15 April 2020
people are suffering alright, they definitely are suffering. Because even a lot
of the treatments they could give the people who have ended up in the hospital,
with not just that but with things very similar to it, all the same conditions
actually, or very similar conditions, they are not getting the treatments
they're supposed to get.
they've got the bioethicists out, they're training them too, and training
you... Well, we have to decide who should live and die. And getting the public
used to the idea, well, they're old, y'know.
Coronavirus – a small victory: NHS hospitals and GPs
are warned against blanket ‘Do Not Revive’ policies - voxpoliticalonline.com
/ 9 April 2020
realize, do you realize up until this Covid thing hit with this massive,
massive… folk have died every year from flus. That's normal, it seems to be
normal. Winter is bad enough but winter takes away a lot of people in the
colder climates, especially.
we have something in our nature, we don't like to dwell on the fact that we
personally could die. If you did think
like that, you'd commit suicide, you wouldn't wait for it happening you'd be so
depressed. They have terms for it and names for it, all about that particular
mechanism that allows you to continue and ignore the fact that you're mortal. It's true, we all think, especially young
folk, I mean, we've all been there, you're never going to die. It just doesn't,
it might happen to other people, but it will never happen to you.
Obviously. You tend to deny it, you see,
most folk.
you're working in the field and you'll see these annual flus go, sometimes 50,000
odd will go over a bad flu season, sometimes way more
than that actually, within one country.
That's regarded as quite normal actually. With or without the vaccine, it doesn't make
any difference it seems as far as the deaths go. They generally hit initially, I can remember
reading the articles on the air from different authorities years ago, where
they'd look at, using Canada as an example and the States. Often the folk would get hit first in the
elderly homes, homes for the elderly, caretaker homes type of thing where
they're looked after. So, they're frail to begin with, but, the big puzzle is
why would they break out in these places?
So, they said it must be brought in by the people from outside visiting
plausible, and probably partly true as well. Not all the time though. But then
they did tracers, and they did experiments in some of these homes where they
found out that somehow or another a lot of them are just breaking out in the
homes and getting carried into the community by folks that visit, pick
it up there and carried into the community.
It was the other way around, you see.
Then they would go into, why would they start there? Well, certain
things happening these homes, you know, mandated things, that might be behind it. And you can't say anything about it
today because you're under martial law, you understand?
you'd better take it seriously this martial law thing because honestly, they
can do terrible things under wartime scenarios and lock folk up for just having
an opinion about something. You're not
allowed opinions anymore, you see. It's
called progress into austerity and all that.
it was the same thing too with it breaking out in Canada. I really did check,
and I put one article up, awfully good one, it told you about British
Columbia. But most folk can't read
between the lines, because a lot of things tell you things between the
lines. Of what groups were actually
getting it. The fact that a lot of them
came from a different country, and the relatives came back from the countries
that were infected, back-and-forth, back-and-forth, all through it too. British
Columbia is a big multinational area, put it that way, and it's very traceable
that way, you could tell what was happening.
But that it really added to the numbers of folk infected and folk who
died with it too. But they had great success as well, where they even had
91-year-old women surviving after getting it in British Columbia. Which again,
negated the fact that it was death for everybody over the age of 60 pretty
well, you see.
Fear of COVID 19: Overcoming the Hype - tenpennyimc.com /
5 March 2020
the hype and hype and hype, they've made hay over this incredible hype and
terror. Because the agenda is totally, it's just completely unfurled… Here's the real agenda here, we couldn't
get it all through the climate change thing and sustainability and sustainable
development goals, etc. etc., and you wouldn't stop breeding, and you wouldn't
stop consuming things, and you wouldn't go into a postconsumer society, you're
postindustrial but you wouldn't go into a post consumerist and start eating the
crickets and all that and the insects, so we're going to MAKE you go into it...
saving you all...
terrorizing you all...
getting you into such debt that you'll never get out of it. And whatever you
can manage to make for an income in the future is going to be peanuts. And you
can probably live on peanuts, you may be lucky to even get some peanuts, under
a martial law type system.
I'd rather they just got rid of the politicians. Just move them out of the way, pay them off, y'know. Just have the totalitarians that are managing us
all, the technocrats I think, because then you know who's doing it, instead of
going through the pretense that the politicians are there to help you. Because
they're not helping us at all, are they?
And they won't listen to the public at all, which proves there's no
democracy. Quite amazing.
listened to a little clip of a talk given by an ex-Deputy Prime Minister of
Australia. He was talking to Peter Hitchens.
It was interesting. The man seemed genuine enough. He didn't seem, but again, y’know, you can be misled too because a lot of politicians
are psychopathic, and they can be awfully pleasant. But the man, he listens to
this, he is agreeing that this martial law scenario is getting ridiculous. And
he is agreeing that it would be bad for the country and all that.
A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic
takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data - statnews.com / 17
March 2020
RCMP to enforce Quarantine Act, while Trudeau says no
plan to invoke Emergencies Act - nationalpost.com / 10 April 2020
Canada in it ‘for the long haul’ with COVID-19, deputy
health officer says - globalnews.ca / 28 March 2020
as soon as he said that he was a true believer in free trade, the penny dropped
immediately for me, my alarm system went off.
Like the Council on Foreign Relations type group that, the club, y'know, that they always put their members into government.
And the Royal Institute of International
Affairs, the British company, or the British group that's the grandparent of
them all, and the boss of them all actually, they make sure that these people
are appointed into governments to make sure that the free trade agreements are
same free trade agreements that made sure you can't even make anything in your
own country, even to save your own lives. You can't even make swabs. Or gauze
bandages, you know. Never mind facemasks or medical equipment. That's what happens when you become interdependent.
Meaning, totally dependent on some outsider. And the same politicians signed all the deals
for integration. So that's really what
free trade's all about. Nobody forced the countries into signing. Every politician
in every Western country and in the Eastern countries signed on with glee,
against the wishes of the public.
we never learn, do we?... Well, we're
Democratic and that, though, we've got rights, y'know.
trained and trained and trained, always, for what's to come. The biggest training mechanism is
indoctrination in school, for sustainability, and all parents are bad,
and that consumerism is bad. Now, you've got Antifa groups that are all
paid, again, their leaders are all paid awfully well. They have lifetimes salaries and pension
funds for some of them. The followers
are all just angry little youngsters that have been trained to be angry, about
everything. They're little armies, you
put up another clip tonight of a woman who was the head, at the moment, at the
present, of a big group at the Club of Rome, and how she is, with glee again,
praising this wonderful Covid thing for giving them an opportunity to push forward with the global warming and
sustainability climate goals and so on that have to come out of it.
She's just, oh, just having, almost orgasms I suppose, with the money that will
be flowing. She doesn't mention the money, but you can tell that she likes it.
They do like money at the top. The people, the people who are the biggest
altruistic people in the planet, they're there to help you, love
money. They love money. The
communist hierarchy, even Lenin loved money, you know that 'eh? I hope you understand that.
this woman praises Antifa and Extinction Rebellion group, 'eh. The other created group by the same… They're
all connected, these groups, and they all get money from the same sources.
They're all trained from the same sources. Your tax money helps a lot to train
them too, to be rebels. Folk don't know how the world really, really is
run. They really don't know. They don't
nothing out there that's not organized from those who own all the other groups
at the top. There's nothing out there that's from the grassroots. If you’re from the grassroots you might be
approached to join one that's pre-existing, you see, that's authorized. But if you don't agree, you'll get flattened.
You’ll get cut off or defamed or something, but you'll fall flat. You're done
for. That's how controlled the system is.
can remember years ago, occasionally you would get asked to sing at do's, y'know, these do's for charities and that. And also, a
couple of them I accepted, without knowing that all the top communist on the
planet were going to go there. All authorized by your government. And most of
the folk who organized it all, all worked for government, they were civil
servants in Canada. I met lots of them. But I also popped into a place once I heard
them singing, and it was in Toronto. It was interesting because someone says, do
you play? I says, yeah, a little bit, I says; y'know,
I don't want to say too much. I sang a
couple of songs, and they liked it. But
a woman came up and says, do you know anything really revolutionary? I
said well what d’you mean revolutionary? You know, against
the establishment. Well, this place where they had coffee and cakes and all
the rest of it, and some of the other ones in Toronto that sold beer, they had
licenses, were funded by the government to set up left-wing systems to
protest the government.
understand? Are you starting to catch on here how it works? And unless you're in the right places at
the right time, you won't have the learning experiences. But that's how things
really are. There's nothing at the bottom, I don't care what it is, that is not
agreed upon from the very, very top.
ago, I gave talks as well about the fashions. You can go way back into the past
and you can say, my God, look at Benjamin Franklin's day, most guys wore wigs
and they had silk stockings. You see the
pictures too of the folk, the paintings for instance of King James in Scotland,
y'know. He had
a name for himself, for other things, King James. But you always have one of
his legs really pushing forward. He
liked, he liked his thighs, that's what they said, y'know,
he liked to show off his thighs, in his silk stockings. He thought he looked really, really good in
it. So, I guess everybody has their vanity.
every generation has some kind of fashion designed for them. And it didn't just
happen by itself. I can see how the class system evolves; they want to be
different. They even talk differently from the people. I noticed too, it was
interesting in Canada, and in the States too, the ones who go to university
adopt the kind of, a certain way of talking.
[Alan is mimicking the speech.]
It's kind of like that. And they think it's a bit posher than the
ordinary people at the bottom. So
underneath the pretense, we're all the same and we are all pulling together as
a country and that, the class distinctions are always there. The you find it in
all areas of life and across the whole planet.
people in the past used to dress differently. And they made it illegal at one
time in England that when silk became popular, if the peasants got even
cast-off silk that was torn or whatever, and started wearing it like a…, it was
illegal, you'd be charged, you'd be taken off to prison for impersonating an
upper-class person by wearing a bit of silk. That was in GREAT Britain, y’know, the land of democracy and freedom. So that's where folks stood to go.
in the 20th century, you don't realize that for many centuries the ordinary
peasants, [Alan chuckles.] the peasant
folk, the working classes that really made things work, all dressed the same
pretty much for generations for a lot of the time because they didn't have the
finery. And they WORKED. That's what
they saw, they did real work you see.
wasn't until the 20th century, and then into, just before World War II, that
you started to get clothing made for TEENAGERS. The term ‘teenager’ was
invented by the Communists, so that they tried to drive a wedge between not
just the sexes, you see, everything is divide, divide,
divide, but between generations. So, a
child now was not a child anymore, he was a teenager, you see, once you hit
that teenage year. The term had never been used before, teenager, you see. Then a whole fashion was set up for the
teenager. You had jeans. The hippies of course came out with their
beads and everything and the longhair fad as well. And drugs naturally, they always give you
drugs along with things. So's you can't think straight anymore.
of course they came into, it was interesting, the Beatles you see, came out
initially as the four young men from Liverpool nonsense, y'know,
like they just happen to be there, a prepackaged, you know, product. And they had, again, the star making
machinery, here's the Beatles suit. It had no collar on it. The Beatles
haircut, the little fringe haircut thing, and little gimmicks like that. And
the winklepicker shoes of course, the pointed
eventually once they got people hooked on them, because everything is politicized,
you see, and has got a reason for being there.
Once they had a following then they started bringing the
long-haired ones in, and then the anti-, oh, let's-fight-the-system, and
there's-going-to-be-a-revolution, yeah-yeah, etc., and back in the USSR, hm, and
things like that. Then you had the
protest stuff. Then you've got the dirty jeans. Then you've got, y'know, things like that.
after that yet you had the glam, they called it the Glam Rock thing. Rock initially was anything but glamorous. It
was meant to be, it was again a protest and so on in a way, but it was mainly
for the music. And you didn't want to,
you didn't care about them telling you what to protest, you just wanted to go yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, and scream a bit. So that was successful
for a bit. Then they turned it into Glam Rock.
Where the guys started to, you weren't quite sure what they were. They wore
silks and everything. And they probably
spent more on their hairdos than Farrah Fawcett Majors did. Things like that,
you see. And it was meant to be that way.
they put on a very effeminate kind of band type thing. I mean, lips come on, and makeup and lipstick
and all the rest of it come on, come on, y'know. If you've seen Spinal Tap it gives you
an idea, it was a good comedy. But it
lost its way eventually. So eventually you came out again with the kind of
punk, where you just went on and yelled a lot with the distortion, y'know, in your guitar and that was it, you didn't ever
play much. Then you had the spiked hair
cuts and all that would come out of it. Until they walked around looking like
coronaviruses, 'eh, with the spiked hair everywhere.
generation is given something from above. It didn't happen amongst themselves,
by themselves. They think they did at the time, even the
music, they think they did by themselves. No, it was all given to them.
rappers did the same thing. Once the stuff was put out by the machinery, the
big stars and so on and tells you what the fad is going to be, the big boys at
the top, it's always the same people, gave them suddenly the rap, you see. I
can remember them even interviewing guys at the time and they said oh yeah yeah, we know what to do, yeah. Because it was all given to
them by the first ones, they put out there and they all follow suit. They
copy. It's all about copying, you
how we're trained. It's so easy to train us. And every group is given the
things to protest, and the things that they want. Until now you have, again the
Antifa groups, and in France you have the Yellow Vests, and the color
revolutions too, etc. etc. They start
with one protest and then they’re protesting everything, but they're never sure
what. And even that's been quashed too with the Covid thing. Interesting, isn't
it, 'eh? Same thing with the Hong Kong
one as well. It all went quiet because, oh,
you're all going to die.
what's happening today is a long process of management, and readying, and even
practicing, by the way, and making it happen. Because every country in the
West, Canada and the States, has been doing massive
exercises for the last 20 years, together, on emergency powers. Even going into certain areas. You hardly
ever see them because they're so quiet about it. They set up command headquarters under
emergency powers, if anything happened, they'd have to go and help the people,
you know, and take over and manage it, again, in a technocratic way. Not Democratic. Technocracy is not
Democratic, it's the opposite.
They've had these exercises every year across big parts of Canada and
the States, with both countries involved. They’re already again to do the same
can tie so much into what's happening today including the militarization of the
whole society since 9/11. The police in Canada used to have uniforms that
didn't terrify people. They didn't look like, like, SS SWAT teams y'know, with all the black outfits in combat boots and
combat pants even and all that. They didn't have that kind of stuff. It was
done intentionally in the 90s to get you ready for what was to happen in 2001.
All in advance, of course it was. They
even passed the Omnibus crime bill in Canada a few years before 9/11 happened.
Allan Rock was in charge of it. It was
an anti-terror bill. Nothing happens by
itself spontaneously. It isn't allowed to.
trained and trained in every generation, right up to the present, with a youth
brigade that's like the young Communist Party really, that's how they've been
trained. And they're full of anger and
they're ready to go against the ones that are older because you ruined it all
and you destroyed the planet and the climate and everything else, you see, it's
all your fault. They've been brainwashed
into being radicalized. And your tax money made them that through the teachers,
who know darn well what they're teaching.
The teachers are prostitutes.
They’re social engineers. Change agents as it's been said
in the US by some older folk who are dead now, Charlotte Iserbyt
and people like that.
we're going to the next phase of it now, which is mandated austerity. You are going into it. And you'll have
rationing, I gave these talks years ago, they want to bring in rationing. And
here you go, along with it, and the electronic surveillance on everybody,
including your movements by the way, and they want to give you rationing IDs
and all that. It will all be on your cell phones, etc. And Bill Gates is just mentioning this day
after day apparently, that that's what he's pushing forward, that you're going
to have this before you can travel, you're going to have that.
I didn't vote for this creep, did you? Did you? No. Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy?
There's a scene anywhere the guy is shot, from the past basically, he slumbers
for centuries, wakes up into the future.
And the world’s been run by, really, fools and idiots. He goes into a hospital because he's got a little
problem. They don't even ask you what's
wrong, they just point at things on computer screens. Like, here's the knee,
and you see these little marks coming from it, like it's pain, and so he, oh
yeah, it's not that, no. And they
stick all these different things in different orifices, and of course they get
them all mixed up, because they're not very bright these people, for
temperature and all that. Then he goes
into see the doctor there, who talks like a… yeah, yo,
okay man, yo, whoa, whoa.
at the end he had to pay for it all and he doesn't know how to pay for it. The doctor says, where's your tattoo? And he doesn't... He says, you don't have a tattoo!?!
Then the doctor freaks out and hits an alarm button, no tattoo! That's, your everything comes off that
tattoo. That's everything that Bill
Gates is pushing with this tattoo thing and all that. It was in a movie, Idiocracy. Folk who did the movie obviously knew it was
coming, 'eh. [Alan chuckles.]
anyway, yeah, you're prepared in advance for every step of what's to happen.
And you will see, the longer they can keep this going, the more they'll become
more authoritative, and keeping folks at home.
And you might even get deaths down the road, if they keep you in for a
long, long period of time and not let you out, etc., the people will crackup,
don't forget, and this is something you always keep in the back of your minds.
Quite a few years back I remember doing the talks when the military, National
Guard, even the Forestry Commission and different departments inside the US,
all different departments, Homeland Security, were getting, were buying
billions and billions of rounds, all
kinds of caliber rounds for their weaponry. And stacks of hollow point, which
can only be used internally. It's
against the Geneva Convention to use hollow points in warfare against soldiers,
they use the full metal jacket types for the soldiers. The hollow points are meant to create maximum
impact and possible death, that's what they're designed for. They'll hit and expand and create a bigger
whole, and more disruption, more shock, etc.
So, they're only allowed to be used on your own populations.
Because the UN has decreed this against all their treaties, the arms treaties,
to use it in combat against foreign troops.
was a big kerfuffle at the time, what on earth are they buying all this for? I
mean, for goodness’ sake here. Well, if things were to drag out a long, long
time, and they get more and more authoritative, and it's supposed to go that
way, remember, and folks start cracking up, and then eventually a lot of them
can’t get the food that they need, or anything else that they need
perhaps... Then laws are broken and
yada, yada, ya. Who knows? But they're certainly prepared for the worst
if it ever came to that. You understand?
certainly are prepared for the worst, and they've got all these treaties with
Canada and the States, so I have no doubt at all, under the right conditions
they actually send, it's in one of the old NAFTA deals, now it's the USMCA one
I think they call it, that the States is to come to the aid of Canada too if
need be. And even vice versa. Including Mexico too, mind you.
you've got a look at all these things that are happening today. If they want to push it and push it and push
it, and they're testing with the latest gear, constantly testing us all in real
time as I've said before, as they float the ideas from Bill Gates, etc., and
within 10 minutes with the chitchat on the net and the cell phones and that,
they know exactly how far to push something or draw back a little bit on any
particular point or topic. Because they put out trial balloons all the time,
you see. That's how perfectly things are
managed today, I hope you understand that.
if you notice, at the moment they're getting you trained that there's no
input from the general public at all. You don't count. I hope you
understand this. Because you're living through precedents. Things that never
happened in World War I or World War II, or in the entire Cold War when you're
supposed to be all getting blown to bits with atomic weaponry, none of this
happened, and half the planet is locked down under martial law now. It never
happened before. Never ever happened.
some countries you had curfews at night, in totalitarian countries. But here you have people locked down
permanently? Forbidden to work? You'd
better start thinking about these things, and how you're ACCEPTING it so
see, the psychic driving of repetition, repetition, oh my God, look what's
happening in China, oh my God, look, look, look, look, look, look has done
wonders to decimate the people's common sense.
you've got to understand something right now, history is full of people
rebelling and even having revolution, to try to GET rights and freedoms from those that deem themselves superior, who believe
they have the right to rule people.
It took centuries to get rights for the people. And you’re
watching it all go down the tubes voluntarily under the guise of the big
psychic terror drive you're watching day after day after day. And you never get
those rights back once you give them up.
let's just start with, I'll put this up tonight too, the actual plan, Event
201, outlined it. Again, the Rockefeller
one as well, which happened in 2010.
This one happened one month before it supposedly broke out in China,
Event 201, Call to Action. It’s a PDF,
you can download it yourself. But it says…
Event 201 - Public Private Partnership Pandemic Call
to Action - pdf
The next severe
pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also
trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could
contribute greatly to global impact and suffering.
(Alan: Then they go into how they'll have to get
public-private partnerships where, basically what they're talking about is how
the private sector, they're talking about big corporations, will be part of the
rulership for managing the general public basically. It says…)
The Event 201
pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, (A: ...I mean, isn't that amazing, 'eh, it's
halfway through October pretty well and the thing broke out in November in
China, we're told, it might've even been earlier for all we know.) vividly
demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well
as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors
that will be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security,
World Economic Forum, (A: ...as well,
so there ya go, you've got the World Economic Forum
again, all the biggies, that you don't vote for and…) and Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose the following:
1. Governments,
international organizations, (A: Guess
where they will be again?) and businesses should plan now for how essential
corporate capabilities will be utilized during a large-scale pandemic.
(A: They go through the whole plan basically.)
2. Industry,
national governments, and international organizations should work together…
(A: So, there’s the end of your democracy,
2. Industry,
national governments, and international organizations should work together
to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) to
enable rapid and equitable distribution during a severe pandemic.
(A: Then they bring the World Health Organization
into it. The World Health Organization has been heavily a communist front for… its
inception actually is kind of comical as well because the Rockefeller
Foundation set up the Department of Population, it used to be called Population
Control, just across the corridor I think from the World Health Organization
place. So, it all works together. And
you understand what I sometimes by world health. I mean, perhaps bringing down
the population comes into the healthy population part, and some things that Mr.
Gates mentioned before kind of ties into that as well perhaps. A healthy
population, maybe a smaller one but a healthier one, y’know.
Anyway, it says…)
The World Health
Organization (WHO) currently has an influenza vaccine virtual stockpile, with
contracts in place with pharmaceutical companies (A: …the big corporate, you
know, [Alan chuckles.] the fascism, here it goes.) that have agreed
to supply vaccines should WHO request them.
they go into all the nitty-gritty stuff too, not in great detail in this
particular one, but you can go into the whole PDF and look it up for yourselves
if you're... It's really interesting,
and the videos are up there too, of I think it's a five-part series, often
discussing how they'll manage the general public and the laws they'll have to
bring in to make the public obey them and all that kind of stuff. Interesting.
Public-private cooperation for pandemic preparedness
and response - centerforhealthsecurity.org
Naval War College ran a pandemic wargame in 2019. That was coincidence too though, right?
The Naval War College Ran a Pandemic War Game in 2019.
The Conclusions Were Eerie.
military.com / 1
April 2020
An infectious
disease breaks out in a densely populated metropolis and is spreading rapidly,
causing respiratory failure and death in its victims. As local containment and response
mechanisms break down and cases multiply, it becomes clear that a global
response -- spanning governments, humanitarian organizations, health agencies
and the military -- will be required.
That scenario is
not a condensed narrative of the COVID-19 pandemic that currently has much of
the globe on lockdown. Rather, it's the premise of a war game run last
September by the Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island. And its
findings (A: …which are, I’ll put the
link up to it.) -- released in summary format Wednesday -- reveal prescient
and sometimes troubling parallels to the real-world response effort that
continues today.
(A: But that’s just coincidence, folks. It’s coincidental.)
Called Urban
Outbreak 2019, the war game involved 50 experts who spent (A: …probably the same bunch again with the Johns
Hopkins.) two days coordinating response, containment
and messaging efforts around the notional pandemic. Some of the conclusions,
such as the way forced mass quarantine can backfire (A: ...you see, forced mass quarantine...) can
backfire and trigger additional disease spread, and how the mortality
rate is better than the overall number of disease cases in assessing the scale
of an outbreak -- have been proved out through the response to the novel
The Naval War College - Urban Outbreak 2019 - digital-commons.usnwc.edu
/ 1 April 2020
It goes on and on and on. If you want to read through it, you can do
it. It’s not a bad little article, mind you. But it gives you an idea what goes
on, in preparation for the thing that supposedly is the real thing. I’ll also
put down this one here. It’s…
World Economic Forum - COVID Action Plan
COVID Action Plan
The Global Future
Council, (A: I guess that's the name
of the organization.) is the international organization for public-private
cooperation. The World Economic Forum acting as partner to the World Health
Organization is mobilizing all stakeholders to protect lives and livelihoods.
(A: Well, if you look at the characters that make
up the WEF, y'know, World Economic Forum, it's
a massive, it isn't just a... You always
hear of them meeting. It's not an annual meeting. It's a massive
organization with permanent buildings, a massive civil service running
it. They sponsor, it's a big massive
foundation that trains future leaders across the planet for their own
particular agenda, I hope you realize that too, to make sure there'll never be
anything called democracy. Of course,
the WEF is just the FEW backwards, it's for the few, you understand. Anyway, it says here…
The dramatic
spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities
and businesses worldwide. (A: They're very clever, that, so they can tell
you what you obviously know.) All stakeholders, especially global business,
must urgently come together to minimize its impact on public health and limit
its potential for further disruption to lives and economies around the world.
But the sum of
many individual actions will not add up to a sufficient response. Only
coordinated action by business, combined with global, multistakeholder
cooperation – at exceptional scale and speed – can potentially mitigate the
risk and impact of this unprecedented crisis.
(A: Then they go into…)
The spread of
COVID-19 demands global cooperation among governments, international organizations and the business community. (A:
You’ve already said that, for goodness’ sake.) This multistakeholder cooperation is at the centre
of the World Economic Forum’s mission as the International Organization for
Public-Private Cooperation.
(A: So, they’ve decided that they
themselves are the organization that’s going to manage the public and private
businesses, etc. That’s very democratic of them too, isn’t it?)
Galvanize the
global business community for collective action
Protect people’s
livelihoods (A: [Alan laughing.] That's a good one.) and facilitate
business continuity (A: What a joke
that is, 'eh?)
cooperation and business support for the COVID-19 response
(A: Then they give you a summary and all that and
you can download it for yourselves and all that kind of thing. And you can...)
Embed their
special Covid 19 transformation map (A:
This is the age, remember, of change and this is the century of changes
they call it, transformation, 'eh?
Everything's transforming supposedly.) on your Internet or website
enabling your employees or stakeholders one click access to the latest
strategic trends, research, analysis and data.
ya are. So,
aren't you glad these unelected organizations are, they're all working on this
before it even started, 'eh? it's just constant. Another article, it says here…
The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
/ 9 April 2020
(A: …just to make you happy again, that one. It says here...)
As the coronavirus
lockdown began, the first impulse was to search for historical analogies—1914,
1929, 1941? As the weeks have ground on, what has come ever more to the fore is
the historical novelty of the shock that we are living through.
(A: It’s shock
and awe, you see. There’s a joke about
shock and awe too but I won’t go into that right now. But shock and awe, and that’s what they’re
doing. Psychic driving, oh my God, and
oh look at that, oh, shock, shock, shock. So, we’re living through it all.)
As a result of the
coronavirus pandemic America's economy is now widely expected to shrink by a
(A: Well, forget it, it's a little bit more than
a quarter, I think.)
That's as much as
during the Great Depression.
(A: They’re all happy about that.)
But whereas the
contraction after 1929 stretched over a four-year period, the coronavirus
implosion will happen over the next three months. There's never been a crash landing like this
There is something
new under the sun and it's horrifying.
Then they go into it and all the rest
of it. But the thing is, they don't plan
on getting over a great depression. This is permanent. It's a whole new way of
living. This is what they're going on about here. And it's in glee. As I say, that woman at the Club of Rome is in ecstasy over it
all. And no doubt the money that's
getting thrown her way as well.
This goes into it as well; it will
never be the same again. To get you used to the idea, the whole agenda,
sustainable goals, right, have to be fulfilled. It's beautiful for that.
They'll never let this go. Nope. And
planned or not, take your pick what you want to believe. But the fact is,
they're not going to... They are in glee
and ecstasy over the whole thing, they are quite open about it.
I’ve read the plans to reopen the economy. They’re
vox.com / 10 April
There is no plan
to return to normal.
Over the past few
days, I’ve been reading the major plans for what comes after social distancing.
You can read them, too. There’s one from the right-leaning American Enterprise
Institute, the left-leaning Center for American Progress, Harvard University’s Safra Center for Ethics, and Nobel Prize-winning economist
Paul Romer.
I thought, perhaps
naively, that reading them would be a comfort — at least then I’d be able to
imagine the path back to normal. But it wasn’t. In different ways, all these
plans say the same thing: Even if you can imagine the herculean political,
social, and economic changes necessary to manage our way through this crisis
effectively, there is no normal for the foreseeable future.
(A: Then he goes into…)
Until there’s a
vaccine, (A: That’s what you’ve been told, you see.) the
United States either needs economically ruinous levels of social distancing, a
digital surveillance state of shocking size and scope, or a mass testing
apparatus of even more shocking size and intrusiveness.
(A: M-hm.
That’s what they’re telling you. And then he goes into the different
bodies that are all working together…)
The AEI, CAP, and
Harvard plans aren’t identical, but they’re similar. All of them feature a
period of national lockdown — in which extreme social distancing is deployed to
“flatten the curve”
(A: … as they call this nonsense, you
see.) and health and testing capacity is surged to “raise the line.” That’s
phase one. Phase two triggers after a set period (45 days for CAP, three months
for Harvard) or, in the AEI plan, after 14 days of falling cases and a series
of health supply markers.
But the whole point is, he goes through
the process they're using here. It's a whole new way of governing basically
with all these different checkpoints that you must get to before you can get to
the next level, next level. And that's
what it's all about, you see, that the scientists are going to rule your lives,
Because they know better with all their
models that they make, y'know, these computer models,
with scary scenarios, 'eh, scary scenarios.
Isn't that what they said with all the meetings of the groups that
were... I read them all for years, every year I used to read them, on the air,
all the scary scenarios. That's what they call them themselves, from the
different organizations for sustainability and depopulation, and sustainable
development goals, is to give the folk
scary scenarios about the climate or they wouldn't believe you otherwise. So, they had to terrify the public and
tell them terrible scary scenarios. Well, this is what they do. And they've got all the authority to do it.
That's why they get so much airtime.
The Fed Asks for BlackRock’s Help in an Echo of 2008
nytimes.com / 25
March 2020
BlackRock will
advise the Federal Reserve on the purchase of billions of dollars in bonds and
securities. The terms of the agreement were not disclosed.
The Federal
Reserve has turned again...
(A: You see, that's what, they helped bail them
out the last time supposedly. The Federal Reserve by the way, has become the
bank to the world. They lend to all the countries. They bailed all the other
countries out, including Canada, at the last big crash we had. BlackRock apparently is the big con job that
bails them out, supposedly. However, the Federal Reserve is a private, maybe
even foreign-owned, group of banks, and BlackRock is an interesting one as
The nation's
central bank said it tapped BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, to
help oversee the Fed's effort to stabilize the bond market amid economic
turmoil caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
A BlackRock
subsidiary will advise the Fed on the purchase of billions of dollars in
commercial mortgage-backed securities and investment-grade corporate bonds
(A: Sound familiar? It's the same, a repeat
scenario of 2007/8.)
— a decision that
echoed a move from the 2008 financial crisis.
(A: It's interesting, when you really dig into
who they are though, you just keep falling over and having a good laugh to
yourself with the names that pop up, they're also familiar, y'know. It really is, it's amazing. It says…)
The last time (A: ...at the time, the last time) that
arrangement prompted criticism for lawmakers and others who worried about
coziness between Wall Street and Washington, as well as the potential for
conflicts of interest.
(A: Because my God, there's really some amazing
conflicts involved in all of this. But then, there always has been really with
the Federal Reserve.)
Dennis Kelleher is
the president of Better Markets, a nonprofit group that supports stringent
financial regulation and the Fed needs to guarantee there is full transparency.
(A: What a joke.
So, they've already got it set up, their pretended watchdog, etc.,
hm. N-n-n.)
advisory business is separate from its asset management business, which
generates most of the firm’s revenue. Besides working with the Fed during the
2008 crisis, the advisory division has done work for the British treasury, the
Swiss National Bank, the European Central Bank and the
government of Greece.
(A: Ohhh [Alan
laughing.] they can really floor you, can't they. Poor old Greece, and Italy too for that
New York Fed said
in a statement that it selected BlackRock on a
"short-term basis" because of its expertise in the market for
commercial mortgage-backed securities which are backed by government-sponsored
mortgage finance firms Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie
tell ya, n-n-n.
I-yi-yi. That's quite interesting too for those that
want to go into the cons that go on in the world. [Alan chuckles.] And really, the legalized crooks, I call them
legalized crooks because they run the law systems too, obviously. Everything is corrupt today. Wherever you
look it's incredibly corrupt.
Banks To Make Billions On
Small Business Bailout
zerohedge.com / 1
April 2020
As part of the $2
trillion fiscal stimulus package that was signed into law by Donald Trump on
Friday, the Small Business Administration will offer $350 billion in loans to
US small businesses meant to preserve business solvency as part of the emergency
federal response to the coronavirus pandemic; the loans, part of the so-called
"Paycheck Protection Program" will be offered through banks and
credit unions to cash-strapped businesses employing under 500 people (it's not
clear how a company employing 500 people is a "small business" but we
can assume that this is just a stealthy bailout of some not so small
(A: That’s really what it is, it’s the big boys
getting bailed out. Yep.)
Borrowers will
need to fill out a two-page form and document that they were in business as of
mid-February. Lenders will not need to wait for SBA confirmation before
providing cash in hand.
According to the
SBA, there are 30m businesses with fewer than 500 employees in
the US, employing 60m people, almost half of the private workforce.
Yet some may be
"shocked" to learn (A: Maybe they will or won’t…) that like in
any government bailout package, the biggest winners here will not
be America's vibrant small and medium business sector, which at
best will get the bare minimum cash to fund 2.5 months of payroll (this assume
the pandemic will be resolved by mid-June) but - drumroll - America's
The big boys are getting all the cash
as always, y’know.
That’s how things always work, ‘eh.
Why it's no longer acceptable to pay with cash:
Aussies are urged to ditch disease-spreading notes - as experts
(A: …again, there’s these experts,
‘eh. I wonder where that school is where
they turn out experts? I mean, it’s a
strange priesthood, ‘eh. I’ve heard
about perverts, but I don’t know about experts.)
admit coronavirus could kill physical money for good
dailymail.co.uk /
27 March 2020
(A: They’re trying to make sure,
trying to convince the public just to stop using it. So rather than ban it
they’re trying to JUST get you to give it up, you see. The big boys too have
been putting out this stuff for years in Canada, of the end of cash, we must
get the folk off it into electronic stuff. Then you can get really managed, a
la Bertrand Russell, ‘eh, the government will give you everything, it will be
total control into your bank account. If
you’ve been bad, an asbo as they call it, antisocial
behavior disorder, by saying that this is not the best country in the world,
then whoa! that’s it, you’re going to be fined immediately, you can’t pay your
rent. So, if you had some cash there at
least you could pay cash, couldn’t you, hm?
You see, I keep saying,
when your choices are gradually taken away, or narrowed down until there’s none
at all, ‘eh, you are really under tyranny. In all areas, folks.)
Some retail stores
are already turning away customers who use notes in desperate attempts to combat
the rapid growth of the virus.
Well, who’s
bringing all this stuff you’re going to buy into their stores in and touching
it all? ‘Eh? Get off it.
Get off it. That’s all been
touched as well. Absolute rubbish. Then you’ve got this one here on…
Spain is moving to permanently establish universal
basic income in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic
/ 6 April 2020
Spain is moving to
implement a permanent basic income (A: Naturally.) as a measure to help workers and families battered by the coronavirus
(A: Again, the Club of Rome is pushing this universal
basic income. They mean universal, meaning worldwide, that’s what
they want. This is for global government; I hope you understand. So, we’ll all get our funds like… a la
Bertrand Russell, into our bank accounts.
They were pushing that before it happened, remember? And again, the World
Economic Forum, that we don’t elect, was making all the statements at the time,
oh well y’know, we have to start just paying folk to
stay at home. Before any viruses. It’s all coincidence though, isn’t it? It really is. It has to be. What else could
it be? [Alan chuckles.] You know, conspiracy theorist. I guess what
they are imagining is about, and being right that this would come, and they
could push it then, I guess THEY were really the conspiracy theorists, ‘eh?
They were pushing world conspiracies; they are making their own conspiracies
Nadia Calviño, the country's minister for economic affairs, told
the Spanish broadcaster La Sexta on Sunday evening
that the government was planning to introduce the cash handouts as part of a
barrage of policies meant to help people get back on their feet.
(A: Well, why? You can’t walk anywhere, and
you’re not allowed to. But this is the kind of stuff we’re living through,
isn’t it, ’eh?)
you really believe, something’s for nothing, ‘eh?! And your kicks for free? Money is not for
nothing, folks. It’s always…
Government and opposition parties pass $73-billion
wage subsidy program - nationalpost.com / 11 April 2020
loans by the big banks to other countries and the World Bank, it comes with all
these different social policies you must introduce in your country, and
cultural changes, and you know, all that kind of stuff.
Coronavirus West Australia: New $91m policing package
will include electronic surveillance
7news.com.au / 8
April 2020
(A: I put a little clip on, it’s a YouTube, I
think it’s on YouTube, or no, it’s from a newspaper in Australia. You see
little clip there, it says…)
Coronavirus West Australia: New $91m policing package
will include electronic surveillance
(A: That’s how they’re going to fight the virus,
you see, by studying it, working through you.
[Alan chuckles.] It’s amazing.)
The West
Australian government has announced a $91 million policing package
(A: This is just the Western Australian
The massive
investment was announced by Premier Mark McGowan on Wednesday afternoon.
(A: And a woman came on who was the head of
something that had to do with this, I'm not quite, I thought she was McGowan,
but I guess not. Well, who knows? And
I'm not kidding you, she starts off by saying how much they'd saved, before she
tells you what they're spending it on, you see. And I had a friend who used to
joke about his mum who would come home with all these packages. And you know, they used to have these, from
the better class shops you'd get these, they were kind of cardboard type, not
quite cardboard but heavy-duty paper bags and they'd put their stuff in the
bags, you see. And it had nice pictures and that and little prints on them and
all that. But she would come home with
stacks of the stuff on a spending spree. And she would always say that, right,
because they got it from the magazines what to tell her husband's and so on. So,
his mum used to come home and as soon as the husband appeared
she'd say, you wouldn't believe what I saved today, you see. [Alan laughing.] That's just exactly what this woman said in
Australia with the $91 million policing package. And you have to really hear
this stuff, you know. And you could
actually see them, oh, just smiling, just like, oh my God. You can tell a lot of money is going to help,
a lot of people here.)
Of that total $73
million will immediately be invested to strengthen WA’s police force, including
the recruitment of 150 new police officers.
(A: ‘Eh? $73 million, ‘eh? To help recruit 150 new police officers? What are they paying them? Well, it’s not for
their pay obviously, right. That’s what
I’m saying. I used to laugh when Canada would put up millions, like $12-15
million to give maybe 10 students window washers jobs for the summer. Well,
where did the rest of the money go? I
mean, this is what government does, ‘eh, their $73 million for 150 new police
officers. That’s really what they need in these times, right?)
McGowan said the
injection of new officers into the force would help keep the numbers up if
police officers were forced to self-isolate because of COVID-19.
(A: Really?)
The fast-tracking
of 135 existing recruits would allow new officers to go into support roles,
freeing up more senior police members to go onto the “frontline”.
In addition to a
total of 285 new police officers, the WA government is investing in forms of electronic
surveillance to ensure people are not breaking quarantine rules or unlawfully
trying to breach intra-state borders.
(A: You know, crossing over the state borders,
inside Australia.)
Plate recognition
that are able to instantly read number plates will be installed at border
checkpoints across the state.
The police force
will also acquire 200 (A: …200,
listen to this 200…) 200 GPS-enabled ankle bracelets to
track people who may be breaching orders to quarantine or self-isolate at home.
(A: When you look at these 200 GPS, they’re
little things, you can look them up online, some of them you can get for as cheap
as seven bucks! I’m not kidding you. But they’re going to spend about 3
million, I think it’s 3 million for these 200 GPS ankle bracelets.)
(A: You can’t believe…. I’m living in, you see, I’m living in a time
w… I mentioned earlier I was brought up in austerity in Britain, you see. I
mean, REAL austerity too, it wasn’t even middle-class, never mind austere
times. So, my idea of money is, and what
a normal income today is so incredibly low compared to most folk today that
think nothing of a thousands of bucks here and thousands
of bucks there. M-hm. So, I get kind of shocked,
but you know.)
There are
currently 30 regional road checkpoints across Western Australia.
(A: This is like, again, this is like the Stasi,
isn’t it? And checkpoints… just like the Soviet Union used to be too, they had
checkpoints everywhere. In streets at times, and for no reasons. And the money,
the millions they’re spending just for make-work programs for the cops, ‘eh?)
Since April 9,
when the state was carved up into nine separate zones, (A: There ya go, that’s
what they do in totalitarian states, they put in the zones.) 106,029 people
have pulled up at border checkpoints.
Of those, 104,716
have met the exemption criteria, but 1313 have been refused and ordered to
turn around - a total of one per cent.
(A: Whoa, that’s really worth
it, ‘eh? Wow. Gee whiz, ‘eh. There ya go. 1313 have been refused.
McGowan praised
West Australians’ “high level of compliance” (A: Again, they love that, under a wartime
scenario you’ve got to comply and do what you’re told.) but reminded people
that “going for a drive down south or up to Lancelin”
was no longer allowed over the Easter break.
(A: It wasn’t allowed.)
(A: You see how even the wording in it is, it’s
no longer allowed, over the Easter break, children.)
“Only essential
travel is permitted, and travelling outside your regional area is not
permitted,” he said.
“This Easter is
going to be like none other, it will be very different.”
(A: No kidding.
N-n-n. I tell ya.)
you get this one here. Let’s see…
How ‘war’ with coronavirus could lead to lasting
government overreach
(A: Again, you're getting the
message, getting the message, getting the message, 'eh?)
pri.org / 19 March
Under war-like
circumstances, history shows there is a very fine line between protecting
citizens and eroding rights — and that line can be exploited or extended in
times of great uncertainty.
(A: Well, that’s the whole plan,
obviously, that’s why it’s all happening.)
So, say world
leaders as countries struggle to cope with the coronavirus pandemic. The
unprecedented outbreak has pushed governments to take extraordinary measures unheard
of in peacetime — including closing borders and instituting nationwide
lockdowns. People all over the globe are increasingly required to carry
permits or face fines for leaving their homes.
(A: I-yi-yi. I tell ya.)
"This crisis
could ultimately have an impact as serious as a world war in terms of the
number of people affected, in terms of the impact on the economy and on
people's way of life,” former US Ambassador to NATO Nicholas Burns told The
(A: That’s why he’s a bright guy,
he says what’s going to happen. If you can’ go to work and stuff, you know it’s
going to impact the economy and affect the way of life as well. That’s
intelligence there.)
Governments have
gotten the message.
French President
Emmanuel Macron said Monday the invisible spread of the virus “requires a call
to arms,” as he locked down the country.
he had to do it because he was losing his country with all the riots before it
all happened. Obviously. And this goes
on and on.
Germany to introduce coronavirus 'immunity
certificates' for recovered public
newsweek.com / 30
March 2020
(A: They're copying China, and from the WHO and
the Bill Gates big plan, you see. I'd
tell them to go and stuff it! Because
you never had to get an immunity certificate for the flu and getting over that,
did you? So, it would be the same for
anything else. Once it starts, this is
to be a whole agenda. It will go right
into your ID card, and it will be imprinted, and Bill Gates wants it injected
into you or tattooed on you. [Alan
chuckles.] Well, go and stuff it, Bill
Gates! Yep.)
(A: So, they're... This is the researchers; the
researchers are planning it. Well, I'd
tell the researchers to go off and… Mind you, poor Germany doesn't have a
democracy. They've been hammered for a long, long time, and they've got the ex-Stasi
characters who've been trained by the Stasi running them for years. It says…)
The documents are
part of a research project being conducted at the Helmholtz Centre for
Infection Research in Braunschweig, which will conduct blood tests among the
general public for antibodies produced against the virus.
The antibodies
will show which of the participants have had the virus and have recovered,
according to a report by the German magazine Der Spiegel. Around 100,000 people
will be tested at a time, and certificates issued to those found positive.
you start doing these things, they're going to make it mandatory. They always
get the usual, you know, the curious cows and cattle to nosy up gradually, and
when they get enough to do it, then the make things mandatory. Well, they
all accepted it. That's how they do
things, folks. And you always get the ones going out for it first, the same
kind that bring apples for the teachers.
You know what I mean, 'eh? You
know those characters. They're snitchers,
those characters. Well, it's the same
thing again here. They'll say, well,
look how good we are, we've done it, oh, and I'm clear now. Even though it can’t actually prove that they've
got antibodies for that exact virus, folks, y'know. But that doesn't matter. Facts don't really
matter you see. N-n-n.
then of course you'll have to have all the new vaccines that are coming along
the pike, nothing to do with this one, but they've got on the list that they
want to make money off of.
Mecklenburg County residents file hundreds of
stay-at-home order complaints
/ 1 April 2020
COUNTY, N.C. — (A: That's in North
Carolina.) Him New data from
Mecklenburg County shows that some residents are growing tired of people
violating the stay-at-home order and now they are taking matters into their
own hands.
(A: Oh, Ohhh!)
The stay-at-home
order was put in place last Thursday. You are still allowed to do essential
activities like go grocery shopping, visit the doctor
or go to a park to get exercise. You are required to stay six feet apart from
other people.
(A: In Britain you can't even go to the park
unless you keep moving, you see, you can't sit down for a break. It's not
Since the order
was put in place more than 600 complaints/violations been made through the CharMeck 311 center. County leaders stress you should not
call 911 to file a complaint. (A: I
guess the other folk are complaining about other folk, I suppose, that's what
it is, 'eh? Hard to tell.)
just astonishing, it really is amazing.
You understand, what are they expecting you to do? You're breathing,
'eh. If you're nowhere near anybody,
what's their problem if you're sitting on a park bench? Or on the grass for
that matter? What does it matter if there's no one near you? In fact, the cops have got a bit more of a
problem. They're more in danger than
anybody because they'll get closer than 6 feet when they come up to annoy
you. They could be carrying it
and passing it on. But you see, facts
don't matter, and sense doesn't matter with this, you see.
the training of the public for things to come, that's what it's about.
know, they are even charging people, in some places where the cops have
noticed, that you're walking to a grocery store when they know that you've got
a car, they want you to drive the car there.
Huh? You see, you understand,
they can interpret it in whatever way they want according to the county. And cops chomp at the bit for that kind of
authority, y'know.
Why are you driving your car? Well, I thought it would be safer
that way and it wouldn't be… But here you are, he's got his face stuck inside
the car asking you questions, 'eh?
That's really healthy. But this
is the sort of thing that's happening.
So, you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.
a fear exercise to instill terror into the public. This is how it's done. This is how it's done, folks.
you fed up with these massive psychological tactics that are used on you? ...as though you're some animal in a maze?
That's how they see you. And you go here,
and you get shocked. And you go there and... It's like
Skinner's box, y’know, shock, shock. And Pavlov, the great, the great scientist
Pavlov that made a fortune and a great name for himself shocking and terrifying,
and to the death, of animals. Psychopaths, psychopaths, psychopaths.
this is where it's going. Mind you too, if everybody in the warm climates are
driving, have you noticed their windows are down? And they're breathing! My God, they're breathing… and that's getting
sucked away, and along the streets with their breath. My God, 'eh. You see, it's all, it's a complete farce,
farcical nonsense.
one too is…
Queensland - Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering
/ 2 April 2020
Direction from
Chief Health Officer in accordance with emergency powers arising from the
declared public health emergency.
(A: Oh, it’s all authoritative stuff. And scary stuff. Direction home confinement
movement and gathering part one, etc. etc. This is Queensland Australia, they
have a preamble and everything about it, and the citation…)
Public Health Act
2005 (Queensland)
This Public Health
Direction may be referred to as the Home Confinement Movement and Gathering
(A: This is the stuff that petty little
bureaucrats dream up, ‘eh, with your tax money.
And restrictions and private residence directions, as well, oh my God
here we go, oh yeah, a whole list of them here.
This is the stuff that petty little bureaucrats dream up, ‘eh, with your
tax money.)
(A: - restrictions and private residence
directions… as well. Oh my God here we
go. Oh yeah, a whole list of them here.
Home confinement requirements in Queensland. They got a whole list...)
(A: -To obtain medical treatment maybe you can
go. Or to engage in physical exercise,
but if it's a short walk, 'eh? Maybe you
can get out and shake a leg and run back in again.)
(A: -To perform work or volunteering, or to carry
out conduct as essential business activity or undertaking, blah, blah, blah. The
average citizen is supposed to read this rubbish, y'know,
paragraph 9, subsection what?)
(A: -Education and early childhood workers may
travel to and from their home center over the term break.)
(A: -To visit a terminally ill relative or to
attend a funeral, or a wedding, subject to any applicable restrictions under
other relevant… You understand, you've gotta have papers with you and stuff to prove where
you're going. I-yi-yi.)
is super Soviet. You see, this is a more
refined Soviet that you're into now, folks. You're going into whole areas which
the Soviet era didn't manage themselves.
you're doing it all voluntarily.
it's mandatory.
it will be normal.
see? Yep.
one too… You're supposed to stay, they
want you, this is to go on forever until they find a vaccine a la Bill Gates,
you see, y’know how Bill Gates is really saying that.
NSW coronavirus social-distancing
to stay 'until vaccine is found', Premier Gladys Berejiklian
abc.net.au / 6
April 2020
NSW Premier Gladys
Berejiklian (A:
Strange name. I can't really
pronounce it properly, or I don’t know how it’s pronounced.) has warned the
state's tough coronavirus social-distancing restrictions will stay "until
a vaccine is found", (A: You
understand, that’s like forever, folks.) after Australia's death toll
climbed to 46.
(A: 46!
46. There’s more folk die of the
common cold! 46. That’s incredible. What’s happening is incredible,
folks. But it’s a big agenda, ‘eh, big
Key points:
There have been 21
coronavirus deaths (A: …21…)
2,686 cases in NSW
guess that’s the tests, y’know, which means
nothing. We can’t correlate the deaths
to the cases here because most cases are not tested. They even say in other
articles there could be 100 times, 100 people to everyone that is tested, that
also has… Most folk don’t get any symptoms at all, not even the slightest ones,
you know. So, they are determined to
make sure it’s permanent, ‘eh. And unfortunately,
a lot of folk go along with these things, and that's what happens.
Cancer Surgeries and Organ Transplants Are Being Put
Off for Coronavirus. Can They Wait?
(A: Well, what do you think,
'eh? Hm?)
propublica.org / 6
April 2020
they're talking about cancer patients and they have stories here about certain
people who can't get treatment, and surgeons that can't even treat them. There's breast
cancers that are malignant and all the rest of it and every day counts actually
when cells start spreading and yada, yada, ya. But there ya go,
all hospitals are on the same…
put up the link to a clip in Bristol in England where a guy and a couple of
people from his family drive into hospital car park. They go into the
underground part and the whole thing, and they drive past admissions an
emergency and so on, and everything is empty. There's nothing
happening. The only people they see are a couple of unemployed folk dressed in their gowns and that who will do any testing
for anybody that wants to do a drive through just out of curiosity. There's
nothing happening. And yet, there's no, y’know, everything's closed down, the regular surgeries and
stuff, in these hospitals are all closed.
Empty A+E Bristol 05.04.2020 11:30 - youtube.com / 5
April 2020
hope you understand what's happening here. It's quite interesting what is
happening. It really is interesting.
That's the whole wait and see, it's interesting.
really do want to say this. One of the
biggest technocrats up there, Technocracy, and the Trilateral group of course,
which is a specialized group that comes, they're generally picked from the
Council on Foreign Relations in America.
But the Trilateral group really appoints high level technocrats in
banking and different areas and social engineering to different countries. They
slip them into even running countries at times, like they did when they crashed
Italy and Greece, they put two technocrats straight in there to run the
country, like dictators basically.
one of the top ones we've seen in that level of engineering wars and
manipulating people and all the rest of it was Henry Kissinger. Of course,
Henry, who really, if you really do well, you're given a lot of good life
extension. You really are. Honestly. I
mean, Henry Kissinger is not known to be a good jogger or exerciser but he's
still going yet, y’know. And out he comes on que, and it's called...
Henry Kissinger - The Coronavirus Pandemic Will
Forever Alter the World Order
wsj.com / 3 April
The U.S. must protect
its citizens from disease while starting the urgent work of planning for a new
(A: So, there you go, here’s it is from the
horse’s mouth…)
…the urgent work
of planning for a new epoch.
By Henry A.
Kissinger, April 3, 2020, 6:30pm.
The USNS Comfort
Hospital ship...
(A: That's what they show you on the picture I
guess, you know, I don't have the pictures here, March 30. And it says.)
The surreal
atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic calls to mind how I felt as a young man in
the 84th Infantry Division during the Battle of the Bulge. (A: I think he was talking about his tummy at the
time, y’know.
But you actually see him, he was a driver. I think he was even one of
the drivers for Eisenhower. You can see pictures, old pictures of him, I’m sure
that’s him. He’s definitely drove different generals around. It says…) Now,
as in late 1944, there is a sense of inchoate danger, aimed not at any
particular person, but striking randomly and with devastation. But there is an
important difference between that faraway time and ours. American endurance
then was fortified by an ultimate national purpose. Now, in a divided country, (A: …interesting, ‘eh? You understand, these guys never, they’ve got
their fingers in all the pies, always quietly too.)
American endurance
then was fortified by an ultimate national purpose. (A: M-hm.)
Now, in a divided country, efficient and farsighted
government is necessary to overcome obstacles unprecedented in magnitude and
global scope. Sustaining the public trust is crucial to social solidarity. Sustaining the public trust is crucial to
social solidarity, to the relation of societies with each other, and to
international peace and stability.
Nations cohere and
flourish on the belief that their institutions can foresee calamity, arrest its
impact and restore stability. When the Covid-19
pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having
failed. Whether this judgment is objectively fair is irrelevant. The reality is
the world will never be the same after the coronavirus. To argue now about the
past only makes it harder to do what has to be done.
(A: Are you getting the picture, folks? Hm?)
The coronavirus
has struck with unprecedented scale and ferocity. (A: Although personally I think it’s more noise
in reality in most countries, not them all, but in most countries.) Its
spread is exponential: U.S. cases are doubling every fifth day. (A:
Which is not quite true actually. Because now they’re lumping in
untested people, in the statistics, along with the statistics, for Covid, by
the way. I’ve got the articles about it from the top saying that.) At this
writing, there is no cure. Medical supplies are insufficient to cope with the
widening waves of cases. Intensive-care units are on the verge, and beyond, of
being overwhelmed. Testing is inadequate to the task of identifying the extent
of infection, much less reversing its spread. A successful vaccine could be 12
to 18 months away.
(A: They never had one, remember, when it was any
big, say, heavy flus in the past. We never had one given to us yet for the
SARS, y’know.
So, what ARE they going to pump into you, I wonder? And if it keeps
jumping strains and strains and strains, then, into new strains, then you’ve
got the same problem with all the flus. So, you know, it’s just awfully… Well,
no one really is taking this the way they’re presenting it here.)
The U.S.
administration has done a solid job in avoiding immediate catastrophe. The
ultimate test will be whether the virus’s spread can be arrested and then
reversed in a manner and at a scale that maintains public confidence in
Americans’ ability to govern themselves.
(A: Do you understand what he just said there?)
…and at a scale
that maintains public confidence in Americans’ ability to govern
(A: Are you getting the picture here? You see, he doesn’t believe, he’s never
believed you had the right to govern yourselves, or the ability to govern
The crisis effort,
however vast and necessary, must not crowd out the urgent task of launching a
parallel enterprise for the transition to the post-coronavirus order.
Leaders are
dealing with the crisis on a largely national basis, but the virus’s
society-dissolving effects do not recognize borders. While the assault on human
health will—hopefully—be temporary, the political and economic upheaval it has
unleashed could last for generations.
…the political
and economic upheaval it has unleashed could last for generations.
(A: You’re getting austerity, folks, you’re
getting the idea of austerity.)
No country, not
even the U.S., can in a purely national effort overcome the virus. (A: Isn’t that amazing, ‘eh?) Addressing the necessities of the moment
must ultimately be coupled with a global collaborative vision and program.
(A: Global.) If we cannot do both in tandem, we will
face the worst of each.
Drawing lessons
from the development of the Marshall Plan and the Manhattan Project, the U.S.
is obliged to undertake a major effort in three domains. First, shore up global
resilience to infectious disease. (A: You see, they’re not saying this one, they’re
saying this means ALL diseases, ‘eh, infectious disease.) Triumphs of medical science like the
polio vaccine (A: Oh, here we go.) and
the eradication of smallpox, or the emerging statistical-technical marvel of
medical diagnosis through artificial intelligence (A: That’s really good, ‘eh, the picture things
like in Idiocracy.), have lulled us into a dangerous complacency. We
need to develop new techniques and technologies for infection control and
commensurate vaccines across large populations. Cities, states
and regions must consistently prepare to protect their people from pandemics
through stockpiling, cooperative planning and exploration at the frontiers of
(A: So, he’s all totally on board with his pal
Bill Gates and all that, y’know. They’re all on board because they’re all in
the same club, you see, you know, the real managers of society. Unelected.)
Second, strive to
heal the wounds to the world economy. Global leaders have learned important
lessons from the 2008 financial crisis. The current economic crisis is more
complex: The contraction unleashed by the coronavirus is, in its speed and
global scale, unlike anything ever known in history. And necessary public-health
measures such as social distancing and closing schools and businesses are
contributing to the economic pain. Programs should also seek to ameliorate the
effects of impending chaos on the world’s most vulnerable populations.
Third, safeguard
the principles of the liberal world order. (A:
What a joke. What does this man
know about liberal world order!) The
founding legend of modern government is a walled city protected by powerful
rulers, sometimes despotic, other times benevolent, yet always strong enough to
protect the people from an external enemy. Enlightenment thinkers reframed this
concept, arguing that the purpose of the legitimate state is to provide for the
fundamental needs of the people: security, order, economic well-being, and
justice. Individuals cannot secure these things on their own. The pandemic has
prompted an anachronism, a revival of the walled city in an age when prosperity
depends on global trade and movement of people.
The world’s
democracies need to defend and sustain their Enlightenment values. A global
retreat from balancing power with legitimacy will cause the social contract to
disintegrate both domestically and internationally. Yet this millennial issue
of legitimacy and power cannot be settled simultaneously with the effort to
overcome the Covid-19 plague. Restraint is necessary on all sides—in both
domestic politics and international diplomacy. Priorities must be established.
(A: Then he goes back into the Battle of the
We went on from
the Battle of the Bulge into a world of growing prosperity…
we won’t see that again because we’re supposed to be postindustrial. Remember
too, Maurice Strong with his, and the Club of Rome too, the same agenda
actually, with sustainability, where they went into the deindustrialization of
everything, of the whole West in fact, is what they wanted.
there’s Henry, here’s Henry. I’d like to
hear him saying it himself, y’know. You used to strain your ears. When I was a child, he used to, you’d also
have the presidents there, but he was always speaking on their behalf, you see,
he was really running the country. He’d
come on, and in Britain, he’d come on there too when the Vietnam War was on and
things like that. They'd say, well Mr.
Kissinger, what is your predictions of the future outcome of this war and the
impact on America for the future?
he would sit there, and everybody would just strain their ears and he would
say, wu wugu wa wo wanno boh
bah an de oh ba jur a
bu. And no one had an idea of what he
was saying. So, they always had somebody
afterwards to tell you after he was off the air what he'd actually said. Wu ju but n but n
jut and buut and buut. And that's all it was, y'know,
it was astonishing. It was like a famous, it was a comedy act but a famous man
at the same time, it was just… Who knows
if he actually said what the woman said afterwards, or the guys said? Who knows
if that's really what he said at all? Maybe he was just saying ohm bu n but oo butn
but. [Alan laughing.] Who knows?
[Alan laughing.] I mean, that's
the characters they give you.
like Brzezinski, and I put the link up years ago from a talk he gave. I mean,
he literally went over to Afghanistan when the Russians were going in there and
the whole thing. You hear him saying to the tribesmen, he says, we are creating a holy jihad! And he's got his fist up there in the
revolutionary pose in the whole thing, 'eh.
These guys were part of the same teams, y’know,
the same club changing the world. You know, for the greater good, you
understand. And somehow a lot of pennies
seem to fall in their own pockets in the meantime, in the process. But that's
just how it goes.
it's quite a little interesting article that one. And let's see now, I might also put up one by
Rockefeller, you know, their groups big plan 2010, their big 2010 pandemic
control and their big exercise as well.
Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010
Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to Establish Global
Authoritarian Power - needtoknow.news / 16 March 2020
Rockefeller Foundation - Scenarios for the Future of
Technology and International Development – pdf - ia802609.us.archive.org
/ May 2010
just saw 77 new deaths, hardly much at all there. They haven’t shut anything
down so far as far as I know. It will be interesting to see where that one
Sweden sees just 77 new deaths from coronavirus and
number of new infections drops by a quarter to just 544 as nation continues to
resist lockdown - dailymail.co.uk
/ 10 April 2020
also, I want to put up the modeling, as I say, Delingpole
in Britain goes on about…
Delingpole: ‘Trust the Experts on Coronavirus’. Sure. Which
breitbart.com / 9
April 2020
Britain could
suffer more than 60,000 coronavirus death by July, warns the Daily Mail.
But there’s a
massive tell in the first sentence of the report: “…leading scientists say.”
(A: You see, they don’t tell you who. It’s either experts or scientists, that’s all
they need to say now, you see. They can
make it up as they go along.)
And there’s an
even bigger warning in the second paragraph:
“Modelling by researchers
(A: …researchers and modeling, the
computers…) at the University of Washington predicted 151,680 people would
succumb to the virus across the continent.”
Well maybe they
will, maybe they won’t. No offence to the University of Washington but when I
read the phrase “modelling by researchers” I know we are operating in the
realms of purest fantasy.
That’s because I’m
a climate sceptic and I’ve seen it all before.
the stuff they put out with the climate, it’s all done with the same guys, and
come up with scary scenarios, isn’t that amazing, ‘eh. Oh, my
God, we’re all going to die. That’s how it’s done, for those who don’t
put some links up to… You understand, another thing I realized, and it hit me
the other day when I woke up and I took a breath, I went, wwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooo. You realize you’re still alive, you see, and
you say, my God I’m alive. And it hits you, like I said earlier, most folk never
think they’re going to die. They don’t think they’re going to die. You know
that. If you dwelled on it, you really would be, oh my God, I’m depressed. And
you say why? I’m going to die. When? I don’t know.
that’s how we are, it’s a kind of a safeguard, it’s a mechanism that makes us
just push ahead, you see. But because of
that, you see, and even though we’ve had flu deaths in the 50,000s, 60,000s,
70,000s, sometimes more, in previous flus that are pretty common, very common,
and annually and all that, and there’s never a big fuss about it. Except for the poor souls that die and the
relatives grieving and the whole thing. That’s… It’s never mentioned
generally. And if it’s mentioned, it’s
meant just to terrify the public to get more authority over you for some reason
or another.
anyway, as I say, when I woke up with that big gasp, you know, you inhale the
air and whhoooooooooooohhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa, y’know, I’m alive, it hits you, you see, that we’d all
forgotten, we all forgotten until this pandemic started that we die. Have you realized that? Here we are going on,
along with our little lives, and then suddenly, we’re all going to die,
suddenly we’re all going to die. And the media have, boom, boom, boom, boom, y’know, scary stuff, scary scenarios.
they showed you all these graphs that come out of these computer models too,
and even the premier of Ontario said he wasn’t going to use it, the one, the
firm that he was using the graph on because it conflicted with the other
politicians. They are all different stories, with the statistics. Because they
all use different types of gathering the information. Some of them lump
pneumonia cases in with it. Some lump regular flu cases in with it. If they die with similar things, you know,
lower respiratory problems, they all lump it in as coronavirus and yada, yada, ya. They did that
with the H1N1, I remember doing the stories at the time when they were told by
the authorities in Canada just to do that because they couldn’t keep up with
Déjà Vu: Why the WHO Faked the H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
in 2009 - globalresearch.ca
/ 5 Feb 2010
they’re all fudged, you see. Mightily so
actually. That’s how bad it’s
become. So, I’ll put up some of these,
just to remind you, that death wasn’t, is not a novel thing, regardless of the
coronavirus being novel, this particular one.
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2017 - cdc.gov / 24 June
2019 – pdf
(A: The national
vital statistics report. This is from the CDC. It gives you annual deaths
inside America as an example. It's got a whole list of what folk
die out. And it's really scary.
Yep. Do you know that roughly,
like 2017, 'eh, all causes of death?
Because you never think about it, 'eh.
Because you hope you'll never get any of them.)
(A: All causes of death, 2,813,503 people died. D'you realize that’s what happened, whoof, in one
year? Then it's got all the different
ones, diseases of the heart…)
All causes . . .
1 Diseases of
heart . . . 647,457
2 Malignant
neoplasms . . . 599,108
3 Accidents . . .
4 Chronic lower
respiratory diseases . . . 160,201
(A: ...which is what we're talking about here. I
mean, even with that in 2017, 160,201 died.
Yep. M-hm. And then...)
5 Cerebrovascular
diseases . . . 146,383
(A: They're getting, climbing too with the cell
phones, I'm sure a lot of them will have tumors and so on. Alzheimer's is up there too; it kills a lot
of folk.)
6 Alzheimer
disease . . . 121,404
7 Diabetes
mellitus (A: ...of course....) .
. . 83,564
(A: Then again, you've got a separate one for…)
8 Influenza and
pneumonia . . . (A: ...another...) 55,672
(A: Now, they're getting lumped in now a lot of
them with the coronaviruses and so on. It depends on which kind of study you're
looking at. It goes down the whole list
of deaths that are recorded in the US by the CDC. Again, you have their lovely graphs and all
that, and we like pretty pictures, don't we?)
But yeah, when you realize that folk
die, every year folk die, it really does terrify you. N-n-n.
So, when you do wake up and you hear, you have that gasp in the morning,
hhhwwwoooooooaaaooooo, you should be grateful, you
see, it's reminding you, life certainly is precious, especially when it's
United States Life Tables, 2017 - cdc.gov / 24 June
2019 – pdf
CV: CDC Issues New Guidelines To
Doctors On How To Fill Out Death Certificate ... Fraudulently - yotube.com / 9
April 2020
put up another one too, I want to talk about...
Washington State Coronavirus Field Hospital Will Be
Dismantled Without Treating a Single Patient
/ 10 April 2020
(A: I mentioned before about how they're, the big,
big show from the movies, 'eh, oh God, we’re all going to end up in that
hospital and get carried out of the other end of it.)
Washington State
Coronavirus Field Hospital Will Be Dismantled Without Treating a Single
(A: But yet it terrified a lot of folk into the
grave, though, when you saw that, my God.
As I say, we’ve all seen the movies, we all know what to expect, though,
don’t we? Yep.)
But the field
hospital never saw a single patient to treat.
And on Good Friday
the entire field hospital will be dismantled.
The massive army
field hospital that hundreds of troops built inside a Seattle convention center
last week…
(A: But as I say, nothing happened so they’re all
going home.)
Nearly 300
soldiers from Fort Carson, Colo., and Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) near
Tacoma, Wash., built the makeshift facility inside CenturyLink Field Event
“We requested this
resource before our physical distancing strategies were fully implemented and
we had considerable concerns that our hospitals would be overloaded with
Covid-19 cases,” Inslee said in a press release.
nothing happened. And that's the end of that one, you see. Yep. Quite
something, 'eh? Quite something. And then we go into, let me see, let me see,
let me see...
Emergence from emergency: The case for a holistic
economic recovery plan
clubofrome.org /
24 March 2020
(A: They're all in on the act together at the
same time, all these different organizations are all part of the same club
actually, as I've said before. It's the
Club of Rome.)
Climate change,
biodiversity loss and deforestation are contributing drivers behind pandemics.
Like COVID-19, these cross-cutting challenges do not observe national borders
and can be managed only through collective action, (A: Right, the ‘collective’, you always see ‘collective’
everywhere now, ‘eh? ‘collective’…. ‘collective societies’, ‘eh?) write
Sandrine Dixson-Declève and Johan Rockström.
Sandrine Dixson-Declève
(A: I’ll put the link for her up, you’ll hear her
talking. Oh, she’s in glee when she’s talking about this.)
is co-president of
The Club of Rome and co-founder of The Planetary Emergency Partnership.
(A: It sounds very official, but you didn’t vote for
that either, did you?)
COVID-19 is
infecting millions of people around the world, claiming thousands of lives,
with numbers likely to rise exponentially in the coming weeks. The virus is
also causing massive disruptions in the global economy and financial markets,
amplified by a trade war on oil, which is already starting to cause economic
hardship for people around the globe.
While we fully
commend the European Institutions, ECB, EIB (A: European Central Bank, European Investment
Bank) and member states for their swift efforts to confront the immediate
threat of the virus (A: Can you
imagine government being efficient at confronting anything, ‘eh? Really, hm?
Except lockdowns and stuff, that's all they can really do, just the old
strong-arm stuff.) and direct well-needed capital (A: …money, it’s always money, ‘eh …) to
economic recovery, we call on EU heads of state to ensure that recovery plans do
not undermine climate neutrality pathways and European Green deal objectives
due to clear feedback loops that will impact future public health.
(A: You see, it’s all the same agenda, folks.)
It is important to
acknowledge that the planet is facing a deeper and longer-term crisis, rooted
in a number of interconnected global challenges.
Recent research on
the ecology of diseases suggests (A:
GIVE us all this stuff, lay it out to us, and it doesn't do it, you
see.) that climate change, biodiversity loss and deforestation are
contributing drivers behind pandemics, interacting with high levels of
global travel, trade and high-density living.
Outbreaks of
animal-borne and other infectious diseases such as Ebola, SARS, bird flu and
now COVID-19, caused by a novel coronavirus, are on the rise and this is
only the tip of the iceberg.
(A: If it’s on the tip of the iceberg, it will
get frozen and it would go into stasis for a century or two, so why don’t we
just create more ice?)
Like COVID-19,
climate change, biodiversity loss, and financial collapse (A: …and she’s
smiling the whole time she’s talking…) do
not observe national or even physical borders. These problems can be managed
only through collective (A: …that
word again, collective action…) action that starts long before they become
full-blown crises.
They must be acted
upon not as singular threats but as a potential series of shocks and long-term
risks to human health and livelihoods, economic prosperity and planetary
stability as targeted by the World Economic Forum this year.
(A: You see how they’re all just partners in the
same big club, ‘eh. ‘Eh? The Club of Rome, the ones who came up with
the idea, because they were tasked with
finding something to make us all terrified and bring us all together, a big
crisis. And they actually said it, y'know,
I've read that article so many times. We looked at all the different things that we
could terrify the public with and what would be more plausible, and they said,
we came up with, we hit on the idea that famine, plagued, (A: ...plague and famine...) and drought and so on would fit the bill, that
man was the enemy of the planet, so man was the problem, that would fit the
bill. That's what they hit upon. And that's what they stuck with ever
since. The Club of Rome. Now she's got a plague. Now will come famine
and all the rest of it, you see. Lots of money.
Green Deal should
be Europe’s new Marshall Plan
ya go, the whole agenda for sustainability,
sustainable development goals, and don't think you're going to have prosperity,
folks, because they want you in austerity and they are quite open about
it. [Alan chuckles.] But mind you, if they can make you believe
certain things are the opposite of what they actually are, they can make you
believe you're actually doing really well when you're living with rags on you,
and it's called wellness, how do you feel about it? I don't feel too bad at all actually.
ya go. There ya go, folks, 'eh.
M-m-m. That's how it's done. So,
I’ll put that one up, it’s a little interview with Declève talking about it.
Club of Rome Co-President, Sandrine Dixson-Declève, speaking at the Global Ecovillage Network's Communities of the Future Online Summit
2020 - youtube.com / 27 March 2020
A Green Reboot after the pandemic, and holistic economic recovery plan. Isn’t
that just wonderful? It sounds so quaint
and lovely. It’s for the good of us all, y’know.
Unless you’ve got allergies, green tends to get you then. M-hm.
A Green Reboot After the Pandemic - Club of Rome - clubofrome.org /
24 March 2020
I say I’ll put up the other links too for the woman who was arrested for being
on a park bench. She should have been up walking, you see, her short walk
instead of just sitting that bench there, halfway to the store for goodness’
Arrested for being sat on a park bench! On my own! - youtube.com / 6
April 2020
Yep. In Canada, in Canada right, guess what? Well,
it’s a surprise, the doctors are still waiting for the big surge of Covid 19
"That is a surprise": Doctors still waiting
for feared surge of COVID-19 patients in Canadian ICUs
nationalpost.com /
11 April 2020
Doctors, nurses and other staff who run the nation’s intensive-care
units have feared for their own safety, too, amid shortages of protective
They have been
bracing for the worst, a deluge of desperately sick COVID-19 patients who
overwhelm resources and lead to (A: …desperate choices over how to ration care…) chilling
decisions over who gets life-saving care.
Doctors, nurses and other staff who run the nation’s intensive-care
units have feared for their own safety, too, amid shortages of protective
But, perhaps
surprisingly, some critical-care physicians in the hardest-hit provinces say
they have yet to face that feared surge of coronavirus sufferers.
So far, at least,
there is no flood, and plenty of available ICU beds.
The latest report
from Ontario's critical-care system on Friday showed just two additional
coronavirus patients admitted to an ICU anywhere in the province the day
before, despite having to treat over 530 confirmed or possible (A: ...or possible, you see, here you go,
confirmed or possible...) Covid 19 people.
In Ontario, almost
78 per cent of the province’s expanded intensive care capacity remained free.
Quebec has seen a
modest eight to 10 COVID-19 admissions a day to the ICU recently, and none at
all from April 7 to April 8.
(A: So, change their schedules, it says…)
We changed all our
schedules, our ICU schedules three weeks ago, to be on call.
(A: ...and they're just waiting and waiting and
waiting. Oh well.)
ya go, 'eh. It
didn't happen.
ICU admissions are now LOWER than before the virus
crisis began - dailymail.co.uk
/ 10 April 2020
what else have I got? Oh yeah... Dr
Fauci, Fauci…, here we go, and I’ve got the article here where he actually said
that, he said that it might just be
another flu, like another flu. Before he got on TV and said millions could die.
Dr. Fauci Says US COVID-19 US Deaths Could Be As Low As 60K After Warning "Millions Could Die" -
/ 9 April 2020
…MILLIONS… That's right. Now it's down to thousands, now it's down to
maybe even below flu levels now, I think. And it doesn't say that it's not a
shame for the folk who died, absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. It's definitely an
oddball one, there's no doubt about it. And the age group that it's
hitting. But again too, we've had flus
in the past, and I've got articles here in the past few years, that come on
similarly and hit very quickly and can kill rather quickly too with lower
respiratory infections as well. This oddball disease is going around, two of
them weren't named in fact, in Canada and the States just a couple of years
ago, going out and they did notice it and record it. But there ya go.
Fake Corona data
in a fear campaign
Don't be misled by
the fear campaign.
assessment of the health impacts of Covid 19 have been withheld and they do not
make the headlines.
They go into different ways of testing,
etc., how they're padding statistics.
False negative coronavirus tests could be due to how
healthcare workers are collecting samples, as the virus may be in a cavity
swabs cannot reach - dailymail.co.uk
/ 8 April 2020
By the way, I'll put another link up as well. There's a doctor talking
about the fact they're getting paid more, they're getting paid more to diagnose
the patient as having Covid in the States, A LOT more. The hospitals are
getting about three times as much for the patient if they can bring them in than
for a normal patient. Money, money, money, folks, you wouldn't believe it.
Minnesota Senator Dr. Scott Jensen: Hospitals Get Paid
More to List Patients as COVID-19 and Three Times as Much if the Patient Goes
on Ventilator - thespectator.info
/ 9 April 2020
It's just incredible. It really is
incredible. Money is behind so much of
everything in our reality. We live in a very corrupt time. A very incredibly
corrupt time. Corruption seems to be the
norm, really. Here's one here on, where governments were looking for volunteers
to go to New York. Amid the big chaos, oh my God, New York is going to get
hit harder than anybody else and can we get volunteers and staff and
so on. Some volunteers came from Atlanta
hospitals to New York, they were going to work for free, right. They were hospital staff and people really
wanted to help there. So, it says…
Just 8% of the 90,000 medical workers from across the
US who volunteered to come to New York to help fight coronavirus have been
assigned a job
dailymail.co.uk /
9 April 2020
Bevin Strickland,
a former pediatric ICU nurse form North Carolina, offered a similar account to
The Times, describing her efforts to sign up as an unpaid volunteer online and
via email, but getting no response from anyone.
She ultimately got
assigned to Mount Sinai Queens, but only after contacting the hospital directly
and being instructed…
(A: Now, here
she is volunteering, and here’s what’s happening to these volunteers, right.)
…being instructed to
go through a private recruiting agency handling temporary hires.
(A: Now you
see, it’s all people who know… you understand, for the hospital staff
somebody’s got a big business here for the temporary agencies that charge big
bucks and stuff. Everything’s corrupt.
Everything is corrupt, folks. So,
here’s folk who are going to volunteer for nothing, who have to go through, are
directed to an agency, right, a private recruiting agency handling temporary
hires. So, she’s going to work for nothing…)
Strickland was
given a salary (A: …listen to this…) of $3,800 a week
…which is $3800…) for three 12-hour shifts, (A:
…right…) even though she said her plan was to do the work for
'I don’t feel like
I should be walking out of this scenario with any money,' she told The Times.
'It feels wrong.'
(A: Another one too…)
Registered Nurse
Elizabeth Schafer, 36, of South St. Paul, Minnesota, left her home to volunteer
in New York where she says the situation inside the hospital is grim
(A: ...in the one that she was in she tells the
story where it's really tough and the whole bit. But they're getting so many
volunteers and only, only a tiny fraction have
actually been used. Only a tiny fraction
of them have got any work to do. It says
here that...)
Some 90,000 medics
have signed up to volunteer at New York hospitals overflowing with coronavirus
patients, but more than 90 per cent of them were still waiting to be called up
Well, how bad is it? You see what I'm saying here? Things don't
quite tally up, do they? They don't
tally up. I'll also put an article up about China. You see, China is a model state for the
world, for those who never quite caught on to it. I used to give the talks
years ago from the big boys themselves, always praising China as the model state, we've all to adopt and copy basically.
So, here's Bill Gates pushing the very same systems they're using in
China. And Germany is using them now, y’know.
China is reportedly making people download an
Alibaba-backed app that decides whether they'll be quarantined for coronavirus
/ 2 March 2020
Amid the
coronavirus outbreak, Chinese citizens are reportedly being required to use a
smartphone app that tells them whether they should carry on as usual — or
report to a medical facility to be quarantined.
The service,
called Health Code, (A: …one of them
that they're using, there's other ones they're using in China too, some people
sent me articles about them from China.) is being run by the Chinese
government using a platform owned by Ant Financial, sister company to the $500
billion-dollar e-commerce giant Alibaba, (A:
...that run some of these apps.) according to The New York Times.
People can sign up through the Alipay wallet app. Tencent, the Chinese tech
giant that owns WeChat, has also reportedly partnered with the government to
host a similar health code system on its app.
(A: So, you have to show this wherever you go now,
though. It's color-coded on your phone.)
People using the
health code are assigned a QR code along with a color ranking — green means the
user is free to travel, while yellow or red means they must be quarantined. The
code is based in part on people's answers to an in-app questionnaire, but
little else is known about how people are classified, leading to confusion and
fear among those who receive a red code, according to Reuters.
(A: If you get a red code your phone will
automatically call the cops. Well, this is what they want to bring here, folks.
There you go.)
Well, don't forget, you see, something
you must always remember. China is
still a communist country. And if you're going the same way as them, then,
it's because your rulers have decided it's the most efficient way to rule and
use you all and get what they want in the system they want to bring in in the
future. That's why they're doing it all. I hope you understand all this. That we shouldn't be following China on
anything right now. Even the
ridiculousness of, yeah, their policy, they'll obey their leaders so quickly,
in China, they're very uniform that way, very, very unique that way.
But no. We fought communism for a long time. Even
though, and they should never have fought out in Vietnam, America, because the
Communists were in America at the time. That's where they were, in the
government and the State Department.
That's a fact.
They never really left.
The US is getting used now as the big
battering ram across the world to make everybody comply into a globalized
system. And at the same time the leaders inside America are using the same
system as China. Interesting, isn't it?
The same people who signed you on and gave all your manufacturing to
China. [Alan chuckles.] Hm?
And they want you to copy them now?
Well, I don't think we were designed to be a collectivist little... little
slaves, y'know, as communist China is. It wouldn't
work here, not the same way. Maybe for some people today it would, I don't
know, maybe look around you, y'know. But not for everybody. Definitely not. We
can't go that way. That's disgusting in fact, the very thought of it. M-hm.
And also too,
how doctors and so on are being warned not to ration the care, they've been
going overboard and just writing folk off with their bioethics now, this new part
that's been grafted onto healthcare, where they… Well, let's be practical
about things, you know. It's all
down to money and dollars and cents and don't spend money on this one here
when that one, that person, they might only live another few years,
where this one here could live a few more, etc. Or, who's going to miss
that one? Or, this one is more important. That's more like it
actually. That's how they really decide
a lot of the stuff, for those who don't quite know that. It's disgusting, and we can't go that route.
As I say, it's maybe time to start
looking around to countries that won't be utterly authoritarian permanently.
Because that's what they want to do in North America, and across Europe and
Australia and New Zealand. They're all under the same big club, by the
way. It's nothing to do with what the
system that you think you vote in is. It's completely way above that [Alan
chuckles.] and they have the power, you
see, and they really run the country, the countries, they really do. Yep.
So, I'll put these articles up for
those that want to peruse them. I hope I
haven't bored you all because there's a lot more I could have read tonight in
fact to do with this and other things related to it. One too from the Greenpeace founder who has
come out and said the global warming is a hoax, etc., how it was completely
hijacked by the same group we’re talking about now.
Greenpeace Founder: Global Warming Hoax Pushed by
Corrupt Scientists ‘Hooked on Government Grants’ - breitbart.com / 7
March 2019
Another article, I've got to put this
one in before I get off the air too.
Minnesota Senator Dr. Scott Jensen: Hospitals Get Paid
More to List Patients as COVID-19 and Three Times as Much if the Patient Goes
on Ventilator
/ 9 April 2020
(A: I'm not kidding you here, folks.)
Last night Senator
(A: ...and he's also a medical
doctor...) Dr. Scott Jensen from Minnesota went on The Ingraham Angle (A: A show, I guess.) to discuss how the AMA
is encouraging American doctors to overcount coronavirus deaths across the US.
This was after Dr.
Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician and Republican state senator, told a local
station he received a 7-page document coaching him... (A: Now, he's a doctor getting sent this, right…)
...coaching him to
fill out death certificates with a COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test to
confirm the patient actually had the virus.
Dr. Jensen also
disclosed that hospitals are paid more if they list patients with a COVID-19
(A: Money, money,
money, 'eh, you see, if they put a diagnosis down,
And hospitals get
paid THREE TIMES AS MUCH if the patient then goes on a ventilator.
You wonder what that push for
ventilators is? 'Eh? Mmmm, okay. You hear him talking about it, I'll put the
link up for those who want to listen to the show. He lays it out there. He's an
intelligent man and he knows what he's talking about. It's quite something.
Another article too from Canada and
another one from the States I think similar, where the ventilators are actually
causing the hemorrhages in the lungs, a lot of them. Because the lungs,
once they get inflamed with this disease, get filled with blood very easily.
Which stretches the very thin, thin tissue of the alveolar tissue, little air
sacs, even thinner, it makes them more fragile, you might say too, because
they’re inflamed. And when you put it in
a slightly higher pressure they can actually, and force it in, they can try to
force the oxygen in to the lungs through all of this to open up the
alveolar pathways basically with tiny little ducts in them, in the sacs. And they're causing hemorrhages.
Then they're finding that a lot of the
patients end up with strokes, you see.
Because they're getting clots end up in their, circling through their
body and up into the heart and the brain.
So it's...
It's just astonishing. There are regimes for treating this that are not
being used. I'm not talking about the
ones you've heard. It's the ones which are standard, actually, in the hospitals
to treat this kind of thing. To stop the massive attack on the lungs, you can
pretty well stop it dead very quickly with a particular medication, as long as
they're on antibiotics at the same time to stop bacteria from setting in. But yeah, it's not being done. It's just
amazing, isn't it?
'Different than anything we've seen': ICU doctors
question use of ventilators on some COVID-19 patients - nationalpost.com /
9 April 2020
Now just rather than bore you anymore I
should just mention too that the last few nights I've gone down to about 10-15°
on the Fahrenheit scale. Because of global warming, you know that 'eh? At least the snow has been melting gradually
and it's getting quite, getting scarce now, which is
good. I had some the other day mind you,
but it didn't last that long.
I should just mention before I get off
that I thank the people who keep in touch. Because I like to know what they're
doing. If they're surviving. Including all the things that happen to people,
because it's the little things in life that make us human, isn't it? We’re all making mistakes and doing things
and things happen you understand, and how they're doing with their families and
all that kind of thing. That's what life is about really, you see. Real life, that's what it's about. So, I
thank them for getting in touch with me.
And again, sending me occasional links and so on and stories that are
happening in their own lives, it's interesting to know. Because that's what real stories are, people
that are experiencing things. Like a person who went to Walmart and noticed the
tape and everything, and I could kind of visualize it, what it's like. And
they're told to stand here, and there's little crosses on the floor taped down,
you can move... maybe...
By the way, Walmart apparently, at
least in some places, has cordoned off the areas going into where the seeds
are. For growing vegetables, y’know. Now, why would they do that, 'eh? Well, it's because you can't be
self-sufficient. They want everybody locked down and dependent on their
rationing system that's coming in. Obviously. Why else would you cordon off the
seeds? If folk are to stay home, they can stay home and do a bit of gardening,
for goodness sakes, really. But then they might have their own food then, 'eh?
Independence is antagonistic to
totalitarianism, you know.
Remember too, you can help me tick
along here by donating to me @cuttingthroughthematrix.com. List all the other sites I have that's listed
on that one site, that's all my official sites. You'll find out how to use
PayPal or whatever or cash or check, to send cash my way and help me tick
along. Because it does, as I say you've got a bunch of websites there and
they're heavily used, believe it or not. They're really heavily used by, I hear
people on the big talk, [Alan chuckles.] on the big so-called talk shows, and
literally using my stuff verbatim, y'know, every week
from my archives. It's just interesting to see that. And then telling you that you hear it there
first from their show. [Alan laughing.] But again, it's quite a joke.
That's how life is, isn't it? There's
no honor in the so-called what used to be alternative media, they are just
political movements. You'd be surprised
how much out there is actually managed by forces you have no idea about,
folks. Honestly. As I say, nothing is allowed to come from the
grassroots. If it is, y'know, you get bought off or
excised out of it, it's simple as that.
So anyway, help me out and send a few
bucks my way. Hopefully I can keep going here too and
keep you informed about what's happening, where it's supposed to go and the
characters that are all getting together to make sure it goes into their
totalitarian world state. Then you know
things make sense as they keep stretching it, oh it might be about another
month or two, okay, it could be two, it might be six months
lockdown. Okay. It could go into next year, y'know.
Because they're not going to waste this
big opportunity, whether it's been made by them in the first place or not, it
makes no difference. They're not going to waste that, believe you me.
So for myself, and I hope you're all
doing well and getting through this one way or another, I really hope you are,
I'm Alan Watt from Ontario Canada and it's good night and may your God or your
gods go with you.
Topics of show covered in following links:
Minnesota Senator Dr. Scott Jensen: Hospitals Get Paid
More to List Patients as COVID-19 and Three Times as Much if the Patient Goes
on Ventilator (alternate link
Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted - Anthony S.
Fauci, M.D.
Dr. Fauci Says US COVID-19 US Deaths Could Be As Low As 60K After Warning "Millions Could Die"
False-positive PCR results linked to administration of
seasonal influenza vaccine
"That is a surprise": Doctors still waiting
for feared surge of COVID-19 patients in Canadian ICUs
Emergence from emergency: The case for a holistic
economic recovery plan
A Green Reboot After the Pandemic - Club of Rome
Washington State Coronavirus Field Hospital Will Be
Dismantled Without Treating a Single Patient
Delingpole: ‘Trust the Experts on Coronavirus’. Sure. Which
Rockefeller Foundation - Scenarios for the Future of
Technology and International Development
ICU admissions are now LOWER than before the virus
crisis began
Coronavirus WA: New $91m policing package will include
electronic surveillance
Arrested for being sat on a park bench! On my own!
Change to death certificates could boost COVID-19
Fear of COVID 19: Overcoming the Hype (alternate link provided)
Déjà Vu: Why the WHO Faked the H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
in 2009
RCMP to enforce Quarantine Act, while Trudeau says no
plan to invoke Emergencies Act
Greenpeace Founder: Global Warming Hoax Pushed by
Corrupt Scientists ‘Hooked on Government Grants’
Bill Gates: How the coronavirus pandemic can help the
world solve climate change
Government and opposition parties pass $73-billion
wage subsidy program
Canada in it ‘for the long haul’ with COVID-19, deputy
health officer says
Cancer Surgeries and Organ Transplants Are Being Put
Off for Coronavirus. Can They Wait?
NSW coronavirus social-distancing
to stay 'until vaccine is found', Premier Gladys Berejiklian
Queensland - Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering
Mecklenburg County residents file hundreds of
stay-at-home order complaints
Germany to introduce coronavirus 'immunity
certificates' for recovered public
How ‘war’ with coronavirus could lead to lasting
government overreach
Banks To Make Billions On
Small Business Bailout
The Fed Asks for BlackRock’s Help in an Echo of 2008
I’ve read the plans to reopen the economy. They’re
The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
World Economic Forum - COVID Action Platform
Public-private cooperation for pandemic preparedness
and response
Event 201 - Public Private Partnership Pandemic Call
to Action
The Naval War College Ran a Pandemic War Game in 2019.
The Conclusions Were Eerie.
The Naval War College - Urban Outbreak 2019
Henry Kissinger - The Coronavirus Pandemic Will
Forever Alter the World Order
Deaths: Leading Causes for 2017
United States Life Tables, 2017
CV: CDC Issues New Guidelines
To Doctors On How To Fill Out Death Certificate ...
Fraudulently (link broken)