Oct. 1, 2008  (#174)


Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 1, 2008:

"The World is to be Plundered and Shaped, You See,
It's in 'Project for a New American Century,'
With Plundering and Killing Across Each Border
That Refuses to Join in the New World Order,
A Degenerate Society to be Used as a Weapon,
To Destabilise Others, Degrade, Learn the Lesson,
Sex, Violence and Might to be Pushed as the Norm,
Heralding Hell, Elites' New Dawn is Born"
© Alan Watt Oct. 1, 2008


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 1, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

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Hi folks, I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on Oct 1st, 2008.  For newcomers, I ask you to go in to www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  That’s the official web site.  Download as many of the previous talks I’ve given in the past as possible and listen to them at your leisure.  There’s lots of data in there that will piece the big picture together for you because we need, basically, short cuts to what’s happening in the world today.  There’s so much data but not enough REALITY involved in the data.  That’s the problem and that’s also intentional.  Also look in to www.alanwattsentientsentinel.eu for transcripts which you can download and print up in the various languages of Europe. 


Right off the bat, I have to tell people that there are web sites out there that piggy-back on mine and appear to be mine but THEY’RE NOT.  My sites are listed on www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  Anything else is not mine.  Even if I’m on it, it’s not mine.  Also www.alanwattsentientsentinel.eu is the only authorized site out there in my name.  There are people who, as I say, piggy-back.  They have ulterior motives.  Casual people who walk in to those sites and piggy-back on search engines will think it’s me.  These are done with malicious intent.  That’s the purpose of them.  You just have to go through page after page before you find out that it’s someone else… if you get that far.  Other people, they just get turned off. 


There’s so much that’s happening in the world today that people haven’t a clue what goes on in the information business, they’re preoccupied with the media and what the media gives them but they don’t know there’s a war going on with information.  A REAL WAR.  I’ve read some of the transcripts on the air, articles from major media to do with the cyber wars that are going on from official sources.  They set up these teams years ago.  What they try and do is take you down.  They also do emulate your sites.  They try and defame you if they can’t get you financially and I had that too.  You get attacked from all kinds of different roads.  Last week, some guy was selling my books on his site under a patriot guise and I wondered why I wasn’t selling any books here.  That’s what they do.  They try and cut the finances from under your feet and you fall.  It’s quite simple.  If they can’t do that, they get to you under other guises. 


For young people, I tell them, you can certainly rebroadcast what I put out there but be honest and fair about it and tell them who owns the site, right on the front page, in big bold letters.  I don’t authorize any forums.  I have nothing to do with them… so don’t expect me to authorize or say this is my forum.  It doesn’t happen.  Forums are set up there so that everyone can go at each other with ego and battles and opinions.  In the cyber wars, you haven’t a clue who you’re talking to.  YOU HAVEN’T A CLUE.  They do have them out there working for military agencies, going through all these chat rooms and dragging people down in to the mud.  I’ll be back with more after this following break. 


Hi folks.  I’m Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through this Matrix, this big, incredibly complex matrix that most people think is reality but their realities are INDUCED realities and their opinions are induced as well.  They’re broadcast IN to them and the collective mentality takes over.  You judge your sanity by what everyone else thinks and does.  You don’t want to be different. 


Before I go to this next topic, which is an important topic, as I say, remember, there’s a REAL WAR GOING ON in information.  I’ve watched people over the years go down through many different tactics and dirty tactics being used upon them.  It will not happen to me.  Last week, I was able to get in touch with some people – I’ve got lots of friends all over the place – who can give visits to those who are doing the dirty on me.  This will not be allowed to happen.  I watched it happen to many before me.  I’ve seen Bill Cooper go down too and he was halved in two WITH BULLETS from SWAT teams that were sent out to kill him.  This is a real war that’s going on.  It’s not fun… by any means.  Those who get involved, better know what they’re doing because war has been declared upon them by their own higher agencies.  ‘You’re either with us or you’re for the terrorists’.  ‘Terrorists’ includes all those who disagree with this whole New American Century policy.  And they play for keeps.  They’re not messing around.  Therefore, you can only be responsible for what you say yourself and that’s what I do.  I really resent it when people use deceptive methods to try and lure people in to their sites, people who will think that it’s mine.  I know what I say and I know WHAT to say.  You can’t be responsible for other people… who can’t be responsible for themselves. 


This article I’m about to read is important and I’m going to tell you where it comes from at the end, otherwise you’ll all rush off to punch it up and you won’t be listening to my comments upon it.  This was printed in 1997; it’s a few pages from a magazine.  It ties in with The New American Century.  If you wonder why we’re going down this path we’re going today, economically and all the other things that are being used, all the big changes that are happening today AND wars, economic wars, economic resources and it also tells you the arrogance - if you listen to the wording of it - of how the elite (This was written by people who are up there) what they think of you… the profane, as they call you, those in the darkness, those who never know reality.  It says here,

[Underscoring added]


We have entered an age of constant conflict.  (Alan:  You’ve heard that now, CONSTANT CONFLICT.  This is being TAUGHT in all military academies.  Has been for a few years.  This is 1997.)  Information is at once our core commodity and the most destabilizing factor of our time. Until now, history has been a quest to acquire information; today, the challenge lies in managing information. (A: MANAGING information, remember.  It’s managed.) Those of us who can sort, digest, synthesize, and apply relevant knowledge soar--professionally, financially, politically, militarily, and socially. We, the winners, are a minority. (A: This is by those at the top.  This also ties in with the New American Century agenda and the Project for A New American Century, which Pearle, Wolfowitz and all those characters at the top belong to.  This is from the 90s.)


For the world masses (A:  That’s all of you out there.), devastated by information (A:  DEVASTATED by INFORMATION) they cannot manage or effectively interpret, life is "nasty, brutish . . . and short-circuited." The general pace of change is overwhelming, and information is both the motor and signifier of change. Those humans, in every country and region, who cannot understand the new world, or who cannot profit from its uncertainties, or who cannot reconcile themselves to its dynamics, will become the violent enemies of their inadequate governments, of their more fortunate neighbors, and ultimately of the United States. We are entering a new American century, in which we will become still wealthier (A:  Now, he’s talking about his own higher class.), culturally more lethal (A:  CULTURALLY MORE LETHAL… think about that.), and increasingly powerful. We will excite hatreds without precedent. (A:  What did we hear in 2001?  They HATE us.  Our targets hate us.  Our TARGETS, you see, hate us.  Double-speak.)


We live in an age of multiple truths. He who warns of the "clash of civilizations" is incontestably right; simultaneously, we shall see higher levels of constructive trafficking between civilizations than ever before. The future is bright--and it is also very dark. More men and women will enjoy health and prosperity than ever before, yet more will live in poverty or tumult, if only because of the ferocity of demographics. There will be more democracy (A:  Then they define it...)--that deft liberal form of imperialism--and greater popular refusal of democracy. One of the defining bifurcations of the future will be the conflict between information masters and information victims. (A:  There’s a war on for your mind, you see.)


In the past, information empowerment was largely a matter of insider and outsider, as elementary as the division of society into the literate and illiterate. While superior information--often embodied in military technology--killed throughout history, its effects tended to be politically decisive but not personally intrusive (once the raping and pillaging were done). Technology was more apt to batter down the city gates than to change the nature of the city. The rise of the modern West broke the pattern. Whether speaking of the dispossessions and dislocations caused in Europe through the introduction of machine-driven production or elsewhere by the great age of European imperialism, an explosion of disorienting information intruded ever further into Braudel's "structures of everyday life." Historically, ignorance was bliss. Today, ignorance is no longer possible, only error.


The contemporary expansion of available information is immeasurable, uncontainable, and destructive to individuals and entire cultures unable to master it. (A:  What they’re telling you here is that information is USED AS A WEAPON.)  The radical fundamentalists--the bomber in Jerusalem or Oklahoma City, the moral terrorist on the right or the dictatorial multiculturalist on the left--are all brothers and sisters, all threatened by change, terrified of the future, and alienated by information they cannot reconcile with their lives or ambitions. They ache to return to a golden age that never existed, or to create a paradise of their own restrictive design. They no longer understand the world, and their fear is volatile. (A:  I’m showing you here how they’ve got the people pegged.)


Information destroys traditional jobs and traditional cultures; it seduces, betrays, yet remains invulnerable. How can you counterattack the information others have turned upon you? There is no effective option other than competitive performance. For those individuals and cultures that cannot join or compete with our information empire, there is only inevitable failure (of note, the internet is to the techno-capable disaffected what the United Nations is to marginal states: it offers the illusion of empowerment and community (A:  the illusion)). The attempt of the Iranian mullahs to secede from modernity has failed, although a turbaned corpse still stumbles about the neighborhood. Information, from the internet to rock videos, will not be contained, and fundamentalism cannot control its children. Our victims volunteer. (A:  They’re telling you that through information they’ll also CONQUER.  They create the beginning of a corrupt culture, which they rule, will overtake the world.) 


These noncompetitive cultures, such as that of Arabo-Persian Islam or the rejectionist segment of our own population, are enraged. Their cultures are under assault; their cherished values have proven dysfunctional, and the successful move on without them. The laid-off blue-collar worker in America and the Taliban militiaman in Afghanistan are brothers in suffering.


It is a truism that throughout much of the 20th century the income gap between top and bottom narrowed, whether we speak of individuals, countries, or in some cases continents. Further, individuals or countries could "make it" on sheer muscle power and the will to apply it. You could work harder than your neighbor and win in the marketplace. There was a rough justice in it, and it offered near-ecumenical hope. That model is dead. Today, there is a growing excess of muscle power in an age of labor-saving machines and methods. In our own country, we have seen blue-collar unions move from center stage to near-irrelevance. The trend will not reverse. At the same time, expectations have increased dramatically. There is a global sense of promises broken, of lies told. Individuals on much of the planet believe they have played by the rules laid down for them (in the breech, they often have not), only to find that some indefinite power has changed those rules overnight. (A:  Try the banking system, etc.)  The American who graduated from high school in the 1960s expected a good job that would allow his family security and reasonably increasing prosperity. For many such Americans, the world has collapsed, even as the media tease them with images of an ever-richer, brighter, fun world from which they are excluded. These discarded citizens sense that their government is no longer about them, but only about the privileged. Some seek the solace of explicit religion. Most remain law-abiding, hard-working citizens. Some do not.


I’ll be back with more from this article, then I’ll tell you later where it’s from and it’s very, very important and interesting.  See you in a minute.


Hi folks.  I’m Alan Watt and we are Cutting Through The Matrix, continuing with an article which is very pertinent to the agenda, the big agenda.  It also gives you glimpses in to what’s already been done to your OWN culture and civilization… intentionally, if you read it correctly.  Now it’s time to bring the whole world down.  It says here


The foreign twin is the Islamic, or sub-Saharan African, or Mexican university graduate who faces a teetering government, joblessness, exclusion from the profits of the corruption distorting his society, marriage in poverty or the impossibility of marriage, and a deluge of information telling him (exaggeratedly and dishonestly) how well the West lives. (A:  That’s what they feed the people outside the Americas.  The illusion.  It’s used as a weapon, you see.)  In this age of television-series franchising, videos, and satellite dishes, this young, embittered male (A:  Remember too, they talk about war on the youth coming up, across the planet.) gets his skewed view of us from reruns of Dynasty and Dallas, or from satellite links beaming down Baywatch, sources we dismiss too quickly as laughable and unworthy of serious consideration as factors influencing world affairs. But their effect is destructive beyond the power of words to describe. (A:  You see, that’s already been done on the American culture by those who rule America.  Now they’re using it across the world.)  Hollywood goes where Harvard never penetrated, and the foreigner, unable to touch the reality of America, is touched by America's irresponsible fantasies of itself; he sees a devilishly enchanting, bluntly sexual, terrifying world from which he is excluded, a world of wealth he can judge only in terms of his own poverty.


Most citizens of the globe are not economists; they perceive wealth as inelastic, its possession a zero-sum game. If decadent America (as seen on the screen) is so fabulously rich, it can only be because America has looted one's own impoverished group or country or region. Adding to the cognitive dissonance, the discarded foreigner cannot square the perceived moral corruption of America (A:  He can’t see how it’s already been destroyed morally.), a travesty of all he has been told to value, with America's enduring punitive power. How could a nation whose women are "all harlots" stage Desert Storm? It is an offense to God, and there must be a demonic answer, a substance of conspiracies and oppression in which his own secular, disappointing elite is complicit. This discarded foreigner's desire may be to attack the "Great Satan America," but America is far away (for now), so he acts violently in his own neighborhood. He will accept no personal guilt for his failure, nor can he bear the possibility that his culture "doesn't work." The blame lies ever elsewhere. The cult of victimization is becoming a universal phenomenon, and it is a source of dynamic hatreds. (A:  What they’re telling you is how much they despise those who will not, as Darwin said, keep up and adapt in the survival of the fittest game.  Because remember, they believe in this.)


It is fashionable among world intellectual elites to decry "American culture," with our domestic critics among the loudest in complaint. But traditional intellectual elites are of shrinking relevance, replaced by cognitive-practical elites--figures such as Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Madonna, or our most successful politicians--human beings who can recognize or create popular appetites, recreating themselves as necessary. Contemporary American culture is the most powerful in history, and the most destructive of competitor cultures. While some other cultures, such as those of East Asia, appear strong enough to survive the onslaught by adaptive behaviors (A:  There’s your Darwin, again.), most are not. The genius, the secret weapon, of American culture is the essence that the elites despise: ours is the first genuine people's culture. It stresses comfort and convenience--ease--and it generates pleasure for the masses. (A: it generates pleasure for the masses.)  We are Karl Marx's dream, and his nightmare.


Secular and religious revolutionaries in our century have made the identical mistake, imagining that the workers of the world or the faithful just can't wait to go home at night to study Marx or the Koran. Well, Joe Sixpack, Ivan Tipichni, and Ali Quat would rather "Baywatch." America has figured it out, and we are brilliant at operationalizing our knowledge, and our cultural power will hinder even those cultures we do not undermine. There is no "peer competitor" in the cultural (or military) department. Our cultural empire has the addicted--men and women everywhere--clamoring for more. And they pay for the privilege of their disillusionment.


American culture is criticized for its impermanence, its "disposable" products. But therein lies its strength. All previous cultures sought ideal achievement which, once reached, might endure in static perfection. American culture is not about the end, but the means, the dynamic process that creates, destroys, and creates anew. If our works are transient, then so are life's greatest gifts--passion, beauty, the quality of light on a winter afternoon, even life itself. American culture is alive.


This vividness, this vitality, is reflected in our military; we do not expect to achieve ultimate solutions, only constant improvement. All previous cultures, general and military, have sought to achieve an ideal form of life and then fix it in cement. Americans, in and out of uniform, have always embraced change (though many individuals have not, and their conservatism has acted as a healthy brake on our national excesses). American culture is the culture of the unafraid.


I’ll be back with more about this agenda which is in action right now, after this break.


Hi folks.  This is Alan Watt and we are Cutting Through The Matrix.  I’m reading an article.  At the end I’ll tell you where it comes from.  It might not surprise you at this stage to tell you that every officer in the US military is being taught this, this content, from right through the whole 1990s, to do with what’s happening today, why it’s happening and where it’s going.  It says


Ours is also the first culture that aims to include rather than exclude. (A: I’m showing you how they’re using it as a weapon.  I should also mention that back in 1960s, early 70s, the Royal Institute of International Affairs / the Council on Foreign Relations had their big meeting in England to decide which culture industry would give the culture to the world.  Now here they’re telling you that they’re using it as a weapon.  But first, you see, they have to use it on their own people to break down and separate them so there’s no opposition to government.  Now it’s to be used abroad, using the same culture.)  The films most despised by the intellectual elite--those that feature extreme violence and to-the-victors-the-spoils sex--are our most popular cultural weapon, bought or bootlegged nearly everywhere. American action films, often in dreadful copies, are available from the Upper Amazon to Mandalay. They are even more popular than our music, because they are easier to understand (A:  for the foreigner.). The action films of a Stallone or Schwarzenegger or Chuck Norris rely on visual narratives that do not require dialog for a basic understanding. They deal at the level of universal myth, of pre-text, celebrating the most fundamental impulses (although we have yet to produce a film as violent and cruel as the Iliad). They feature a hero, a villain, a woman to be defended or won--and violence and sex. Complain until doomsday; it sells. The enduring popularity abroad of the shopworn Rambo series tells us far more about humanity than does a library full of scholarly analysis.


When we speak of a global information revolution, the effect of video images is more immediate and intense than that of computers. Image trumps text in the mass psyche (A:  In your brain, in your head, it FIXES itself there.), and computers remain a textual the outgrowth, demanding high-order skills: computers demarcate the domain of the privileged. We use technology to expand our wealth, power, and opportunities. (A: Now, he’s not talking about the general population here, remember.)  The rest get high on pop culture. (A: This is the Nazis.)  If religion is the opium of the people, video is their crack cocaine. When we and they collide, they shock us with violence, but, statistically, we win.


As more and more human beings are overwhelmed by information, or dispossessed by the effects of information-based technologies, there will be more violence. (A: This is a fact that you’re going to have no privacy.)  Information victims will often see no other resort. As work becomes more cerebral, those who fail to find a place will respond by rejecting reason. We will see countries and continents divide between rich and poor in a reversal of 20th-century economic trends. Developing countries will not be able to depend on physical production industries, because there will always be another country willing to work cheaper. The have-nots will hate and strive to attack the haves. (A: They’re talking about 30, 40 years war, remember.  I’ve read these articles before from the Department of Defense.  I’m filling in little places here for you, in between that, to show you why it’s happening or why it’s going to happen.)  And we in the United States will continue to be perceived as the ultimate haves. (A:  Perceived, remember, perception, NOT REALITY.)  States will struggle for advantage or revenge as their societies boil. Beyond traditional crime, terrorism will be the most common form of violence, but transnational criminality, civil strife, secessions, border conflicts, and conventional wars will continue to plague the world, albeit with the "lesser" conflicts statistically dominant. In defense of its interests, its citizens, its allies, or its clients, the United States will be required to intervene in some of these contests. (A: They call them contests.)  We will win militarily whenever we have the guts for it.


There will be no peace. (A: There will be no peace.  Remember that phrase, a hundred years war.)  At any given moment for the rest of our lifetimes, there will be multiple conflicts in mutating forms around the globe. Violent conflict will dominate the headlines, but cultural and economic struggles will be steadier and ultimately more decisive. (A: What’re we hearing right now, banks going under.)  The de facto role of the US armed forces will be to keep the world (A: Not the US but THE WORLD since they’re international.  Your military is international.) safe for our economy (A: That’s the elites’) and open to our cultural assault. (A: Do you hear that part too?  ‘Open to our cultural assault’.  They’re assaulting other nations with the culture.  If you don’t accept it, you die.)  To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing.


We are building an information-based military to do that killing. (A:  I’ll repeat that for the hard of thinking. ‘We are building an information-based military to do that killing’.) There will still be plenty of muscle power required, but much of our military art will consist in knowing more about the enemy than he knows about himself (A:  Well, what’s happening right home, in all the counties of the West?  Data collection about YOU.  All information collection is about you.), manipulating data for effectiveness and efficiency, and denying similar advantages to our opponents. This will involve a good bit of technology, but the relevant systems will not be the budget vampires, such as manned bombers and attack submarines, that we continue to buy through inertia, emotional attachment, and the lobbying power of the defense industry. Our most important technologies will be those that support soldiers and Marines on the ground, that facilitate command decisions, and that enable us to kill accurately and survive amid clutter (such as multidimensional urban battlefields). (A:  ‘multidimensional URBAN battlefields’.  Last week I read about regiments coming home to the US from Iraq and now they’re working alongside the police.  They’re for URBAN warfare) The only imaginable use for most of our submarine fleet will be to strip out the weapons, dock them tight, and turn the boats into low-income housing. (A:  That’s their little joke on the poor.)  There will be no justification for billion-dollar bombers at all.


For a generation, and probably much longer, we will face no military peer competitor. Our enemies will challenge us by other means. The violent actors we encounter often will be small, hostile parties possessed of unexpected, incisive capabilities or simply of a stunning will to violence (or both). Renegade elites, not foreign fleets, should worry us. The urbanization of the global landscape is a greater threat to our operations than any extant or foreseeable military system. We will not deal with wars of Realpolitik, but with conflicts spawned of collective emotions, sub-state interests, and systemic collapse. Hatred, jealousy, and greed--emotions rather than strategy--will set the terms of the struggles.


Constant Conflict


From Parameters, Summer 1997, pp. 4-14.



Then it goes on and on and on.  They tell you about the wars.  There will be economic wars and how they’re going to just LOOT the planet to make sure THEIR system survives.  They’ll loot the planet of all its resources, which again, I read the history of… starting with Britain in the 1500s and free trade and then the Royal Institute of International Affairs turning the world into a world of servants.  You’ll be a servant to the world state. 


Now, this is from Parameters magazine from the military, summer 1997 pages 4-14.  This is what they teach them in the military academies for officers. 


Before I go to the callers, there’s one more article I’d like to read to you to show you how debased society has become.  For those who know a little about history and there’s not many who do today, for those who can understand, this part, if they’ve seen the movie Braveheart where he’s hung, drawn and quartered at the end, which was traditional torture.  An execution, a public execution down through the ages by the wonderful Royalty of Britain, and other Royal families, all related to them.  The masses used to treat it like a fair.  They’d sell beer and food and the crowds would cheer and jeer.  That’s what you get under a totalitarian system.  The masses become utterly degraded and this follows on from that article I’ve just read, from the top and how they see the public, the general public or they perceive them… as the masses.  They’re so CONFIDENT we’ll act the way we’re meant to act.  This is from Britain.  It shows you how far the culture’s been plummeting and no wonder.  They’ve had years and years of basically, recessions and depressions in Britain and they feel pretty hopeless… and the worst, base instincts come to the surface in a society that has no hope.  They’re sarcastic and they tend to even hate each other.  This is from The Telegraph Media Group.  I think it’s today, in fact, October the 1st, 2008.


Suicide teenager urged to jump by baying crowd

A teenager jumped to his death after being egged on by a group of onlookers who were taking photographs and filming the tragedy on their mobile phones.

By Nick Britten

30 Sep 2008


Shaun Dykes, 17, plunged from the top of a city centre car park after police negotiators spent three hours trying to talk him down.


A 300-strong crowd of had gathered underneath, with a few shouting abuse at him and urging him to jump. One teenager even yelled: "How far can you bounce?"


Eventually Shaun leapt 60 feet onto the pavement below, dying instantly.


Police said none of those who were shouting at him were actually committing an offence.  (A:  No.  The mob, you see, the profane mob don’t commit an offense.  They do what they’re expected to do in a debased society.  You see, their culture was under attack too… for a long time.  You must debase your own cultures and dominate the people completely before you can use them as cannon fodder to dominate others.  That’s from the last article.)


But Supt Andy Hough, of Derbyshire police, said it was a "disturbing and shocking reflection on society when people feel inclined to do that".   (A:  Then it goes on about the rest of how it all happened and you get your usual, ‘tut-tut, that’s nasty and awful’, etc. from prominent figures of the town.)


But that’s the same thing.  It’s bread and circuses, you see.  You’re fed bread and circuses to the public for years and now you have the debased culture that emulates that which they’re indoctrinated with.  Expect more of this.  One day, they’ll be gathering at your door, when the cops are smashing it down or putting holes through it with bullets and they’ll be cheering them on.  Sad comment but true. 


Now, I’ll go to the phones and we’ve got Tom from Pennsylvania.  Are you there Tom?


Tom:  Alan, I’ve got a question for you about the Fiso family.  I’ve been doing some research about the family a couple of thousand years ago and I’m coming in to some information that they’re actually responsible for the creation of the New Testament.


Alan:  No.  They were not the ones who were responsible.  They were one of MANY families who  financed the churches in to being but they definitely were big wealthy tycoons back then.  They were basically doing the same work as the foundations do today, promoting that which could be of use to them.


Tom:  Now, this particular time period was more or less full of Gnostics and Jews and other types of religions and then what did they do?  They just created a religion at that time out of basically what was around them so it would be familiar to the people and then of course, we have what we have today in the form of the Gospels and that?


Alan:  Well, they definitely used what was available to them but it came in… It always comes under… you can not create a TRUTH from anyone without it being plagiarized immediately and distorted by others and used for those who already rule.  Of course, the tycoons and the merchants of that day already ruled.  And a religion which unfortunately could be promulgated for PEACE… ‘turn the other cheek’ was very, very useful to these people and so they grabbed it right away.  Even before Constantine created or authorized it to be included within the Roman Empire’s religions, even before that, there were powerful groups working on it to use it to their own advantage.  But that would be the same with any truth in any era.


Tom:  I’ve spoken to you once before about the combining of the Old Testament with the New Testament to give us the Bible of today.  Is that when that melding process occurred?  Roughly around the 15th, 16th century or was it already happening before that?


Alan:  It was around the 15, 16th century.  Most historians will agree that was when a form of compromise was made.  Because they were enforcing LAWS for the new world to come and they had to turn to the Old Testament for all the rules and regulations, for the laws, and see what was acceptable and what was not acceptable.  They wanted also a judicial system to come out of it, a new type of judicial system, that had a pretense of giving the person a chance to survive.  Before that, if you were charged with any crime against the king, you were simply hung on the spot.  So they wanted to give us this new system, at least give a pretense of justice. 


Tom:  So people like Wycliffe and Tyndale, they were basically persecuted and prosecuted because they really could see through it and they really were for translating into the vernacular, for the common man, so…


Alan:  You’ll find that with Wycliffe, he was also a front, he was sort of goaded on by the nobility who wanted to take more power from the Royalty itself.  They were definitely behind HIM all the way.  Whether he was a willing fool or what, I don’t know but he did, he was heavily backed by the nobility of Britain as apposed to the actual Royal aristocracy and all the families. 


Tom:  Okay.  Alright.  Well, I’ve got some insight now as to what’s been going on and how that developed.  Thank you for the info, Alan.  I appreciate it.  We’ll see ya.


Alan:  Okay.  Take care.  We’ve also got Dale from Michigan.  Are you there Dale?


Dale:  Hi.  Alan.  There was a little entertainment in the United States this week when John McCain was supposed to be on the David Letterman show.  He told David Letterman that he couldn’t make it because he had to go to Washington and ‘sort out our economic problems’.  When they were reporting on it, they, as a little aside, they said, that he was having an interview with I think it was Katie Couric but he was also meeting with Lady Lynn DeRothschild.  If anybody knows anything, they should get on the internet and look up our Federal Reserve System because it’s privately held.  It’s not a part of our government.  Those who own it are the Rothschilds.  Anything that says CITI group, CITI bank, CITI corp, National CITI, CITI anything is owned by the Rothschilds and they are also… They bought Wachovia Bank, took over its assets. 


Alan:  Hold on and we’ll come back after this break.


Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix.  We’re talking to Dale from Michigan.  Are you still there Dale?


Dale:  Yes.


Alan:  What else did you want to say?


Dale:  There’s a really good video on the internet called Reign of Power and it goes in to the empire of the CITI and I can’t vouch for all of it.  It goes into the conspiratorial background of Jesus Christ and how it was… who it was supposed to be and everything.


Alan:  I know.  They give an awful spin on everything, but that’s the intent of it.


Dale:  I also wanted to say that you had mentioned that when you read or you watch something, it’s like, it’ll sink in later… a lot of the meaning.  I do the same thing.  If I’m reading a book, I’ll start conjugating a thought while I’m reading and I’ll have read like 15 pages and it’ll kind of sink in but it won’t, you know, consciously.


Alan:  I know.


Dale:  But, The Time Machine.  The latest version, the 2002 version, Jeremy Irons talks about [inaudible] these of human beings and that those that are underground that survived in the caverns under the earth are predators and that he controls the species above ground and below by mind control.  And that if he didn’t control them than within a matter of months they would consume the entire food supply which are the humans on the surface.  I’m always looking for more information on symbolism and I’ve bought all kinds of books and sometimes strange symbology also helps you out.  I had a dream when I was a kid about cannibals that came up from the underworld that would take people below and chop them up into like a human salad and feed on them.  I kept having this dream until I finally followed them underground and killed them.  Then it was like everybody came back to life and went up to the surface.  When you look up cannibalism it stands for incest, which is what these people are in to completely.


Alan:  It’s also Cain and Abel.  Cain destroys Abel and you have Can-abel, you see.


Dale:  Yeah.  I though it was really interesting in Melchisedec and the Mystery of Fire, Manly Hall says that the Freemasons are not really Freemasons.  They’re Fer My Son [spelling uncertain] which is brotherhood of the sun.


Alan:  The light.


Dale:  And that they are the offspring of Cain and that they are rapacious.  You know, he says this.


Alan:  Well you got to understand that Freemasonry teaches them as they go up the ladder, it’s their right and duty to prey upon the profane masses.


Dale:  And you wonder what it is that makes us profane.


Alan:  I know.  If you look at the military, just look at the military emblems, watch them marching, how they square up and all the rest of it.  They’re a purely Freemasonic institution and how they salute, you know, the sal… they’re actually saluting the sun.  You’re actually putting the hand over the one eye.  That’s the eye of Ra.  Everything in the military is Freemasonic.  You start every journey from ancient Egypt to today, look at the stelas with the left, ‘by the left foot forward’.  That’s how it starts, the long, long march.  So the cult, the cult is ALL AROUND YOU AT ALL TIMES and the public see it not.  These guys run your entire system from the top to the bottom and give you rituals on television every day. 


That’s the music for the end of the night.  From Hamish and myself, up in Ontario, Canada, it’s good night and may your God or your Gods GO with you.





"Constant Conflict" by Ralph Peters, 'Parameters' Summer 1997, pp. 4-14 (carlisle.army.mil).

"Suicide teenager urged to jump by baying crowd" by Nick Britten (telegraph.co.uk) - Sept. 30, 2008.



Transcribed by Diana