Podcast with Alan Watt
and "Real History" with Melissa Podcast


Redux (Alan Watt's talks with a new intro) and Real History podcasts are released regularly. If you would like to receive these, here is one way you can.

1. Download ITunes software if you don't have it already.

2. Install on your computer, if need be.

3. Run ITunes program.

4. Click on the Advanced text atop the ITunes window.

5. Select Subscribe to podcast.

6. A window appears reading: Subscribe to podcast URL:

7. Enter: http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/AlanWattPodCast.xml
OR copy this link and paste into the Subscribe to podcast window.
Then, click [OK].

8. ITunes should begin downloading the show.

Email CTTM if you have any difficulties.

For the "Real History" with Melissa Podcast, please click here: